Monday, March 14, 2011

Wholesale Butterfly Cookies

Galileo Galilei Ambrosio 1909

The action takes place in the first half of the seventeenth century. Galileo is intended to his favorite studies, while in his house a home his attempts to seduce the daughter of the scientist dismissed the complaint, the slave master to the Holy Office. Galileo's house is searched, if you took away his writings, his daughter is arrested and then imprisoned in a nunnery. The Inquisition is contrary to the dictates of religion, the writings of Galileo order that it be burned, forcing the scientist to deny their own theories. Galileo's last scene, blind, surrounded by a few devoted friends, is dying in the arms of her daughter, which was allowed to rush to embrace for the last time.

Production SA Ambrosio 1909 (Gold Series)
staging of Luigi Maggi, Arturo Ambrosio. Subject
of Henry Birch.
Operator John Vitrotti.
Performers: Oreste Grandi, Luiggi Maggi, Lydia de Roberti (picture in post), Umberto Mozzato, Mirra Principi.

Film restored by the Cinematheque of Friuli - Museo Nazionale del Cinema from a nitrate print donated by Armando Giuffrida, 35 mm, safety, negative, b / w, 192 m. in Italian.

found, restored and invisible to the Armando Giuffrida (and this writing), which won (free) copy to the Film Library of Friuli. ... So, no comment ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Owner Financed Sailboats

Pauli Ambrosio 1910

Trama: Un articolo su La Gazzetta di Bologna del 23 gennaio 1840 dava la notizia dell'improvvisa scomparsa di Pauli, un noto cospiratore, carbonaro e patriota corso, evaso dalla fortezza delle Tre Torri in cui era imprigionato, ferito e non più rintracciato. Il 27 giugno lo stesso giornale spiegava l'accaduto.
La sera del 23 maggio il fuggiasco aveva trovato rifugio nel palazzo del duca di Cesena, dove si stava svolgendo una festa in maschera, ed era stato accolto e curato segretamente: appena ristabilito sarebbe stato aiutato a espatriare in Dalmazia o in Grecia. Ma una sera il Duca scorgeva Pauli mentre baciava di nascosto la Duchessa: non aveva detto niente; ma si era recato subito to the police station to report the presence of the fugitive in his home. The next day, while the Dukes were leaving for a ride, had appeared from the woods a squad of gendarmes came to arrest Pauli. The Duchess, including the betrayal of her husband, after hitting him with his whip, ran home to alert Pauli, but too late, the garden was now surrounded. The woman was hit while he was protecting her lover by a shot of the cops, while Paul is shot in the head and the two hugged each die.
(from the original brochure of the Company Ambrosio)

staging of Luigi Maggi. Operator: John Vitrotti. Written by: Henry Birch. Cast: Alberto A. Capozzi (Pauli), Mary Cléo Tarlarini (la Duchessa), Luigi Maggi (il Duca di Cesena), Mirra Principi, Ercole Vaser, Serafino Vité.
Produzione Società Ambrosio 1909-1910. (Serie Oro), m. 190.

Una copia di 150 m. alla Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin (Claudia Gianetto nel volume Società Anonima Ambrosio: cinema muto nei documenti d'epoca, Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema, Roma 2002).

Re-ritrovata adesso su Lost Films .

Altri documenti su questo film: Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Collezioni online, Documenti del cinema muto torinese.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

150 Original Pokemon Chart

Carnevalesca Cines 1918

Staging of Hamlet Palermi subject Lucio D'Ambra.
Operator: John Grimaldi.
Cast: Lyda Borelli, Livio Pavanelli, Renato Visca, Gino Cucchetti.

Film restored by the Film Library of Bologna in 1993, a copy of the archive Sodre in Montevideo, 1500 m (55 ').

"The action of this bouquet of four carnivals held in the castle of Malaysia. Carnival

white show the young sons of a sovereign and their cousins \u200b\u200band cousins \u200b\u200benjoying themselves in festive games and fantastic.

Years pass.

Luciano, heir to the crown, falls in love with Lyda. And the carnival is blue.

But when he realizes that si cerca di strappare Lyda alla sua passione, rinunzia al trono e fugge con lei. La fuga del principe alimenta le ambizioni tra i cugini che aspirano allo scettro: si distruggeranno tra di loro. Ed è il carnevale rosso.

Tra gli aspiranti vi è Carlo, che pensa di essere il prescelto, ma, temendo che il vecchio re possa cambiare idea e richiamare il legittimo erede, tesse un'insidia a Luciano e lo pugnala a tradimento. Ed è il carnevale nero.» (dalla brochure originale del film)

« Fassini mi mandò a chiamare: Venga alla Cines a far colazione con la Borelli e con me... La Borelli, alla Cines, ci abitava. Che quando tra un periodo e l'altro della sua vita d'attrice di prosa dava alcune weeks to film, Baron Fassini did not want to lose what little time is required to conduct even the half-hour car in the famous actress from his home theater. The allestivano So there, in the central building of the Chinese, an apartment and Lyda Borelli did not, leaving the bed, which make up the stairs to be in its imperial beauty blonde in front of the camera. And there Fassini Alberto came every day to supervise the work, locked in his big wool sweaters, with its step by Emperor Napoleon of filmmaking, unfailing courtesy, but in the dry and fast in the controls in the habit of hasty authority that came from ships war on which he had spent, brilliant officer Marine, the years of early youth. Then it was the second youth, as is now the third, who always has a youth Alberto Fassini parts to be forever young. Intelligent and brilliant, enlightened, many experiences of, Baron Fassini wanted to give the Chinese a production of prestige than any other film. A man of taste, culture, wide artistic sense, not followed by industrial submissive, its various directors. But all of them dominated and instead, like on the ancients his ships, calling them a happy relationship. There was in him a desire to elevate the tone of the film and bring it to an authentic expression of art. So one morning at his table avutomi next to Lyda Borelli, commanded by Admiral dry and short in the tone that speaks to the officer asking him to call a spear in the sea: "In ten days, a film for your Lyda Borelli, a vast, artistic, magnificent, and worthy of her 's his art ...". I wrote Carnevalesca : a bold attempt to symbolic and allegorical film divided into three phases and comments: a carnival that was the white world of happy adolescence in young people the principles of a great imperial court, a carnival, red, and burning in the blind fury of life, passion and bloody debt those first innocent black and a carnival which was the visual poem of old age, and blacks in a world of ghosts, survivors gathered around the dark ombre d'un tragico passato. Occorrevano al film, negli episodi visivi e corali dei tre pittoreschi carnevali, larghi commenti musicali ed una specie di sinfonia dei suoni che accompagnasse la sinfonia dei colori. Si pensò a Mascagni, si pensò a Zandonai: impegnati l'uno e l'altro in opere nuove. E il film, al quale la musica, la grande musica, era indispensabile, rimase senza uno dei suoi principali elementi, affidando il sostrato lirico della composizione visivi solo ai commenti rabberciati delle orchestrine dei cinema cucendo insieme vecchi motivi verdiani e valzer viennesi.

Amleto Palermi inscenò Carnevalesca . Lyda Borelli ne fu stupenda interprete in un imponente gruppo d'attori tra i quali, tentato momentaneamente the film was also a fine Venetian poet, then a young journalist, and later that were strengthened by solid race and political writer, Gino Cucchetti. The film work of this particular result is that ten composers saw in Carnevalesca without music, the possibility of a great opera. First it was written by Giacomo Puccini. Meeting his letter, Milan: "I admired Carnevalesca last night. The people who applauded the film does not ever last night, in my presence, they clapped his hands. Operon that there would be in there! We want to talk about it? I will be in Rome next week. He always spoke with Puccini undecided, without concluding anything. And others, after Puccini, thought all'opera. Due o tre librettisti addirittura elaborarono schemi di libretto. Troppi galli a cantare!... Il giorno non venne. E l'opera lirica è ancora da farsi, mentre Carnevalesca , nel cimitero senza croci delle pellicole, nella fossa comune della vecchia cinematografia, è sepolta e dimenticata, senza un fiore, senza una lacrima...»
Lucio D'Ambra (Gli anni della feluca, Lucarini 1989)

E Carnevalesca, restaurata e presentata nel festival Il Cinema Ritrovato di Bologna edizione 1993, esce ogni tanto dal Pantheon dei Film Italiani Ritrovati Restaurati Invisibili... Pochi giorni fa a Venezia, Videoteca Pasinetti.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Braun Self Cleaning Shavers

Implementation of Resolution No. 112/2010 of 28 October 2010 CIVITATE


With Decision No. 112/2010 of 28 October 2010, the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of the government approved the "Structure and method of preparation of the Plan's performance" (Article 10, paragraph 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree October 27, 2009, No 150), containing operating instructions for the preparation of planning document which initiates the cycle of performance management.
The decision is immediately applicable to the ministries, companies and government departments to an autonomous public organizations to national economic and tax agencies (with the exception of the State Property) and contains guidelines for the regions, local authorities and the NHS, in the course of the adaptation of the laws of local authorities with the principles contained in Legislative Decree 150, 2009.

Purpose, Content and General Principles

• Aims

The Plan is the tool which starts the cycle of performance management (article 4 of Decree). It is a three-year planning document that, in line with the resources allocated are set out objectives, indicators and targets will be based on which then the measurement, evaluation and reporting of performance.

The plan is drafted with the aim of assicurare:

• la qualità della rappresentazione della performance dal momento che in esso è esplicitato il processo e la modalità con cui si è arrivati a formulare gli obiettivi dell’amministrazione, nonché l’articolazione complessiva degli stessi. Questo consente la verifica interna ed esterna del livello di coerenza con i requisiti metodologici che, secondo il decreto, devono caratterizzare gli obiettivi.

• la comprensibilità della rappresentazione della performance. Nel Piano viene esplicitato il “legame” che sussiste tra i bisogni della collettività, la missione istituzionale, le priorità politiche, le strategie, gli obiettivi e gli indicatori dell’amministrazione, so that this document be drafted so as to permit easy reading and understanding of its contents.

• the reliability of the representation of performance that is credible only if it is verifiable ex post the correct approach in the planning process (principles, stages, times, people) and its findings (targets, indicators, targets).

• Contents

within the plan should be reported:

- addresses and strategic and operational objectives;

- indicators for measuring and evaluating the performance of the administration;

- the objectives assigned to staff dirigenziale ed i relativi indicatori.
In particolare occorre che nel Piano siano presenti i seguenti ulteriori contenuti:
a) la descrizione della “identità” dell’amministrazione e, cioè, di quegli elementi che consentono di identificare “chi è” (mandato istituzionale e missione) e “che cosa fa” l’amministrazione (declinazione della missione e del mandato in aree strategiche, obiettivi strategici ed operativi).
b) l’evidenza delle risultanze dell’analisi del contesto interno ed esterno all’amministrazione. Ad esempio: attraverso l’analisi del contesto esterno si ricavano informazioni importanti sull’evoluzione dei bisogni della community and, in general, the expectations of stakeholders, which are essential for the quality of the representation of the performance.
c) the evidence of the process followed to develop the plans and actions to improve the performance management cycle. • General principles

In drafting the Plan must be complied with the following general principles:

• 1: Transparency

The administration has an obligation to communicate the process and content of the Plan consistent with the discipline of Ordinance and Commission guidance. • No

2: Immediate intelligibility

The plan must be small size and easy to understand even to external stakeholders (users, suppliers, citizens, associations, etc.).. • No

3: Truth and verifiability

The contents of the Plan shall correspond to reality, and for each indicator must indicate the source of origin of the data. The data enable the indicators need to be traceable. • No

4: Participation

is appropriate that the Plan is defined by active involvement of executives and, in turn, should foster the involvement of staff relating to its organization. • No

5: internal and external consistency

The contents of the Plan must be consistent with the reference context (external consistency) and with the tools and resources (human, equipment, financial) available (internal consistency, economic and human resources.

• 6: Horizon multi

The timeframe of the plan is three years, with breakdown into annual targets, according to a scroll. The structure of the document must allow a comparison in the same year with the Report on performance.

In the definition of plan should also take into account two elements:

• Connection and integration with the process and planning documents economic and financial budgets.

• gradual adaptation to the principles and continuous improvement

Structure, content and how to define the plan

structure determines the setting, ie the shape of the Plan, and the content defines what is written in every section of the Plan.

The process of defining the Plan follows five logical steps:

a) defining the identity of the organization;

b) analysis of the external and internal

c) definition of strategic objectives and strategies;

d) operational definition of the objectives of operational plans;

e) communication of the plan inside and out.

The completion of the five logical steps allows the drafting and adoption of the Plan.

What To Do With Smelly Toilet?

The Measurement and Evaluation of the Performance Plan




• Setting objectives • Establish

sizes, ie the indicators that are faithful mirror of the same

• Systematically

the value of the indicators and evaluating the performance WANT TO SAY:

• What contribution has affected the level of achievement of the objectives of the organization.

One fundamental and indispensable step is to measure how the evaluation is the definition of objectives and the distinction between what the strategy is OPERATIONAL

The strategic objectives identified in a synthetic way, the final effect that we intend to produce in terms of change in the "social need" and the general approach the specific activities that can be put in place to achieve it.

are defined in accordance with the policy priorities identified and belong to one of four strategic areas within which the action takes place by the Administration.

The strategic objectives have generally lasts three years, consistent with the financial programming contained in the budget.

strategic objectives under Article. 5 of Legislative Decree No 150/2009, must be: •

important and relevant to the needs of the community, the institutional mission, priorities, policies and management strategies;

• specific and measurable in concrete terms and clear;

enough to cause a significant improvement in the quality of services and interventions;

• related to a given time frame;

• commensurate with the references from standards defined at national and international, as well as comparisons with government counterparts;

• comparable with the trend in productivity of the administration with reference, where possible, at least three years;

• related to the quantity and quality of resources available .

Achievement has the strategic objective as a necessary, but not always sufficient, the effective implementation of planned activities or, in other words, the achievement of operational objectives.

operational objectives are the objectives of administrative action relating to the annual cycle of budget and resources allocated to the centers of administrative responsibility.

operational objectives represent specific strategic objectives and are therefore functional to achieve them.

Generally, for each three-year strategic objective identified three operational objectives, one for each year, which define the actions planned by in three years.

Each operational objective is subsequently declined by the heads of the centers of administrative responsibility in the operational programs, which represent the means of achieving operational objectives.

New Arrow Rests For 2010

The Performance Plan is the tool that initiates the "cycle of performance management" (Article 4 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009).

E 'three-year planning document that, in line with the resources allocated are set out objectives, indicators and targets, the plan therefore defines the basic elements (goals, indicators and targets) that will build and then measuring , evaluation and reporting of performance.

According to art. 10, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009, the plan should be drafted with the aim of ensuring the quality, comprehensiveness and reliability of documents representation of performance, we must not forget that the same will be published on website of the City and should be easy to read and understanding by citizens (Article 11, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009).


The Plan is therefore an essential tool for the proper implementation of performance management cycle, which is why the Legislative Decree no. 150/2009 provides in the event of failure or non-annual update relevant sanctions at both the administration as a whole and private individuals, in particular the ban is expected to result in payment of the salaries of managers who appear to have contributed to the failure, by omission or inaction in fulfilling their duties, and the prohibition for administration to recruit employees or to the provision of consulting assignments or collaboration, however denominated (Article 10, paragraph 5, Legislative Decree no. 150/2009).

's still under discussion whether these sanctions are also applicable to local authorities and we are awaiting an official pronouncement on the issue.


accordance with art. 10, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009, in the Performance Plan must include:

1. and addresses the strategic and operational objectives;

2. indicators for measuring and evaluating the performance of the administration;

3. the objectives assigned to management personnel and the related indicators.

resolution No. 112/2010 the CIVITATE provides detailed operating instructions on the process, structure and content of the Performance Plan.

Reaffirming that the signs of CIVITATE are guidelines for local governments, as also stressed by the same CIVITATE and guidelines on a cycle of Anci di gestione delle performance, si evidenzia che gli enti locali possono utilizzare, oltre al Piano delle performance come da delibera CiVIT n. 112/2010, anche uno dei seguenti strumenti di programmazione già esistenti per dare avvio al ciclo di gestione della performance:

• il Piano Esecutivo di Gestione (P.E.G.) e/o Piano Dettagliato degli Obiettivi (P.D.O.);

• la Relazione Previsionale e Programmatica (R.P.P.).

Lo strumento prescelto dovrà essere però adattato a Piano delle Performance sulla base dei principi espressi dal D.Lgs. n. 150/2009, effettuando le seguenti modifiche/integrazioni:

• dovrà essere un documento programmatico triennale;

• in line with the resources allocated should be made explicit objectives, indicators and related targets;

• must be defined the basic elements on which to base the measurement, evaluation and reporting of performance;

• will enable the internal audit and external quality assurance system of goals and consistency that must characterize the same purpose;

• should be easy to understand (NB: remember that the same shall be published on the website to comply with the principle of institutional transparency to citizens), so the bond must be explained that there between the needs of users / citizens, the institutional mission, priorities, policies, strategies, objectives and indicators of the institution;

will also enable verification of the correct approach is an evaluation of the planning process (principles, phases, time, subjects) and its findings (targets, indicators, targets).

As explained in the guidelines of a hip in the field of performance management cycle, whatever the choice made by each local authority, should be included in the Plan in the following premise:

Summary of information of interest for citizens and for external stakeholders:

about us

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

what we do (areas of intervention, its activities and desired outcomes of interest for external recipients)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

how we

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

administration "in figures;

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

Context analysis:

analysis of the external environment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

analysis of the internal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

addition to the above, the following is the specific content of the document which starts the cycle management performance, as indicated Anci, depending on the choice made by individual institutions:

⇒ if the Authority decides to use the Forecasting and Planning Report:

a. strategic objectives (purpose);

b. operational objectives;

c. process and measures to improve the performance management cycle: •

phases, subjects and times of the process of drafting the Plan;

• consistency with the economic and financial planning and budgetary

• actions to improve the cycle performance management;

d. detection for the consolidation of public finances;

e. final considerations on the consistency of the programs according to regional development plans, sector plans and regional planning acts of the Region;

f. technical annexes (for content, please refer to the "working papers for the preparation of technical annexes" CIVITATE annexed to resolution No 112/2010).

⇒ If the Authority decides to use the Executive Management Plan / Detailed Plan objectives:

a) Strategic Objectives

• definition of the strategy arising from the integration of the broad political objectives and administrative

• identification of strategic objectives which result and related indicators and targets

b) Operational objectives

• graduation resource entry into chapters

• tiered services in cost centers

• graduation interventions in chapters

• clear links with the PDO

c) The process and measures to improve the performance management cycle: •

phases, subjects and times of the process of drafting the Plan

• consistency with the economic and financial programming and budget

• actions to improve the cycle Performance Management

d) Technical annexes (for Content rimanda alle “Carte di lavoro per la redazione degli allegati tecnici” allegate alla delibera CiVIT n. 112/2010).

⇒ se l’Ente decide di utilizzare il Piano delle Performance come da delibera CiVIT n. 112/2010:

a) Obiettivi strategici

b) Obiettivi operativi

c) Processo e azioni di miglioramento del Ciclo di gestione della performance:

• fasi, soggetti e tempi del processo di redazione del Piano

• coerenza con la programmazione economico-finanziaria e di bilancio

• azioni per il miglioramento del Ciclo di gestione della performance

d) Allegati tecnici (per il contenuto si rimanda alle “Carte di lavoro per la redazione degli allegati tecnici” allegate alla delibera CiVIT n. 112/2010).

Tempi di approvazione del Piano della performance:

con delibera n. 121/2010 la CiVIT ribadisce la necessità che vi sia uno stretto collegamento tra l’approvazione del bilancio e la predisposizione del Piano delle performance; pertanto, il termine del 31/01 per l’approvazione del Piano delle Performance non è tassativo per gli enti locali: tale strumento dovrà essere approvato unitamente al bilancio di previsione, che, ai sensi di legge, potrà avvenire anche successivamente a tale data.

Lo stesso potrà anche essere approvato unitamente al Piano Esecutivo di Management (PEG) in those institutions using this programming tool.

As regards methodology and fields of measurement and evaluation of organizational performance (Article 8 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009) and the pattern of indicators to be used, please refer to our Circular Staff explained in the December 17 2010 on the measurement system and performance appraisal.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Find Largest Black Clit

Employee Performance and use of own vehicle

The Court of Auditors, the United Chambers, after conflicting opinions on the subject ( Court decision No 949/2010 Conti Lombardia, Toscana Conti Court decision No 170/2010 ), by Resolution No. 8 of 07.02.2011 expressed the following opinion: "The employee who intends to rely on their own transport in order to facilitate its move, you can still obtain permission from the administration, with limited effect to obtain insurance coverage due under existing provisions. The provisions interior of the Administration will provide, if authorization to use your own vehicle, a compensation corresponding to the amount the employee would have spent if it were to use public transport where this would result in a more effective performance of the business, ensuring, for example , a more rapid return to service, savings in the night, the completion of a number maggiore di servizi."
è autorizzabile l’utilizzo del mezzo proprio da parte dei dipendenti per esigenze di servizio e, nel caso, il rimborso non potrà essere superiore al costo del mezzo pubblico che lo stesso dipendente avrebbe preso in alternativa.

Richiamando le due soluzioni esposte nella nostra circolare del 4 novembre 2010, si evidenzia che la Corte Conti Sezioni Riunite si colloca in una via di mezzo rispetto ad entrambe:

1. da un lato, concorda in parte con la Ragioneria Generale dello Stato (vedi Circolare n. 36 del 22/10/2010, peraltro condivisa dalla Corte dei Conti della Toscana con delibera n. 170/2010), per quanto riguarda il primo periodo del parere sopra richiamato: “Il employee who intends to rely on their own transport in order to facilitate its move, you can still obtain permission from the administration, with limited effect to obtain insurance coverage due under the current provisions .... "(see Solution No. 1 of our circular);

2. recognizes the other side, as explained by the Court of Auditors in Lombardia with Resolution No. 949/2010, the possibility that internal rules of the Administration provide, if authorization to use your own vehicle, a refund (see Recipe No. 2 of our circular), the difference lies in the fact that such reimbursement can not be equal to the actual costs incurred, but should be limited to the amount the employee would have spent if it were to use public transport.

The Court of Auditors, the United Chambers, believes that the choice "more affordable" should only be compared to the cost of public transport, without considering the indirect cost equal to the time taken by the employee for the shift, the same Court requires such compensation can be expected: ".... if this would result in a more effective performance, assuring, for example, a faster return to service, the savings in overnight, the completion of a greater number of services .... "

From a practical point of view of performing the service, it should be noted that there are places not served by public transport or where the use of public transport is not easy to carry out the service when you consider the time spent by the employee for the transfer. Paradoxically, in these cases for the city is "more affordable" the use of their own half by the employee, who, however, is of his own pocket to pay the difference between the actual costs incurred el'ipotetico cost of public transport ( Consider the example of-pocket expenses related to travel, eg, highway tolls, parking, etc.)..

Partendo dal presupposto che non si può obbligare il dipendente all’utilizzo del proprio mezzo, limitare il rimborso al solo costo del mezzo pubblico potrebbe portare due conseguenze:

- un blocco dell’attività nei Comuni non serviti da mezzi pubblici nonché in quelli in cui i tempi di trasferta utilizzando i mezzi pubblici divengono improponibili;

- un incremento delle ore retribuite ma non lavorate dai dipendenti in quanto utilizzate per i soli spostamenti.
dove si riesce a dimostrare che l’utilizzo del mezzo pubblico è impossibile o comunque economicamente improponibile in relazione alla tempistica, deve ritenersi ancora possibile rimborsare al dipendente l’utilizzo del mezzo proprio, as this, though contrary to the interpretation of the rule, does not constitute an assumption of loss of revenue, as demonstrated in this case the state of necessity and / or 'usefulness for the institution;

Same thing if to show that 'use of public transport would result in higher costs than those incurred by using their own transport (eg social workers must make home visits in the territory of the municipality, but, as happens in most towns, there is no public transport to travel within if not the taxi at a cost much higher than using their own transport);

In other cases, it will not be possibile rimborsare al dipendente importi superiori a quelli che si sarebbero sostenuti utilizzando i mezzi pubblici.

E’ opportuno adottare disposizioni interne che prevedano limitazioni all’utilizzo del mezzo proprio da parte di dipendenti, come ad esempio:

- per gli spostamenti all’interno del territorio comunale, deve essere utilizzato in via prioritaria il mezzo di proprietà del Comune in dotazione al servizio e, solamente nel caso in cui non ci fosse alcun mezzo disponibile, può essere autorizzato dal Responsabile l’utilizzo del mezzo pubblico oppure l’utilizzo del mezzo proprio da parte del dipendente qualora il mezzo pubblico non sia presente;

- qualora per esigenze di servizio the employee must travel outside the territory of the municipality, must be used primarily by the property of the municipality supplied the service and, just in case there was no means available, may be authorized by the responsible use of the medium public or the employee's own vehicle if there are public transport or where travel times are inconsistent with the use of public transport.

As for the expenses of the Secretary of the Municipal Court of Auditors, the United Chambers, with Resolution No. 9 of 7 February 2011 considered that Article. 45 of CCNL of 16/05/2001 for the municipal and provincial secretaries have not been made ineffective entry force in art. 6, Section 12 of Law No 122/2010, given the diversity of the case.

The reimbursement provisions of art. 45, paragraph 2 of the National Collective Labour intends to raise the municipal or provincial secretary of the costs incurred for travel between the different institutional settings where the same is called for the task; art. 45, paragraph 3, a breakdown of expenditure for the transfers between "the various bodies concerned in the manner prescribed in the agreement" demonstrates how to take that burden and not a negotiating is attributable in the treatment of the mission altogether.

must therefore be concluded that the limitations on the processing of mission introduced by art. 6 of Law No. 122/2010 does not apply to the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Secretary holds office secretarial Convention for travel between the various places of work.

Compact Bow Blade Trinity

For the local authorities are cutting out the costs for the contractors and consultants

positions funded by the EU, state and regions. The decision February 7, 2011 No 7 of

Court of Auditors, together sections, it contains valuable information for the application

of spending cuts made in Article 6, paragraph 7, of Decree 78/2010,

converted into Law 122 of 2010. The provision stated that from 2011 the annual expenditure

studies and consulting assignments for can not be more than 20% of the

incurred in 2009. The first provision addresses the problem posed by

criterion for calculating the costs, making it uncertain whether to take as a benchmark

case or jurisdiction. Sections together allowing the meaning of 'cost'

provided by Circular 40/2010 of the Ministry of Economy, which coincides with the concept

expenditure committed. Therefore, the criterion to follow is that of jurisdiction and not the


The most important aspect of delivery of the sections together, However, the exclusion from the calculation of Mount

of 2009 expenditure by external mandates, covered by

additional funding to the ordinary budget resources from

transfers of other entities, public or private. So, do not suffer a cut expenses

directly supported by a bond of a transfer target audience.

Thus, for example, that local authorities receive from an individual (for example,

a banking or a sponsor) finance for specific projects

comprising the needs of office can not remain bound to the drastic cutting of the


Manlio Edward

Itouch Repair Chicago

Management Consulting Assignments local public services

The recent ruling of the State Council, No 552 of 26/01/2011 reopen the debate

the possibility for local authorities to manage local public services directly to

economic importance. The ruling comes after the Constitutional Court's ruling

No 03/11/2010 325, which, even indirectly, he said


Now the game is again reopened by the State Council, which, with the sentence no

552 of 26/01/2011, upholding the appeal of the town of San Clemente

, argued that the courts of first can have ignored the fundamental distinction between

'direct management' and 'direct assignment "of local public services to

economic importance. The first (direct management), more feasible by the local

especially when such activities are of modest financial commitment, while the second

(direct award) allowed only in cases of custody within the meaning of

paragraph 2 let. b) of Art. 23-bis (direct contribution to joint ventures) and where

fulfill the conditions specified in the following paragraph 3 (a trust company in


According to the Council was not there is no rule requiring municipalities to

outsource services such as public lighting, health care centers, the

shelters, nursing homes, family homes, home care for elderly

and handicapped, kindergartens, school canteens, school transport, the

libraries and sports facilities, all those public services that most Italians prefer to manage common

directly rather than relying on outside

system of free competition. The CDS goes so far as to define as 'unlikely'

imagine that an ordinary, especially if small non possa decidere in

piena autonomia se gestire direttamente o meno un servizio come quello

dell'illuminazione votiva cimiteriale, che addirittura, nel caso di specie, necessita solo

dell'impegno periodico di una persona e di una spesa annua di qualche migliaio di euro.

La pronuncia del giudice di primo grado, inoltre, pare non avere tenuto conto neanche

delle ripercussioni a carattere finanziario di un eventuale affidamento all'esterno del

servizio pubblico; infatti, oltre alle spese dirette di gestione vera e propria del

servizio, dovrebbero essere tenute in considerazione anche le spese indirette che

l'ente comunque sostiene per espletamento di una procedura a evidenza pubblica in

termini di costo del personale che viene impiegato nel procedimento.

Adeguata considerazione non è stata data dal Tar neppure al fatto che un

imprenditore privato ha normalmente l'obiettivo di ottenere una remunerazione dei

fattori produttivi impiegati nell'esercizio della propria impresa e che a parità di livello

qualitativo e quantitativo del servizio, i costi della gestione da parte di terzi

tenderanno a essere di norma più elevati rispetto ad una gestione diretta del comune; a

meno che la gestione del privato non porti a una più efficiente combinazione dei fattori


Alessandro Manetti

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Small Clear Blisters In Mouth

expenses sponsorship income

In Resolution No. 1075 of December 20, 2010

Court of Auditors, Section for the Lombardy regional control

the Court has explained how to frame the cost of sponsorship, to eliminate the

Article. 6, paragraph 9, of Law 122/2010, making it clear that spending on

sponsorship is intended to indicate the presence of citizens of the City in order

promote its image, and does not constitute sponsorship support for initiatives

the third part of the tasks of the Municipality, as the cost

associations which provide services public in favor of

population groups (elderly, children, etc..) or those in favor of private parties to protect the rights

constitutionally recognized, such as contributions to the so-called right to study.

Pokemon Chart Original

fines and incentives to staff constraints

In Resolution No. 1068 filed December 23, 2010 the Court of Auditors, Section

regional control of Lombardy, has provided some clarification regarding the possibility of

finance incentives of police officers

sanctions by local code of road, including a clarification that is not

can provide incentive mechanisms for staff but only

projects in specific terms and in compliance with article. Article 5 bis. 208 of the Code of

road, and a confirmation that such costs do not depart from the prohibition

to increase resources for bargaining.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Korean Movie Cheaters Watch Online

Cenerentola Ambrosio 1913

Tempo fa (24 ottobre 2009) ho caricato su YouTube un clip di pochi minuti (3' 24'') del film Cerentola, produzione Ambrosio 1913.

La Cineteca del Friuli ha restauro un frammento di 150 metri (7') a partire da un nitrato donato da Attilio Giovannini.

Il Museo del Cinema di Torino – Fondazione Maria Adriana Prolo ha in archivio un frammento (35 mm, 69 metri) in bianco e nero, secondo il volume Tracce – Documenti del cinema muto torinese, Museo del Cinema – Il castoro, 2007.

Il metraggio originale del film era di circa 800 metri.

Non ho altri dati sul nitrato della Cineteca del Friuli, but I try a copy of the system with 500 colors Cinemacoloris Segundo de Chomón.

Chi l'ha visto?

To help in the search, here's the plot of a movie poster from the 1913 original: Cinderella

film scenes from the life world of the fairies, the beloved world of our childhood, he smiled until yesterday to Silvietta, a sweet and gentle girl lived in the springtime of life among the comforts and joys of wealth. But not anymore. The mother of Silvietta, the only help and support of the only girl, is dead, and remained alone with Silvietta Juci, his little sister. The two poor orphans in poverty are almost and arouse the compassion of the good lady Pipelet, the caretaker of the house, which plans to come to their rescue. In fact, in the same house where Silvietta lives in a palatial apartment on the first floor, living Jenni Smart, a famous actress of cinematograph. Through the intercession of the concierge, Jenni knows Silvietta and takes under his protection. Silvietta live again in the world of his dreams in the fantasy world of fairies who had to abandon the harsh realities of life Jenni opened the doors to a new environment, bright and beautiful: the Cinema. Admitted as a film actress in the big house Ambrosio, Silvietta you soon see the beauty, grace and natural spontaneity of his moves and the angelic smile of his beauty resigned so much so that Mr. Piccolini, stage manager of the House, he wants her as interpreter of "Cinderella, the most gentle and graceful creature that is born from the poetic imagination of the celebrated French novelist. Cinderella: the Silvietta dream! And then the girl plays the role of the humble heroine of the tale. Here the dance party .... here it is losing the tiny Scarpettini
Silvietta The shoe really loses it and here's how: the artistic company run by Mr. Piccolomini, he went to perform a scene in the villa of Count Sivry, shortly after he came out to go to town. As is of use in houses, permission to perform the scene in the park, is granted by the butler, and Cinderella, the heroine, plays the part with such skill that Piccolomini. which for some time he fell in love, so clearly manifested his passion could no longer conceal from Jenni Smart, the former patron of Silvietta. Jenni Smart Silvietta feels that is about to become a formidable competitor for its artistic and envy the hell should a game. When they returned to the room given to them by the butler to undress, Jenni is brutally Silvietta, which in the confusion and pain when you forget a shoe. Since then he begins to persecute Silvietta Jenni and enjoys the passion that has Piccolomini to the girl, to encourage the Director stage to obtain the graces of the girl, sure that Silvietta to defend its integrity, will be forced to resign from the plant. So in fact the case. Silvietta returns to live in his modest room, but with pride, that only gives the purity and innocence. However, the dream of a fairytale does not want and can not abandon it; it when she was Cinderella, the shoe has forgotten fatal and it must be the call of Prince Charming to come and take the girl and return to happiness. So that is a strange case for the fairy tale continues in the reality of life is that for the sake of Scarpettini abandoned castle in the gorgeous, Miss Silvietta become the Countess of Sivry.

Staging of Eleuterio Rodolfi; subject of Henry Birch.
Cast: Fernanda Negri-Pouget (Silvietta), Mary Cleo Tarlarini (Jenni Smart), Luigi Chiesa (Piccolomini), Ubaldo Stefani (Count de Sivry)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wine Making Philippines


BUTTERFLIES IN ... ART! Art workshops (5-10 years) by the association

In spite of their small size, butterflies are among the most beautiful animals in the world! Their external beauty, the result of a miraculous metamorphosis, and their apparently carefree flight enlighten our imagination! Come discover shapes, colors and symbols for these wonderful animals and playing with their i.. ... . Imagine how they did and continue to do the greatest artists!

One, two ... many butterflies!
During this meeting we will discover the most beautiful species of butterflies that inhabit our planet. We will speak of their life cycle, their customs, stories and fables that have characters like! And above all we will play to create many colorful butterflies and different. How are we going? Simple, with tempera colors arranged on pieces of tracing paper folded in half, we will print on a black card with all our butterflies!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bathtub Connected With Shower

decentralized bargaining

not exceed the end of 2010 and cut it in the event of a decrease in the number of employees

: these are the constraints that all local authorities must meet in

establishment of funds for decentralized bargaining managers and staff .

These constraints apply both to the stable is that variable e si sommano al

tetto al trattamento economico individuale. Il primo obbligo da rispettare è quello di

non superare nel triennio 2011/2013 la consistenza del fondo per le risorse

decentrate del 2010.

La disposizione, contenuta nella prima parte del comma 2-bis dell'articolo 9 del dl n.

78/2010, non modifica le regole per la costituzione del fondo, che rimangono fissate

dai Ccnl, in particolare da quelli dell'1/4/1999 e 22/1/2004 per il personale e da

quello del 23/12/1999 per i dirigenti. L'importante è che dall'applicazione di tali

regole non discendano oneri aggiuntivi: nel caso in cui ciò si realizzasse occorre

intervene to cut the total amount. We must pay particular attention

use of the opportunity to increase funding for the construction of new

services and / or extension, improvement of existing ones, namely Article 15, paragraph 5

, staff and Article 23, paragraph 3, for managers. This possibility

is not prohibited, even indirectly, but may not lead to increases in total

of resources available in the fund. It remains unclear whether the resources

provided by specific laws, relevant, should be increased, since

mostly they are not included in personnel expenses (such as

the incentives for the construction of public works and ICI), or if

are included in the roof. The determination of the fund should follow without increases

cuts in the event of a decrease in the number of employees. This reduction is mandatory

and should be done automatically, ie directly by

leaders and without the need for any form of prior bargaining: the union

entities are entitled to be informed prior to the opening

of bargaining, but they are not reserved any room for action the merits

choices, except in terms of control. The method to be applied is as follows: the government

quantify the number of officers and employees serving in

indefinitely as of Dec. 31, 2010, compliance with which must

also perform on behalf of the staff. The next step is the

predicting the number of deaths and assumptions to be made in

during 2011: in this case you can use the surveys that are

made for the programming needs of staff. In case such balance is negative

be cut consistency of the fund. Obviously before

the end of the forecast should be replaced by the timely detection. It

should be noted that the legislature has no influence on the reasons for terminations

and assumptions: that the outgoing mobility

lead to a reduction in the number of employees and into their increase. Just as it seems

play no role in the variation of the categories and professional profiles. The cut

Fund shall be made, the rule expressly tells us, so

proportional and references to all resources without any regard for the

additional payment in enjoyment by ceased. From this we arrive at the conclusion

to the need for the data on the incidence of the employees

bottom and cut accordingly: for example if the fund is devolved resources

total of 200 000 € and employees are 100, the incidence

average is 2 000 € and for each decrease the cut must have that dimension.

In the first year, the cut must be proportionate to the months of termination, while in

years it must be carried out fully.

Giuseppe Rambaudi

Vitamin C Cause Fainting

Application reform Brunetta Brunetta

Riforma Brunetta subito applicabile, senza necessità di attendere i futuri contratti. Il

Consiglio dei ministri (come anticipato su ItaliaOggi yesterday)

approve tomorrow the draft legislative decree amending the Decree. 150/2009 stop to say that

litigation triggered by the trade unions aim to make the effectiveness of the reform

the conclusion of the next national contracts the civil service. The legislative decree

was ok yesterday in preconsiglio of Ministers, acting on the cause

main problems of interpretation concerning the existence or otherwise of a right or a

transitional period of "suspension" of the reform, ie the 'Article 65 of Legislative Decree 150/2009


And so, it plans to introduce in Article 65 of the dlgs 150/2009 un nuovo comma 4-bis,

ai sensi del quale «Hanno comunque immediata applicazione, ai sensi degli articoli 1339

e 1419, secondo comma, del codice civile, le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 33,

modificativo dell'articolo 2 del decreto legislativo n. 165 del 2001, all'articolo 34,

modificativo dell'articolo 5, comma 2, del decreto legislativo n. 165 del 2001 e all'articolo

54, comma 1, modificativo dell'articolo 40 del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165,

nonché le disposizioni in materia di contrattazione integrativa». In sintesi, dunque,

immediatamente i poteri unilaterali dei dirigenti in qualità employers regarding

organization and management of employment are to apply and modify the

labor relations deteriorate to mere communication, and likewise the entire discipline of Article 40 of

dlgs165/2001, including the invalidity of any provision of decentralized

contracts entered into in violation of the constraints and limits laid down by law,

accounting rules and collective bargaining, as well as the possibility of taking unilateral action

temporarily substitute for the lack of consensus at the conclusion of

decentralized bargaining.

Paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the design scheme di legge, poi, interpreta

autenticamente i commi 1, 2 e 4, sempre del dlgs 150/2009 chiarendo quello che, per la

verità appariva già abbastanza chiaro e che solo i poco condivisibili decreti d'urgenza

dei giudici del lavoro avevano in parte travisato: dette norme si interpretano

autenticamente «nel senso che l'adeguamento dei contratti collettivi è necessario solo

per i contratti vigenti alla data di entrata in vigore del citato decreto legislativo,

mentre ai contratti sottoscritti successivamente si applicano immediatamente le

disposizioni introdotte dal medesimo decreto». Dunque, tutti i contratti stipulati

after 11.15.2009 (as was obvious) and must have been had

appropriate law-Brunetta.

The ability of an adjustment for local authorities is granted up to 31.12.2011,

while other administrations in the period ended 31.12.2010, therefore, concern

only and only to contracts already concluded 15.12.2009 . It can not therefore be

conduct anti-union conduct collective bargaining after the validity of the reform-

Brunetta in accordance with the provisions contained therein, but as far

established by many decrees of the labor courts.

Oliveri and Luigi Luigi Chiarello

Itouch Extension Cord

staff costs and turnover

calculating the costs of personnel ceased to be considered for the turnover, in local institutions

be made considering the whole year and not part of a year

actually worked. The Court of Auditors, Section regional control

Tuscany, with the advice 17 November 2010, No 160, clarifies

essential for the proper implementation of Article 14, paragraph 9 of Decree 78/2010, converted into Law 122/2010

. This provision has amended Article 76, paragraph 7, of dl

112/2008, converted into Law 133/2008, which now states: 'It is prohibited to institutions

where the incidence of personnel costs is equal to or greater than 40% of the costs

currents carry out recruitment of staff in any capacity with any

type of contract and the remaining institutions may carry out recruitment in

limit of 20% of the total corresponding to terminations last year. " It was

has so far remained uncertainty about the calculation of the limit of just 20% who terminated

corresponding to the previous year. Given the clear intent of the 2010 summer

maneuver drastically reduce government spending, could be inferred that

20% in cash and should be counted, that is, imagining that

an employee leaves the service in June, you should count il 20% del costo sostenuto

effettivamente per i sei mesi di lavoro.

La sezione Toscana, molto semplicemente spiega che «la locuzione spesa

corrispondente alle cessazioni» va interpretata quale spesa annuale», estendendo agli

enti locali la logica seguita dal dipartimento della Funzione pubblica nella circolare 18

ottobre 2010 Uppa, la quale precisa che i risparmi realizzati per cessazione vanno

calcolati «sempre sui 12 mesi».

Luigi Olivieri

Braums Fruit And Yogurt Swirl Calories

Application reform of personnel and expenditure responsibilities

for the Court of Auditors in Lombardia Overcoming the limits of the outputs can

establish liability in violation of state representative

containment of personnel costs can be a source of administrative responsibility

sheet. Word of the Court of Auditors in Lombardia. The magistrates are accounting

were asked to express an opinion on possible sanctions to be paid in case of non-compliance

del comma 557 della legge finanziaria 2007, ovvero alla

possibilità di assumere pur sapendo che l'assunzione programmata porterebbe nel

2011 a uno sforamento del limite di spesa fissato nel 2010. Fino al Dl 78/2010 il

sistema legislativo non prevedeva alcuna sanzione sul tema. Con la manovra estiva è

stato esteso al mancato contenimento delle spese di personale quel divieto di

assunzione già previsto per il mancato raggiungimento degli obiettivi del patto di

stabilità. Agli enti che non rispettano il comma 557 è quindi vietato procedere ad

assunzioni di personale a qualsiasi titolo, con qualsivoglia tipologia contrattuale,

including partnerships and the continued and ongoing relationship

administration, including in the stabilization processes in place. In the same bodies

is also prohibited the signing of service contracts with private entities that constitute

elusive as the same provision.

For verification of the administrative responsibility-state representative are needed

elements such as fraud and / or gross negligence as well as the objective element, namely

economically assessable damage, caused to the exercise of administrative functions and

in breach of service obligations. Meanwhile, however, it is spoken, and then should

that policies relating to recruitment, local authorities are about to be taken in this

beginning of the year are introduced with extreme caution, especially

taking into account the fact that after the DL 78/2010 is not allowed any opportunity

exception of the containment of personnel costs.

The question is, however, involve the Court of Auditors in Lombardia with

Resolution 1067/2010, to clarify what basis is to be taken as a reference for

the entity had waived before May 31, 2010.

The institution must ensure the reduction of expenditure over the previous year in which

spending was higher than that of 2009 because of the exemption. However,

as the use of the exemption was legitimate until the date of May 31, 2010,

is clear that the staff costs of 2010 - to be used as a reference base

in relation to that for 2011 - is the expenditure lawfully carried out during the year,

although higher than in 2009, provided that the fee increase (compared to

2009) is attributable to the exemption.

Gianluca Britain

What Is Good Company Trophy

There is first the concern about what might happen to those

administrations that have not yet adopted the amendments to the Regulation on the structure of

offices and services and the evaluation system. That of 31 December 2010 was not

certain mandatory. There is still scope for action, as long as everything is done in

short notice. It is essential that the organization and employees are

knowledge of how to conduct the assessment in the early months of the year

to avoid affecting the entire procedure. The issue is more heated, however, the introduction of rewarding

through the merit. If the body does not adapt

with its own system, taking the bands allocated to other administrations?

Reading Brunetta reform is not so easy from this point of view.

Article 31 paragraph 4 provides that yes, taking the rules of

central government, but only for the failure to adjust the rules governing the

cycle of performance management and the adoption of the new evaluation system

individual. The bands for local governments, however, are covered in paragraph 2. So cases

are two: or is required to introduce the bands had immediate local or

we are in the presence of a provision which does not prescribe a specific period of

adjustment or an automatic in the event of inaction by the government, did not

specific deadlines. You really expect


Meanwhile, the Labour Court of Pesaro reversed orientation

consolidated by the courts in Turin, Salerno and Trieste on the date of entry into force of the reform

Brunetta for labor relations. 417/2010 with the ruling points out the immediate

operation of Article 5 of Decree No. 165/2001 and, therefore, the necessary consultation with trade unions

before new organizational arrangements of

work needs to be read replaced by the new law provision that provides the only


G. Bert.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Require Old Maruti Car

La grande passione Fert 1922

From left to right: Carlo Benetti, Italy Almirante Manzini, Joaquin Carrasco

The plot: Maria (Italy Almirante Manzini), whose parents, lives with his uncle (Vittorio Pieri). Its beauty is the envy of the cousins, who persecute and Mary is almost forced to accept the marriage proposal of Carli (Joaquin Carrasco), a wealthy widower.

It is not love, but the serenity.

Love is when another man, Marcello (Carlo Benetti), cousin of Charles, begins to court her.
Patrick (André Habay), a friend, warns her to no avail.

Mary, after being abandoned by Marcello, accept the sincere and disinterested love of Patrick. When Marcello back, Mary would win, but challenged to a duel by Patrick, was killed. Carli has since been ruined by Marcello. At this point, Mary understands that his duty is to stay with her husband and, sacrificing love for Patrick, returns with Carli.

Staged by Mario Almirante; subject Alessandro Varaldo, A reduction in the cinema of Mario Almirante; operator Ubaldo Arata; Mario Gheduzzi scenery.
Production Fert (Roma-Torino 1922).

Copy from Filmoteca de la UNAM (Mexico), English captions, 35 mm. (1573 m) 86 'to 16 f / s. Presented at the Cinema Found 2001.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Best Hd Prosumer Camcorders 2009

La Gerusalemme liberata Guazzoni Film 1918

The Archangel Gabriel Godfrey urges the crusade.
He said Godfrey, that's appropriate
Already the season who expects to war:
Why, then, no home frappor
subject to liberate Jerusalem?

Alla presenza di Pier l'Eremita, Goffredo incita i principi cristiani alla Crociata:
Ora che i passi liberi e spediti,
Ora che la stagion abbiam seconda,
Che non corriamo alla città ch'è mèta
D'ogni nostra vittoria? E che più il vieta?

Il re di Tripoli invia doni e rifornimento a Goffredo:
Gran turba scese di Fedeli al piano
D'ogni età mescolata e d'ogni sesso
Portò i suoi doni al vincitor cristiano.

Tancredi reveals his love to Clorinda:
My heart no longer mine, if to you, sorry
Let him live longer, more voluntary:
E 'thy great time, and time is well that draw him
now you should: and not ban it debb'io.

Erminia put on the armor to go from Tancredi wounded
By pressing hard sword and offends
The delicate neck, and the aura hair;
And the young man takes the shield
Unfortunately insoportabil serious burden.
So all around shining iron,
And ongoing military itself breaking.

So Godfrey wins:
Ne 'deposed despite the bloody mantle,
is the temple with the other the high Duce
Here, the suspending arms, and here devoted
The large tomb loves and fulfills his vows.

Staged by Enrico Guazzoni
Subject epic poem by Torquato Tasso (1581), reduction of Enrico Guazzoni
Operator: Alfredo Lenci
Cast: Amleto Novelli (Tancredi), Edy Darclea (Armida), Olga Benetti (Clorinda ), Elena Sangro (Erminia), Beppo A. Corradi (Rinaldo), Ljubomir Stanojevick (Aladdin), Eduardo Schneeberg (Godfrey of Bouillon), Rinaldo Rinaldi (Olindo)
Guazzoni Film Production 1918

Three versions of three famous poem of the rate paid by Enrico Guazzoni. The first is from 1911, Chinese production (film disappeared), the second, that of 1918, the third is 1935, Capitani Film production, a sound version (with new scenes) of this second version. Amleto Novelli plays the character of Tancred in three versions. The film was shot in the establishments of Villa Massimo Guazzoni movies, Via GB Morgagni, Rome. For some photographic tricks, Guazzoni asked for help to the general Filoteo Alberini.

Print restored by National Film Archive in Rome, on the basis of a positive flammable made available by the George Eastman House in Rochester. Missing scenes and all the original intertitles. The footage, according to the censorship, was m. 1908, the length of the current copy is m. 1473 (64 'to 20 fps).

To release this film have to do a crusade? Where is Godfrey of Bouillon willing to give us a hand?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Folding Vs. Wadding Toilet Paper

Il fiacre n. 13 Ambrosio 1917

Staging Alberto A. Capozzi, Gero Zambuto
subjects from Le Fiacre n. 13 (1881) by Xavier de Montépin, reduction to the cinema of Joseph Paul Pacchierotti
Operator: John Vitrotti
Cast: Alberto A. Capozzi (the apache Gian Thursday), Helen Makowski (Berta Varny) Gigetta Morano, Pouguet Fernanda Negri, Cesare Gani Carini, Vasco Creti, Diana Karenne. Production
Soc. Ambrosio, Torino 1916-1917, 5700 meters.

film in four episodes: 1 The crime at the Pont de Neuilly (forbidden by the censors, never released in Italy), 2nd John Thursday, 3rd daughter of the guillotined; 4 Justice!

Duke George de Latour-Vaudier, who has squandered all his possessions in the rooms of play, it becomes, instigated by his mistress Varny Berta, a dangerous criminal.

Along with apache Berta and John Thursday, decided to eliminate his brother, the Duke of Latour, and her baby. But, at the time, John Thursday, who hides under the appearance of a rude kind heart, instead of killing the baby, hide it in a fiacre: The Fiacre n ° 13.

George and Berta will long enjoy the fruits of their infamy, but there will come a time when the avenging Nemesis will abbaterà on them, which has accumulated on crimes and crime: Berta you take away life, George becomes mad: the child hidden in Fiacre n ° 13, which has become a man, back in the possession of wealth usurpategli.

restored by the Italian Foundation Film Library - Film Library of Bologna, The last episode was presented in the International Film Festival Found 2001.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nadine Jansen Putting On Weight

Constraints recruitment in 2011 for an indefinite period

Statement and practices of interest:

art. 14, paragraph 9 of Decree 78/2010

New constraint in force since 2011:

is prohibited in institutions such as the impact of staff costs is equal to or greater

to 40% of current expenditure to undertake recruitment of staff for any reason and with

any capacity with any type of contract and the remaining entities are

undertake recruitment of staff by up to 20% of the corresponding expenditure

cessations of the previous year.

Implementation of the new constraint:

attention to the following aspects of application of this constraint:

  limit of 20% should be calculated by reference to expenditure and not to

number of deaths the previous year;

  regarding terminations during the year, 20% must be calculated

spending the employee ceased with reference to the whole year and not only on the actual expenditure supported, the rule is in fact aimed at curbing

staff costs, so we need to take account of developments in employment and economic choices

"steady" throughout the years (see resolutions. No 1041/2010 of

Court of Accounts of New York);

  for each institution where the assumptions made in reference to

deaths occurred in the previous year, referred to each year are less than unity, the

unused allowances can be combined with those resulting from terminations

for the following years, up to the unit (Article 9, paragraph 11, DL


Special cases of application of the new constraint:

  detention in the civil service beyond the age limit for

retirement (Article 16 of Legislative Decree no. No 503/1992) can be placed only under the right

term employment permitted under existing according to

deaths of personnel (Article 9, paragraph 31, DL 78 / 2010) = E 'consider new


  staff working under contract for part-time work: the transformation of the relationship

full-time may be subject to the terms and limits

existing provisions on recruitment (Article 3, paragraph 101, Law 244/2007, cf.

deliberations. Lombardia Conti Court 873/2010) = E 'CONSIDERING NEW RECRUITMENT

  recruitment protected categories: the following extract of Circular 6 / 2009

signed by the Minister Brunetta on the block recruitment in public administration

last year, reported the principle can be considered valid

also for recruitment of local authorities in 2011: "In relation to the scope of the prohibition of intervention

assume, are believed to be excluded from ban the vulnerable in

limit the completion of the required fee. This is a category worthy of protection

as falling between population groups remains

normally excluded from the blocks and constraints term employment, pending the need to ensure

permanent inclusion in the work of beneficiaries of

normativa di riferimento. Si ricorda che la mancata copertura della quota d’obbligo

riservata alle categorie protette è espressamente sanzionata sul piano penale,

amministrativo e disciplinare secondo quanto previsto dall’art. 15, comma 3, della

legge 12 marzo 1999, n. 68”. = SONO ESCLUSE DAI VINCOLI IN MATERIA DI



mobilità : la mobilità in uscita non costituisce cessazione e, quindi, non consente la

sostituzione tramite concorsi, ma solamente con assunzioni in mobilità; può quindi

be replaced by competitive examination only if it is to an entity that has no ties to

assumptions (Court of Auditors, the United Chambers, Decision No. 59/2010). In order to ensure the necessary neutrality

financial operations of the transfer

Department of Public Service, in its Circular 4 of 2008 and, later, with some specific advice (the latest one which is made to the Italian Red Cross No 13731 of 19 March 2010)

clarified that since the entity that receives a result of the personal mobility procedures not

allocate these new entrants to the quota system of recruitment provided by law, the body that gives

can not consider termination for mobility as compared to that

physiologically from retirement; completion of the procedures for mobility,

the receiving unit is, in fact, free to make a number of assumptions

vincolistico to the regime and the Holidays residual organic.

Summary of constraints on the open-ended contracts to keep in mind

in 2011 in the three-year planning staff and

annual program of recruitment:

entities subject to the Stability Pact:

 where the ratio of personnel expenditure and current expenditure is less

to 40%, you can proceed with recruitment of staff by up to 20% of the corresponding expenditure

cessations of the previous year (Article 14, paragraph 9

, Decree Law No. 78/2010);

 in institutions where the incidence of personnel costs is equal to or less than 35% of current expenditure

, you can make assumptions for turnover in

exception to that limit of 20%, while respecting the Stability Pact

internal and limits the total costs of personnel, to allow

the exercise of the functions provided for by local police. 21, paragraph 3, letter.

b), della L. n. 42/2009 (art. 1, comma 118, della Legge di stabilità 2011);

per poter assumere, deve essere stato rispettato il vincolo riduzione della

spesa nell’anno precedente (art. 14, c. 7, D.L. 78/2010) e l’assunzione deve

garantire il rispetto del vincolo di riduzione della spesa nell’anno in corso.

Sanzioni in materia di assunzioni per gli enti che non hanno rispettato il patto

di stabilità:

divieto di procedere ad assunzioni di personale a qualsiasi titolo, con

qualsivoglia tipologia contrattuale, ivi compresi i rapporti di collaborazione

coordinata e continuativa and administration, including in the

stabilization processes in place, the fact is also unlawful for institutions to enter into

service contracts with private entities that constitute the elusive

this provision (Article 76, paragraph 4, Decree No 112/2008);

 between the prohibitions referred to above also includes agreements provided for by Article. 14 of the Negotiable

22/01/2004 for the deployment of personnel from other administrations (see

deliberations. No. 37/2010 and No. 676/2010 Veneto Court Conti Conti Court New York);

 is also prohibited mobility (see art. 1, paragraph 47, L. 311/2004, resolutions.
53/2010 Corte dei Conti Sezioni Riunite in sede di controllo).

Enti non soggetti al patto di stabilità (tra le altre, Delibera Corte dei Conti

Sezione riunite n. 52/2010, Deliberazione Corte dei Conti Veneto n. 227/2010, Delibera

Corte Conti Lombardia n. 989/2010):

non si applica la percentuale del 20% sulle cessazioni;

rimane garantito il turn-over al 100% delle cessazioni, anche quelle

verificatesi dopo il 2006 (delibera 52/2010 Corte Conti, Sezioni Riunite);

l’assunzione si può fare l’anno successivo a quello di cessazione, nel rispetto:

a) of the roof of the personnel expenditure of the year 2004, net increases


b) the relationship between spending and personal spending power, which must be

less than 40% (Article 14, paragraph 9 of Decree Law No. 78/2010).

Pokemon Goldflea Market

block of the salaries of civil servants

limit to the total emoluments

- Article 9, c. 1, No DL 78

''For the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 the total emoluments

individual employees, including managerial qualifications, including the treatment


provided by their national government

included in the consolidated income statement

of public administration, as identified by the National

of Statistics (ISTAT), pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 1 of Law

December 31, 2009, No 196, may not exceed, in any case

, treatment ordinarily payable for the year

2010, net of the effects of extraordinary events

of wage dynamics, including changes

employees from any arrears achieving different functions in

during the year, without in any case the provisions of paragraph 21

, 3rd and 4th period for career advancement, however

called, `maternity, sickness, missions abroad

, physical presence in the service, except as provided in paragraph

17 second period and art. 8, paragraph 14


The rule requires, therefore, the comparison between two

quantities: the total emoluments and

treatment ordinarily due and the first,

for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, may not exceed the amount of the second

, calculated with reference

2010. Both are referred to each

employee, as reiterated by the Court of Auditors (1).

The identification of the overall

is quite easy, because it represents

the set of all items that

make salary payments for civil servants.

You might think of excluding some items,

but their value is marginal. It could be examples

allowance for the household, as

is generally not considered as a treatment

Economic and because 'its legislation it keeps

detached from the trend of salary, any expenses

present as well as '

fair compensation,' cause

classified as a pension.

More problems arise in quantifying

treatment ordinarily due

because we are dealing with one of the formulas used by the legislature,

that does not find its definition in our

legal system. In this uncertainty, it is considered

to say that the quantities in question

should remain outside the compensation for overtime,

because the same events

requires exceptional and unforeseeable. Similarly,

should not fall in such quantities fees

allocated because of the occurrence of natural phenomena

exceptional, such as `natural disasters (floods, earthquakes

, etc.). With regard to the phenomenon

''snow,''the same must be contextualized. In fact, while Catania

, you may consider exceptional

can not say the same for a snowstorm in Sondrio.

addition, the standard provides some guidance

useful for its definition. Specifies, in fact, that question

of that treatment that you get

neutralizing the effects of extraordinary events

of wage dynamics. Even this is not a term which

basis in our legal system and, therefore, are relevant

problems of interpretation. Be expected to fall to such situations

recruitment, as it is not unthinkable

having to compare the pay

on certain months of 2010, because 'the employee is

was hired during the year, with that

entire 2011. The institution taking for mobility, whether voluntary or compulsory

, will have to take care of the administration

require the transferor baggage

treatment ordinarily due the employee

brings with it 'and add it with the

matured at the same institution, if the assumption is

in 2010, already considering how to limit, if the assumption is

in the period 2011-2013. Similarly,

in unusual circumstances, you may retract

the transformation from part-time

full-time employment, as it would

comparable to the salary on 18 hours per week of 2010 with

one full-time in 2011

when, for example, the part-time employee in the

50% returns full-time on 1 January 2011. In other words

, the law allows you to mix both

terms of time and under the aspect of commitment

work, the quantities that are compared

in 2011, 2012 and 2013 compared to 2010.

The provision clarifies that extraordinary events

of wage dynamics:

_ variations dependent on any arrears. In addition

idea of \u200b\u200bfees due to court decisions, the

case may involve, possibly, only

arrears for the implementation of the national collective agreement for municipal secretaries and provincial

on the two-year economic

2006-2007 and 2008-2009, given the generalized block

collective agreements for employees

for the years 2010-2012;

_ achieving different functions in the course of the year

. Even in this case the boundaries are not very

outlined. It can be considered to encompass

nell'accezione concerned the transfer of title `

organizational position, as

question of a salary increase resulting from

new and wider responsibilities. In the same vein,

is conceivable that in that context are also

assignment of responsibility for Case

and any related allowances'. Going still

further, you could say that the achievement of several functions

embraces all those cases in which, after amendment of

professional, we should recognize a particular benefit

`. Consider,

for example, an instructor administrative

category C, which in the course of 2010, internal mobility,

going to hold a post of instructor supervision,

within the same category.

example above, the provision does not prejudice the subsequent

recognition of the indemnity `supervisory

for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, which, if

contrary, would be to''inflate''the treatment

comprehensive income.

Reading the contrary, the provision under review,

are not subject to any salary increases

not from achieving different functions.

The prime example is represented by

economic progressions (progressions ex horizontal)

which, if conducted with effect from 2011, will

in the accumulation of total emoluments

, but are not in the treatment

ordinarily payable in 2010 and, therefore, involve

failure to respect the limit. It seems,

in practice, that the provision blocking the use of the above progressions as tools


The rule, in addition to the above cases, without prejudice to the provisions contained in

c. 21, period 3 and 4, in terms of career progression

, which provide that the ex

vertical progressions, always in

period 2011-2013, have legal effects only,

but not cheap. In other words, should be set

that, if the employee, with progression

di carriera, passi dalla categoria C alla categoria D,

lo stesso debba svolgere le funzioni previste per il

profilo professionale ascritto alla categoria D, ma la

sua retribuzione resta quella della categoria C. Al di

la` dei forti dubbi di incostituzionalita` che la norma

presenta, non si comprende la disposizione inserita

in questo contesto, stante la sua ‘‘indifferenza’’


Il comma in questione fa, altresı`, salve tutte quelle

ipotesi in cui il dipendente ha usufruito di istituti

contrattuali che hanno comportato la riduzione dello

salary (sickness, maternity `mission abroad,

physical presence in the service). The legislature has

wanted, even in these cases, neutralize the distorting effects

that those absences would have on the treatment

ordinarily entitled. Consider,

for example, an employee who during

of 2010, has benefited from all the parental leave

and, therefore, for the period beyond the first 30

days and up to six months, the same salary he received a

reduced to 30%. To calculate the amount of pay ordinarily due

for the year 2010 must be made to the calculation of

as the same would have received if he had not received

predicted parental leave. AND SO

for all cases where the actual attendance at work could have affected the

emoluments of the employee. Consider the case of absence due to illness

in the first ten days of `indemnity payment

risk, and so on.

In any case, is subject to the payment of the indemnity

`holiday contract, which is

not affected by the provision under review.

Da quanto sin qui detto, risulta evidente che il trattamento

ordinariamente spettante per l’anno 2010

non coincide necessariamente con quanto percepito

dal dipendente nel medesimo anno, ma bisogna

procedere alla ricostruzione di una retribuzione

‘‘virtuale’’, per neutralizzare gli effetti di tutte

quelle ipotesi che la stessa norma fa salvi. La Corte

dei conti parla di retribuzione giuridicamente spettante.

Ricostruzione che dovrebbe seguire il criterio di

competenza, in quanto la locuzione ‘‘spettante’’ sembra

richiamare tutto quello che e` reported for 2010 rather than paid in

that same year.

Treatment usually due, then, represents a

quantities that should be less

total emoluments, except for the first

exposed cases (compensation for overtime,

AVAILABILITY `to snow. ). A strict reading of the standard

, leading to''photograph''

what happened, ordinary, and in 2010

replicate in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 results,

least three problems: 1

) negative consequences at the level of management

staff and organization. Because of the non-compact, `

of basic compensation,

any necessity of further performance

in 2011 compared to 2010, which involve the payment

to higher compensation, may not be required

if not using the reduction other items.

In other words, if there is the need to do to

a policeman, in 2011, a shift in more than

2010, you will have to proceed to the corresponding curtailment

of other items (eg the risk) for

not go over the limit;

2) does not include the value of the rule contained in

c. 2a of that article. 9, which imposes a cap on the treatment accessory

total institution.

There is a limit to individual treatment accessory,

the constraint on the emoluments

total is not more than the sum of the individual limits

and, therefore, the provision of c. 2 a

seems not to have meaning;

3) there are serious concerns in the application `

Brunetta reform: how do you reward

the most good, by the famous bands, when there

a limit on total compensation?

Per queste motivazioni, si ritiene sia necessario andar

oltre alla mera interpretazione letterale. Alcuni

interpreti propongono di considerare nel trattamento

accessorio solo quelle voci che presentano il carattere

di ricorrenza. Si parla, infatti, di ‘‘accessorio

fisso’’. Ne consegue che rimarrebbero fuori dalla

portata della norma tutti gli emolumenti che presentano

una spiccata variabilita`, quale, tipicamente,

la vecchia produttivita`, oggi bonus annuale collegato

alla performance. Altri interpreti spostano l’attenzione

dal singolo dipendente al suo profilo professionale

e ragionano in termini di trattamento ordinariamente

spettante per tale profilo, ammettendo

che possa rientrare nel suddetto trattamento ordinariamente

spettante anche una quota di straordinario,

di turno, di reperibilita`, in quanto ‘‘normalmente’’

percepito dal profilo in questione. Seguendo tale linea

e forzando un po’’ la mano, si potrebbe arrivare

a dire che anche un importo di produttivita` puo` essere

considerato ordinariamente spettante, in quanto,

ancora, normalmente percepito dal lavoratore

che presti, con diligenza, their work.

Whatever the interpretation followed, appear

behavior reprehensible efforts to enter,

in 2011, the organization of the round in an area where

in 2010, was not present, or increase the amount of

`some incidental allowances, such as discomfort.

In this context, it seems, `also, even more difficult

support the inclusion in the fund

resources for decentralized amounts pursuant to art.

15, c. 2:05, a national collective agreement of April 1999, as

find their basis in planning ', which goes

beyond the ordinary activities of the administration.

In any case, it is entirely appropriate intervention

clarifying body appointed to

interpretation of the rule, it is hoped that intervention

can be seen very quickly, in order to allow

administrations the necessary planning

in the field of personnel management.

cuts to high salaries -

Section 9, c. 2, No DL 78

Given the exceptionality `

international economic situation and taking into account the priority needs of

achievement of finance pubblica concordati in sede

europea, a decorrere dal 1º gennaio

2011 e sino al 31 dicembre 2013 i trattamenti economici

complessivi dei singoli dipendenti, anche di qualifica dirigenziale,

previsti dai rispettivi ordinamenti, delle amministrazioni

pubbliche, inserite nel conto economico consolidato

della pubblica amministrazione, come individuate dall’Istituto

nazionale di statistica (Istat), ai sensi del comma 3,

dell’art. 1, della legge 31 dicembre 2009, n. 196, superiori

a 90.000 euro lordi annui sono ridotti del 5 per cento per la

parte eccedente il predetto importo fino a € 150,000, as well as

'10 percent for the excess

€ 150,000, following the predicted reduction in the total emoluments

can not be less than € 90,000 gross per annum

; (...)

The reduction under the first sentence of this paragraph

not work towards social security.

Another rule concerns the period 2011-2013.

requires the administration to adopt a reduction of the overall

the extent of 5% for the portion that exceeds the 90,000 annual gross

and 10% for the portion that exceeds

€ 150,000 per annum gross. Il riferimento e`, ancora

una volta, al trattamento economico complessivo

del singolo dipendente e, quindi, comprensivo di

tutte le voci stipendiali. E ` da sottolineare che, per

i segretari comunali e provinciali, tale trattamento

comprende sia i diritti di segreteria che la retribuzione

aggiuntiva per sedi convenzionate. A questo

proposito, giova evidenziare che, in caso di convenzione

di segreteria, e` necessario che un ente appartenente

alla convenzione, di solito il capofila,

mantenga monitorata la retribuzione del segretario,

al fine di determinare il momento in cui detto

salary exceeds the amounts of € 90,000 and € 150,000

. Sara `, then the agreement between the Administration to establish

` How will the reduction.

There are two possibilities:

_ each agency shall reduce the sums paid directly to the Secretary


_ the leading institution making a''balance''and applies

reduction in its total amount.

Another issue on which entries should be

an impact. Again, there are two paths you can follow


_ is reduced only the additional payment, ed in questo

caso bisogna predeterminare un criterio per l’individuazione

della voce stipendiale da decurtare;

_ si applica la riduzione, in misura proporzionale, a

tutte le voci stipendiali.

Il taglio opera per i trattamenti economici complessivi

superiori a 90.000 euro annui lordi. Per la determinazione

di detto trattamento, dovendosi far riferimento

ad importi lordi, si deve considerare

l’ammontare dello stipendio prima di aver operato

le trattenute previdenziali ed assistenziali e le ritenute

erariali. Non risulta chiaro se, nella determinazione,

si deve considerare the amount of treatment

paid or jurisdiction. Since, then,

annual limit, it is necessary to proceed with its re-proportioning

in the case of recruitment or termination

occurred during the year.

The reduction applies to overcoming the

€ 90,000 and € 150,000 per year. It is not considered that these amounts should be

mensilizzati and thus

have to apply the reduction in monthly

but only when those amounts are exceeded


An example may help clarify: suppose a secretary who receives municipal

a gross monthly salary

€ 15,000.00:

- from January to June is not carried out any killing,

(15,000 x 6 = 90,000);

- from July to October is reduced by 5% (15,000

x 4 = 60,000);

- November and December fell by 10%.

The rule also clarifies that the reduction in
not work towards social security. It follows

that, in the computation of the

which determine the contributions to be paid, you must neutralize the amount of

curtailment. Continuing the example above, with reference

al mese di ottobre, si avra`:

— stipendio mensile lordo: 15.000,00;

— riduzione 5%: 750,00;

— stipendio lordo spettante: 14.250,00;

— aumento figurativo imp. previdenziale: 750,00;

— imponibile previdenziale: 15.000,00;

— contributi previdenziali (8,85% + 0,35% + 2%):


— imponibile fiscale (14.250 - 1.680): 12.570,00.

Stante la premessa, dovrebbe risultare logica conseguenza

che, nella certificazione modello PA04, sia

ai fini pensionistici che per il calcolo del trattamento

end of service and termination payments, you should indicate

the amount of full pay, regardless of reductions in


bound by the treaty accessory

total - Article 9, c. 2 bis, Decree Law No. 78

From 1 January 2011 until 31 December 2013

the total amount of resources allocated annually

accessory treatment of staff, also

management level of each of the administrations of

referred to ' Article 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 30 March 2001

No 165, may not exceed the corresponding amount

of 2010 and is, however,

automatically reduced in proportion to the reduction of staff.

represents, this constraint at the level of being, and not

more on the individual employee. The resources devoted to treatment

accessory, again in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013

, can not take an amount higher than the

2010. One problem is represented by the definition of''

total resources allocated annually to the treatment

accessory staff.'' On the one hand may be represented by the fund

Resource decentralized

governed by. 31 of 22 January Ccnl

2004. In this case, no problem in the quantification

as is evident from the action taken by the

. But, technically speaking, treatment accessory

has another meaning, namely that set of components

pay the collective agreement

defines as an accessory. For the determination

of these items should be understood, in addition to Ccnl

same, even explaining the various actions at the time

issued on

retained in the first ten days of illness (3). The two quantities do not coincide exactly

For example, the salary of the position,

of leadership in bodies that do not burden on

fund, although treatment accessory, much like

economic progressions are part of the treatment

essential, but find their funding

entire decentralized resources.

Another question of interpretation is represented by

test to be applied for the determination of the limit,

ie whether it should refer to the case or

jurisdiction. Given the wording of the provision, the phrase''intended''

seems to invoke the criterion of competence

. In this case, a further complication arises

, consisting of the case in which the fund

decentralized resources (if that `it must be understood

treatment option) is made up

a year late, assumptions Tutt 'anything but uncommon.

Again, the rule states that the constraint applies to the treatment

ancillary staff, including executive level

. It is unclear whether the determination

of the roof should consider all

only employees or, conversely, we should also add

Secretary municipal or provincial. If on the one hand

the salary of the latter is paid by the

which has been assigned, on the other

the Secretariat comes from legally

Ministry of the Interior, after the successful suppression

Autonomous Agency for the administration of

of municipal and provincial secretaries. For the latter

reason, one might conclude that it should not

in the determination of the limit

for resources to be allocated to the treatment accessory.

Even if exclusion of the Town Clerk

or provincial level, the rule states

the quantification limit of a single-level institution and, therefore, that limit

contributes to both the senior staff

that this is not leadership. In other words, it seems

possible that we can make the determination

two separate roofs, including one headed by the leaders

other for the remaining employees. Within the framework outlined

, some contractual provisions

find difficulty in implementing

next three years. In particular:

- art. 4, c. 2, 5 October 2001 of the national collective agreement, which wants to increase the resources

fund for the amounts of individual salaries

seniority is the

checks on a personal staff ceased;

- art. 15, c. 2:05, a national collective agreement of April 1999,

amounts that may exceed what is already destined

in 2010;

- art. 17 April 1999 a national collective agreement, which allows

the following year the money not spent

year (4);

- art. 15, c. 1 bed. k) of 1 April 1999 Ccnl

(fees Merloni, Ici, advocacy) as well

these amounts should be included the extent and

consequently, could not exceed the amount allocated in 2010

. But the mere application of the provisions contained in

work related to financial

2009, shows the percentage of fees for planning

from 0.50% to 2%

involves an increase in resources for this purpose.

The rule requires, finally, the deduction limit

in case of reduction of staff. It is impossible to proceed from that

reducing the occurrence of any termination of service, whatever it happens

title, as if such termination

was followed by its replacement, the new employee

not find his luggage

treatment of''accessory''. It is considered more appropriate

aside the sum of additional payment on

termination, in order not to pay

thereof, and to act on the reduction

real limit only at the end of the treatment accessory

year, in relation to the balance between retirements and recruitment.

As regards the calculation of the reduction, a looming

Modes of finite simple

ie a mathematical average, dividing

the total amount of treatment

accessory for the number of persons to whom the same treatment


no doubt on the competence of the investigation

the upper limit of treatment

accessory and its possible reduction:

question of technical act and, therefore, its adoption it

manager or, in absence of management, the manager

which is assigned the entitlement management `


Ccnl Maximum increase for 2008 - 2009

- Article 9, c. 4, No DL 78

the contract renewals of employees by public administrations

for 2008-2009 and improvements

economic remaining staff under the law

public for the same period can not, in any case

, determine pay increases in excess of 3.2 for

percent. The provision under this paragraph shall apply

also contracts and agreements entered into before the date of entry into force of this

decree, the conflicting provision

contained in those contracts and agreements are ineffective;

from MONTHS `after the date of entry into force of this

decree the salary

will be adjusted accordingly. The provision in

first sentence of this paragraph shall not apply to security-sector

defense and fire fighters.

For public employees, the increases resulting from

national collective agreement covers the period 2008-2009

must comply with the limit imposed by the programming tools

viability and, therefore, can not

exceed the amount of 3, 20%. If they are already

been signed, dated May 31, 2010, agreements which contain clauses


latter are ineffective and the main benefits are recovered

with effect from June 2010.

going to read the technical report to the Decree-Law,''

shows that the estimates contained therein (

second period of c. 4) applies only in respect of staff


regions and local (non-managerial staff) and

than institutions of the NHS (and managers

)''. So I'm not interested employees

leaders of regions, municipalities and provinces. But the hypothesis

contract for that segment, which covers the period 2008-2009

was, at the time, certified by the Court

accounts (5), which stated that

''regarding the assessment of compatibility

economic, related to compliance with the inflation rate

planned wage increases

is equal to 3, 2%, in line with increases

under negotiation in the planning documents

viability.'' The situation can not

that leads to raised eyebrows is arithmetic. Considering

basic salary of the individual positions

economic, at the beginning and end of the period in question

, and calculating the impact of the increase

than the initial table, we find that, indeed,

increases are greater than 3.20%,

in varying degrees for each position. Some interpreters

argue that instead of comparing the two tabular

, we must proceed to calculate the sums actually received


years 2008 and 2009, as increases in the contract. These sums

, compared with the basic salary at the beginning of the biennium

, is the measure of the increase. But

in this case, is exceeded the ceiling of

3.20%, although, quantitatively, to a lesser extent.

A confirmation of the first mode of calculation

`there is the national collective agreement of the sector regions and local governments,

for the same period, but reported to management,

whose case is was signed after the entry

into force of Decree 78/2010 and which was recognized,

also by the Court of Auditors (6),

in line with the prediction of the standard comment.

Taking the salary table of the leaders

1 January 2008 (€ 41,968.00)

dividing by 13, you get a monthly salary of € 3228.30

; applying the percentage of 3.20% is

un importo pari a euro 103,30, che coincide

con l’incremento a regime del predetto tabellare.

In ogni caso, risulta assodato che l’incremento del

tabellare, nel biennio 2008-2009, e` stato superiore

al limite in questione. Un’ulteriori tesi, pero`, si

sta profilando. Secondo quest’ultima interpretazione,

al fine del rispetto del vincolo del 3,20% non

bisogna considerare solo lo stipendio base, ma si

deve prendere a riferimento anche l’incremento

del salario accessorio. Ai sensi dell’art. 4 del Ccnl

31 luglio 2009, l’incremento delle decentralized resources

could vary only in the year 2009, up to a maximum of 1

, 50% of the total salary, 2007, if certain parameters were met

of virtuosity '. This increase is much lower


3.20% specified in the standard comment. It follows that the

less increase in wage accessory

absorbs the largest increase of salaries

table and, therefore, nothing to be recouped.

The inclusion of the additional payment for checking

roof is affirmed by the Court of Auditors

Tuscany (7), which adds, `But, that resources

increase in the provision in 2009, equal to the maximum

1, 50% said, if paid within

May 2010, may not, under any circumstances, be subject to

request for a refund. After the entry into force of

No DL 78/2010, it is not possible to proceed

the payment of such resources, even if it now

aside in the fund.

In this rather confusing situation, it is urgent

action by institutional bodies in order to establish whether


local government must give back part of the contractual benefits

2008-2009 and, if so, to what extent

. Until that ruling, it is not appropriate

anything to recover, so as not to create situations

disparities in treatment.

Block of the Collective Agreement - Article 9

c. 17, No DL 78

not by `place, with no possibility of recovery, procedures

contract negotiations relating to the years 2010-2012

staff referred to in Article 2, paragraph 2 and Article 3 of Decree Law 30

March 2001, No 165, as amended.

It is subject to the payment of interim `Holiday

contrattuale nelle misure previste a decorrere dall’anno

2010 in applicazione dell’articolo 2, comma 35, della legge

22 dicembre 2008, n. 203.

Il legislatore ha sospeso la tornata contrattuale 2010-

2012 facendo salva esclusivamente l’erogazione dell’indennita`

di vacanza contrattuale. La mancata sottoscrizione

del Ccnl per il triennio non pone particolari

problemi interpretativi ed operativi in merito allo stipendio

tabellare: non vi e` alcun aumento se non l’autonomo

riconoscimento dell’Ivc, che, con ogni probabilita`,

verra` assorbito with the next session

contract. Since 'the IVC has the same characteristics

treatment table, may be appropriate to calculate the value of treatment

accessory related to

table (such as overtime, shift and increases)

sull'Ivc also to avoid having to make recalculation

distance of several years.

the inability to make contractual procedures

''negotiating''and should, at least in terms of literal

preclude the possibility of reaching even

decentralized nature of such agreements, since the

dettato normativo non limita il divieto alla contrattazione

nazionale. Per altro verso non si comprende

come si possa gestire il trattamento accessorio collegato

alle risorse del fondo in assenza di un contratto

decentrato. Inoltre, la norma non sospende

esplicitamente l’applicazione delle norme contrattuali

in materia di contrattazione decentrata.

La mancanza del Ccnl pone problemi difficilmente

superabili in merito all’applicazione della riforma

Brunetta con particolare riferimento al sistema premiale

contenuto nel Titolo III del D.Lgs. n. 150/

2009. La stessa circolare n. 7/2010 della Funzione

pubblica, a firma del Ministro, al par. 5 prevede che

‘‘altre norme del D.Lgs. n. 150/2009 non risultano,

invece, applicabili se non a partire dalla stipulazione

dei contratti collettivi relativi al periodo contrattuale

2010-2012, in quanto ne presuppongono l’entrata

in vigore’’. Il contratto nazionale deve definire

la nuova struttura della retribuzione come presupposto

per poter ‘‘destinare alla produttivita` individuale

la quota prevalente della retribuzione accessoria’’

ai sensi dell’art. 40, c. 3 bis, del D.Lgs. No

165/2001, SO as amended by Legislative Decree no.

150/2009. The

Ccnl must also take action on pay

managers linked to performance under Article.

24 of the new Legislative Decree no. 165/2001 on the basis of which

''treatment accessory attached to the results

must be at least 30 percent of total executive remuneration

considered to net earnings of individual seniority is

of additional assignments subject to the system dell'onnicomprensivita `''.

In other words, the contract

national resources had increased progression

available for the payment of the result

order to apply the constraint of 30% from

2013 or the next bargaining round

that from January 1, 2010.

The system of rewards has two new institutions, the bonus

annual award for excellence and innovation,

the amount of which is quantified by Ccnl

within the resources made available to the bargaining

(art. 45, para 3 bis of Legislative Decree no.

No 165/2001). For the same reason do not apply the

premiums for the so-called ranking, which was to find financing

always in the bargaining

(art. 45, para 3 bis of Legislative Decree no. No 165/2001).

Although the circular cited

merely highlight the problems outlined above, that already, by themselves, do

seriously doubt the actual possibility of applying

the reform, many other problems should be resolved in

collective agreements. First there is

asks whether it can still be considered compatible with the

annual bonus linked to individual performance

the salary of staff result

SO as non-executive definita nel Ccnl, il quale

prevede che possa variare tra il 10 ed il 25% della

retribuzione di posizione. Nella logica della riforma

si dovrebbero determinare le risorse disponibili ed

individuare un sistema di fasce cosı` come indicato

nell’art. 31, c. 2, del D.Lgs. n. 150/2009. In applicazione

dei principi dettati dagli artt. 17 e 18 anche

l’attribuzione della retribuzione di risultato deve

avvenire in modo ‘‘selettivo, secondo logiche meritocratiche’’

e quindi potendo premiare i migliori

anche con importi che eccedono la soglia, effettivamente

today is not just motivating 25% of salary

position. However, the collective agreement remains in force

although clearly incompatible with the reform. On the basis of Article. 31 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009

the institutions should make a maximum of three

lists of employees, under which assign the annual performance bonus

: one for managers, a

for holders of non-managers and organizational position

one for the remaining employees. Evidently

presents many problems to assume that an employee

Category A can be fed into

same ranking of an employee category

D, and that the prize can not be differentiated.

But in the absence of a national collective agreement

is difficult to think of different solutions.

addition, the famous art school and sore. 15, c. 5

Ccnl of 1 April 1999 and is still compatible with the

bonus linked to performance? While

the improvement of services is linked to specific objectives

that a group of employees must reach

other system performance

provides a single list with bands on different

up all employees; ancora una volta

una norma contrattuale vigente ma incompatibile

con la riforma.


Se da una parte la riforma Brunetta detta un’agenda

di tempi ben cadenzati per la sua applicazione dall’altra

parte la manovra Tremonti ha sostanzialmente

tagliato le gambe a questa riforma. La dimostrazione

sta proprio nel blocco del trattamento economico individuale,

nel blocco del trattamento accessorio a livello

di ente e non per ultimo nel blocco del Ccnl, e

forse anche dei Ccdi, del triennio 2010-2012.

di Tiziano Grandelli e Mirco Zamberlan

Esperti in gestione organization and staff of local