Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mens Size 15 Ice Skates

Assistenza al tesoretto

From Florence Prodi has certified that a large part of the "treasure" will be used for the elderly. Perhaps to bring together all the items in the coalition - now hoarse, forced to complain about - under the old flag of welfarism. A maneuver to give a faint taste left in a left that did not feel that. Concerns remain: to revive the country's future, the focus has been on the elderly. It does not seem a stroke of genius. Especially for a country in perpetual behind the rest of Europe. Obviously we wallow in this delay, given the apparent refusal to change the situation. Perhaps to demonstrate the relevance of the cornerstones of the left, there were better ways to become in a conservative force. Abolishing, then, that reform that you are wearing.

Acne Caused By Provigil

5 per mille/2: a chi devolverai la tua quota?

Having found football club and financial relations between the candidates to receive 5 per thousand, we see other associations to which we devote our share.
Notice to mariners (network): The article is satirical. How to write fiction, any resemblance to events and people is purely coincidental. Maybe ...

-Catholic Information Perfect Circle, founded by a handful of members of Opus Dei which they considered too moderate policy of the Prelature. The goal is to convince the directors of the club network to promote Latin as official language on the news. Consigliati i sottotitoli rimandanti alle parabole del Vangelo in tema con la notizia in onda. Considerato fondamentale per il servizio pubblico, il latino camufferebbe con un’aurea di signorilità tutte le cagate che passano per i tg. A leggere le notizie in studio è stato proposto il sacerdote della parrocchia adiacente alla sede del circolo. I principali problemi (al religioso mancano parecchie diottrie, e in ogni caso è analfabeta) sono ritenuti ampiamente risolvibili facendo doppiare il sacerdote dalla sua badante rumena, al fine di rinnovarle il permesso di soggiorno. Suggestiva l’edizione del tg domenicale, con una comunione in diretta destinata a tutta la redazione e Mimun, Riotta e Del Noce a fare i chierichetti.

- Body of Illuminate Recreation, sponsored by a detachment of the Jesuits. "God exists, but is playing hide and seek" the founder said in a press interview. As the Lord's infinite by definition, will continue to rely indefinitely leaning against an oak tree in Eden. With the 5 per thousand of the institution proposes to punish those who suggested that God was doing the counts, and to finance expeditions to find him.

- Association All Except We love Darwin. Derivation of the CL, members theorize that Darwin is diametrically wrong. The man, after reaching the highest peaks of the virtues possible (as proof, the invention of new host diet with 100% organic ingredients for home-obese) is following the same route on the contrary, it will lead to the state of being single-celled. As evidence, the growing importance of insurance in society is considered a clear sign of regression. "Relativism kill the man, who no longer guarantees a permanent place to the things that really matter. The mobile phone, for example. How many times do we turn for home because we do not find more? Even the dinosaurs first appeared a trifle, but we know the end they did. All this brings us tremendously to protozoa. "So he set out the most representative member of the association, first to enter the fifth week of the bill.

- Union devout atheists, a new entry. He argues that a tremendously good God really existed, but in the middle of Creation had an identity crisis. Thesis revitalized by well-known Catholic leaders, so that would explain the birth of homosexuals. The 5 per thousand would give oxygen to the coffers of the company, working for years to find the missing part of the Bible: the dialogue between God and the first psychoanalyst, and strangled by the Lord created in just a few questions.

- Agnostics rockers Facts. "Not only is there no God, but even a toll in several sections dell'A14 smiling." This is the slogan of the association, that the state wants to launch the proposed "take a toll, too." Based on the metaphor of Springsteen and Ligabue who want the road as a representation of life, and of sins, the members argue that only by reconciling the toll collectors - the guardians of all evil - with the world we open the gates of Heaven. At death, the participants will meet the toll taken in the empyrean, that stripping of all assets (such as tickets for entry) will open their doors to eternal life. The seized assets will finance the forging of new gold keys to St. Peter.

- League Antirelativismo and antimaterialist. Born somewhere and in some moment, it is ideally formed from a spiritual closeness between the members, who telepathically pray and share new recipes for pies. The membership cards are on fire as soon as completed. Unfortunately we can not define the purpose of the institution, because the statute has been swallowed in the first and only original member, Marcello Pera.

- Confederation of Agricultural and healthy. It is proposed to be made compulsory in all the living presence of a Baobab, the undisputed healing properties, in protest of the excessive power of pharmaceutical companies.

- Vegetarian Coalition. To avoid ending up in the stomachs of the poor beasts in human body announced lo sterminio di ogni animale presente sulla Terra. La corrente più moderata si limiterà a rilevanti battaglie per l’abolizione della Pasqua, assassina di agnelli. Già in programma un tour per le piazze italiane dove verranno fuse gigantesche uova di cioccolato, come il vecchione a Capodanno. Al posto dell’ovino, si festeggerà succhiando tuberi.

- Alleanza Animalista. Gli associati sono certi che per salvare la natura l’uomo si debba estinguere. A scopo dimostrativo, promettono di liberare una mandria di felini nel prossimo derby a San Siro. Già si immagina Gattuso avvinghiato al collo di una tigre. Milano è stata definita dai soci “capitale dell’odio verso gli animali” after having eaten a steak is too rare.

Animated Like Surgery

Precario in una impresa di assicurazione auto/1

As Mr. Charles is a pain in the ass, do not really have a point. The warrant any kind of assistance, from first draft budget to the mark to be displayed on the windshield. I assume full responsibility for the technical details of the RCA, unfair trap, the more paragraphs bastards, as deliberately made invisible. To Mr. Charles is not enough. E 'stiff dall'impalpabilità typical company that is only for telephone channel. Having the role of representing it, I also look like the impalpable. It almost manages to convince me of it. I ask the hundreds of euro to ensure its Fiat (rates were determined by the company, without the possibility of intervention) are much more concrete, and Mr. Charles makes me understand. I presented a series of specific questions to understand my level of preparation: every bit cynically my hesitation, to grasp more easily do, and prove that my role is to call in the fraud. Please, just trying to defend his savings, and I understand. With his back covered by a contract now expiring, I try to encourage them to create a mutual understanding.
- A few months ago I worked in a dental practice, without have the preparation. Today there are insurance, but I do not feel that. Tomorrow I do not know which job I'll have to invent, I just know that no one will teach me to do so, because no one will cost. I'm bending over backwards for you: I hope that's enough. More than that, I can do.
Mr. Charles mumbles that he understood, acknowledging with gratitude the renewed my good will.

With Mr. Carlo make peace (not with my superiors), but the fact remains precarious for us unedifying. Not belong to any social category, there are no mechanisms to let us labor as a buffer. We can not even represent ourselves, imagine if some outside force can protect the entire movement. We do not have to equip the ideologies behind sophistry identity. We are fighting against an enemy, because the identification of an enemy is too confusing. To be missing is the figure of the worker, but his conviction that true happiness should be shared, without getting a few goods. They drugged the need for a different morality, of an authentic freedom. They defused the labor movement in reducing wandering in millions of fragments competing. Without a bond of identity, these fragments have no weight: the company simply does not arise. Perhaps Mr. Charles was right: we're intangible, even to ourselves.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Epsom Salt And Staff Infection

Come ti devolvo il 5 per mille, ovvero: il paese dell'anti-ricerca

brief refresher: in 2006 he started on a pilot basis on 5 x 1000, ie the possibility for taxpayers to allocate a quota of 5 per thousand income tax of individuals not to institutions profit. It 's a voluntary contribution with which the taxpayer, without additional charge, inform the tax authorities who devote part of their taxes. It was hailed as a great step for research and charity. A step that was more along the leg. Our politicians (perfect in the pigeon on the panel on the right) because they expected a minimal popular participation, perhaps counting on that gene to a cunning Whether idiot that keeps the average Italian from any choice that does not give an immediate advantage. Italians however have responded to the huge, donating in 2006, by 5 per thousand, more than 400 million euro. Well beyond the expectations of this law was passed. What to do? Saw it. We see a checkmate in six moves to make pale Kasparov:

1) Not advertised in the media, we need to in paragraph 1 of Article 1237 of the financial news on a 5 per thousand. A bad news. The article included a ceiling on expenditure, by reducing it to € 250 million, well below the 400 million donated in 2006. When you need to make money, why not save on research and Charity? The sum exceeds 250 million euro will remain in the portfolio of the State;
2) Due to a elephantine bureaucracy, to date no one knows how much is the share of 5 per thousand for associations in 2006. This means, for example, if an institution is involved in research can not plan a budget, or making plans for new research;
3) The shares of 5 per thousand in 2006 will be awarded with three years of delay. In practice, an institution that relied on those funds to complete a research project should freeze the experiments, to take it when it will be obsolete. An association of charities dealing with children or terminally ill children when the funds will not be and most such patients will be dead. It is said that there will be new players to be protected, and still talking about human lives can not be carried forward a principle of substitution;
4) In any case, the average life of small groups is less than 3 years. The State can not therefore settle the amount owed to institutions that no longer exist;
5) The registration lists that allow a candidate to receive 5 per thousand passes by a simple application form. The tax office is irrelevant control purposes and the boards of these institutions. The result is that among the organizations eligible candidates for funding include foundations of chartered accountants, federarchitetti the Milan soccer teams amateurish, a club Juventus in Bolzano, even a circle of witches in the Milanese followers of the Wicca religion. Only thing missing is a charity Ricucci-Coppola in the reconstruction of old towns, with the written constitution with whitebait on a brick;
6) The mechanism of income distribution is similar to the 8 per thousand. In the latter case, indeed, who expresses no preference sees its share allocated to the various entities in proportion to total preferences. The 5 per thousand works in reverse: those who do not indicate preferences will donate the entire amount to the state.
Yet another insult to the search. They used to say "the law passed, find the loophole." Now, to save time, the deception is located directly in Parliament.

clicking here you will find a full list of entities.

Ceiling Hung Shower Curtain

L'imperialismo torna di moda. Ecco le prossime beghe planetarie

formats imperial China, a century after the shipments that divided the European continent. The Asian country continues a silent conquest of Africa by more intense trade relations by importing oil (25% of domestic needs, Angola and Sudan, the main countries), metals and agricultural products also (many Chinese companies manage agricultural markets) by exporting goods, manpower and technical resources. Over 700 Chinese companies are present in 49 African countries: the turnover is high.

Company Westerners are not likely to invest in those countries plagued by internal conflicts and constant political corruption. China waived these issues because of the increasing need for raw materials and markets to which they export. A numerical example concerns the striking trade between Beijing and the continent in 2003 were 18.5 billion dollars, over 50% more than in 2002. China supports Africa in the implementation of infrastructure, communication and power lines, oil refineries, of course, in order to increase its political influence. They are ready for new Chinese investment of $ 27 billion, divided into approximately 800 projects in 46 different countries. The World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz Beijing repeatedly says that violates the rules of the international market. Chinese companies won contracts in fact, thanks to government aid and the State which assumes all the risk business, becoming an initiator and pride of debt relief for African countries. Building roads in Africa in return for the exploitation of raw materials seems to read a book of contemporary history. But you know, history repeats itself. The Chinese government has been accused of financing the bloodiest African institutions, such as when Sudan supported the forces responsible for the genocide in Darfur. The rest is extracted in Sudan, 60% of the oil that China imports from Africa. The local economies in Africa, never decolonize from capital foreigners, are having to deal with a new invasion of investments in renminbi (Chinese currency) . may be regarded as the physiological end of globalization, but I think the physiological most African communities would other kinds of investments.

The economic conquest of Africa is a must for those who aspire to hold the primacy of the political, economic and military global level. Both in monetary terms than in advertising (and we know that dictators are very sensitive to these issues).

Meanwhile, military spending increased at an annual rate in two digits for the past 15 years: from 17% in 2002 to 11, 6% in 2004, more than 35% of the national budget. What will they do with all these weapons? We will kill locusts, to resolve the long standing problem of China?

Since the fall of the Wall in 1989, the alliance between China and the U.S. against the Soviet Union no longer made sense: America is a lot of nasty back to the institutions in Beijing. As reflected in the interference of China in the discussion process on the nuclear issue of Iran. The Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing, during a visit to Tehran, said that China would oppose any UN effort to sanction Iran. It is the same imperialist policy that drives this country to support the Islamic regime in Sudan. In the same vein, its policy toward Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea is among the most clear: a strong sign of China's imperial pretensions to plant their stakes in its natural sphere of influence at the expense of American politics. The Chinese bourgeoisie has also sought to consolidate his influence these days in Laos, Cambodia, Burma, even in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, which is directly against the United States. In this situation, it is obvious that the other imperialist powers in the world, particularly France, Germany and Russia, will try to defend their interests in the region, at the expense of American power. The recent trip of Chirac and Raffarin in China then had the sole purpose strengthen economic ties between Paris and Beijing. It was also to reaffirm France's support, took over from Germany to lift the embargo on arms sales to China and at the same time by selling advanced technology to China.

From March 14 the international concern is directed toward the Strait of Formosa. On that date, the Chinese parliament has voted for the first time, an anti-secession law that authorizes Beijing to use military means against Taiwan if the island's authorities had opted for independence. On March 13, Chinese President Hu-Jinto, in military uniform, had even appealed to public officers " prepare for armed conflict." The message was clear: the Chinese middle class would not allow the separation of Taiwan, it would not be moved back at nothing, including war.
Immediately the tension is rising rapidly, not only in Southeast Asia but also between China and Japan.

(, ,,

Airplane Shower Decorations

Timor Est: Ramos-Horta presidente

I know, is saying "me and me cares? ". But I am convinced that Asia a continent is strategic for the future of the planet, perhaps even a global player in the next few decades. So stop complaining and beccatevi this article first and then the next on China!

He was the founder of the movement for independence of the country, has spent 24 years in exile after the invasion by Indonesia, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996. Now Jose Ramos-Horta (pictured below) is the new president of East Timor

With more than 70 percent of the vote obtained in the second round on Tuesday, Prime Minister Ramos-Horta takes the place of another for the independence hero and Nobel Nobel, Xanana Gusmao, who has announced its intention to nominate hours at the helm of government. His rival, former rebel leader Francisco Guterres Lu Olo nom de guerre, was the representative of Fretilin, the majority party.


Those were the first presidential election since the island gained independence from Indonesia in 2002. Ramos-Horta will officially take office on 20 May, the fifth anniversary of independence. International observers invited to monitor the elections have talked about free and democratic consultations, which took place without a hitch - unlike the first round on April 9, marked by a series irregularities which forced the election commission to recount boards .

The first problem to solve for the president is linked to the recent case of rebellion in the army of some soldiers. The current crisis affecting the young republic began in February of last year, when 404 soldiers of the regular army (FDTL) defected under the present discrimination within the armed forces between Loromonu and Lorosae.

Prior had already been clashes between the police, mainly composed of former soldiers of ethnic Loromonu and former Indonesian military, el'FDTL (where the vertices are the majority Lorosae).

The rebels were joined by other civilian dissidents, despite mediation efforts by the authorities in April after the former soldiers protested in Dili.

The event, peaceful at first, degenerated when the military rebels stormed a supermarket supported by unemployed youth. L 'FDTL reacted disproportionately firing on the crowd. The result of the unrest was five dead and about 21,000 people were forced to leave Dili following the destruction caused by the fighting.

The rebels demanded the resignation of then Prime Minister Alkatiri , and the abolition of 'FDTL within 48 hours. In fact, the government refused, trying in vain to treat, hence the rebel troops took to guerrilla warfare. According to sources BBC the rebels are now besieged by the Australian troops in the town of Same, 50 km from the capital Dili. Nevertheless Reinado stated that it " prefer death rather than surrender .

by, Tosatti and Siviero

Powerstroke Biodiesel

Quando la realtà passa dal cinema

After the case of Michael Moore, who denounced the U.S. government to sabotage the distribution of "Sicko" his documentary-denunciation of American health care system, in Cannes, and 'the turn of the Theocratic Republic of Iran. Participation in the competition at the Festival of "Persepolis," animated film drawn from the graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi (pictured) has caused resentment in Tehran, and in view of the official screening next Wednesday, the Department for Cinema of the Ministry for Culture and the Islamic East and the Iranian government 'care to send a letter of protest to the French embassy in Iran, ISNA reported by the agency, which states that participation in the competition for the Palme d' the film "Persepolis" danneggerebbe la stessa reputazione del Festival che “in modo inconsueto e del tutto fuori luogo, ha scelto un film sull’Iran che rappresenta in maniera irrealistica le conquiste ed i risultati della gloriosa Rivoluzione Islamica in alcuni suoi aspetti”.

Di avviso diverso, Marjane Satrapi che da anni denuncia con i suoi fumetti l’emarginazione delle donne iraniane e la crudele misoginia della politica degli aytollah.


Homemade Cfl Grow Light

Cartolina dai Balcani: voglie usa di controllare chi controlla il kossovo

“La sovranità sul Kosovo spetta alla Serbia. Quella terra fa parte integrante del nostro Paese. E’ la terra dei nostri avi. E’ there there are monuments of our religion. It 'a land that will always remain an inalienable part of our territory. We will not step back and will never accept Kosovo's trade with the opportunity to become EU members. " Thus says Vojislav Kostunica, Prime Minister of Serbia, once again presenting itself as a strong leader and effectively and respond - in the midst of a real emergency situation - with the principles that the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice launched by Moscow. It 's you, in fact, to proclaim that "the province which is so much talk, no longer part of Serbia." And to soften the U.S. position about then - come è nelle migliori tradizioni dell’arroganza americana – di una “indipendenza kosovara sorvegliata”… Ma Kostunica, interpretando i sentimenti dell’intera Serbia e del mondo slavo, non fa passi indietro, pur comprendendo che Belgrado è sotto assedio. Cerca quindi di uscire dallo stallo e da una possibile paralisi. Ha già in tasca una vittoria che non è da sottovalutare e che gli consente di alzare il tiro.

Tutto questo in seguito al fatto che il nuovo Governo da lui guidato ha ottenuto la fiducia del Parlamento con 133 voti su 250 sfuggendo, di conseguenza, all’eventualità di nuove elezioni che avrebbero fornito motivi di rinvio anche sulla questione kosovara. Ora la nuova training that will lead the country is more stable because it is supported by the so-called "democratic bloc" and specifically the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) - whose leader is the same Kostunica - Democratic Party (DS) which is President Boris Tadic of the Republic and the group "G-17 Plus" which is the alliance between the forces of civil society at the time constituted in political education and is guided former Finance Minister Mladjan Dinkic.

Kostunica entrusts to the new national seated in Belgrade its strong response to the Americans. Stresses that one of its priorities is the preservation of Kosovo under the Serbian sovereignty, even at the cost of slowing down what is one of its main objectives, namely with the European Union. All the talk of the Serbian leader moves on the line of those positions that Moscow has also thrown in the face of Rice in recent days. The Kremlin has insisted, in fact, that the Kosovo Russia will not ever vote in favor of a resolution of the Security Council based on the level of Finnish Aktisaari, can not be accepted as a unilateral plan that has all the flavor of a "trap" policy against Belgrade. Russia and Serbia, then, are more united than ever witnessing increased integration, at least at the level of strategy geopolitics.

The issues at stake, however, are considerable and not easy to solve. In Kosovo, the situation does not meet safety standards and the status of refugees is still tragic. They ignored the requests of the UN base (respecting the rights of national minorities) as well as many other problems. It should be noted also that the Kosovo Albanians were never disarmed. Discuss a blank document content - such as those presented to the examination of Serbia and the international community - means, in Russia, only to lose time. If you are going to open a "serious debate", Moscow would be ready to enter into negotiations rule-based diplomacy, valid for both Albanians and the Serbs.

Russia, however, gambling risk of getting lost in the labyrinths of realpolitik. Weighs on the whole story the relationship with Chechnya. Why are many - the UN and the world of diplomatic observers - to produce a parallel between the position of the Caucasian republic of Kosovo and the region. In both cases - they say - it's claims relating to a total independence from Moscow and Grozny Pristina from Belgrade.
But the Russians on this comparison of soil move with extreme caution. And in this case agreed with Rice's statement that Kosovo is that of a special history because there are special conditions related to the history of the former Yugoslavia. " Moscow does not learn to accept that the Chechen rebels might be linked with the policy of Russia in the Caucasus: "No region - Moscow says diplomacy - can be detached from the motherland. This new risk and fearful conflict. New and tragic past. " And then: Kosovo with Belgrade, Grozny to Moscow. And even in this case we can say that there is nothing new.

The geopolitics of the Balkans requires other considerations. How, in fact, imagine a Serb-run Kosovo as the territory live more than two million Kosovar Albanians? And here, therefore, that the use of historical principles (those of the last century) does not provide valid answers because we are always in situations of cohabitation impossible. So much so that the students of Belgrade, Pristina and Tirana, following the events in Kosovo as a track and having past history, note that according to the principles that you would like to put in place today, Transylvania, for example, would be the territory of Hungary, the Baltic Sea lies with Russia The fall in the region of Bosnia and Istria in Italy. The Vojvodina would still be part of Hungary. Why, instead, the Vojvodina in its history was part of the Serbian state? The decision to annex it to Serbia (ie former Yugoslavia) was taken twice by the then Serb minority, both times, without the participation of other peoples, then a majority in Vojvodina, namely German and Hungarian . Only after two settlements, and after a total exodus of Germans and Hungarians from Vojvodina, the region became a province with a Serb majority ... It is now at risk of developing litigation, trying to separate fact from opinion, would lead to reopening of Europe Today the Balkan question, with diplomatic and military factors that can not be predicted.

Fragile and uncertain and therefore the Serbian policy of these hours. Kostunica will need to build the history of his country which has always been riven by infighting. Will therefore have to bring all his pragmatism and his proverbial caution. But it will need - this is the crux - to find allies in Europe. Why is Moscow's political support today is no longer sufficient.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Scorpio Micro Hybrid Specifications

Se la Costituzione è incostituzionale....

The Future continues its relentless campaign against say, declaring them unconstitutional. Already a few weeks ago annexed to its opinion to the Italian Constitutional Note 24, which put some doubt on the constitutionality I say to an equalization of marriage. Among them, two presidents emeriti of the Consulta, and Richard Chiappa Antonio Baldassarre. Doubts also founded and now deepened by the authors of the draft provision of law, have shown that as the recognition of rights does not amount to an automatically equalizing marriage. Just read the draft of the bill to realize it. The assumption is therefore unconstitutional was a simple misunderstanding. Not so many members of the Catholic faith of journalism but also of the Italian Parliament, who consciously lies. Given the insistence, I wonder how constitutional principles related to the conduct of the Members who vote based on principles fideistic. Italy is a secular country. Vote as bubbles, no possums, circular pizzini means to undermine the very concept of the Constitution. In other words, the Catholic leaders of this House are the province of passive decisions that are made elsewhere. The most controversial bills in recent years have involved strong contrast with the Church: euthanasia, assisted reproduction, now I say. In all these cases, the parliamentarians who believe they voted en bloc against any progressive thrust. The arms are raised in the halls of Parliament are controlled by a mind far from the Senate and the House, remotely operated from several kilometers away. So, to vote and the CEI. And 'this Constitutional? I think not. I will move two objections. The first is that Italy is a Catholic country, then these MPs do nothing but represent the people. The second is that in every case, the MPs are entitled to vote according to their conscience. We see the first claim. It is true that the parliamentary fideists represent the population. "On the eve of" Family Day ", the poll conducted yesterday by IPR Marketing for , an Italy shows substantial agreement on the concept of" extended family "(ie not necessarily linked to marriage), though contrary that certain rights are also recognized same-sex couples. In short, yes to say, no to gay marriage. This is the stance of the majority of Italian citizens, quite different from that expressed by Members of the center-right. The second objection is more subtle and complex, covering it all the rights associated with individual morality in which it is easy to get bogged down. Put it this way: if some regurgitation of individual conscience (which has often removed the Italian left) is found to be contrary to the Constitution, it is wiser sopirlo. It is guaranteed in the Constitution as a secular country Italy. Especially when they know so much cries of hypocrisy: the same people who now say they see a threat to the family, the foundation of society, they voted for five years more unacceptable come la depenalizzazione del falso in bilancio, senza temere di minacciare la moralità, pilastro ben più fondante (e più in crisi) della società. In ogni caso, se passasse come “naturale” l’uniformarsi degli esponenti cattolici alla voce del Vaticano, allora dovremmo aspettarci che un islamico voti a prescindere a favore dell’immigrazione, che un senatore juventino voglia abbattere il diritto sportivo, che un deputato milanese provi a devolvere milioni di euro alle città con più discoteche. Insomma, dovremmo celebrare il funerale sia del buon senso che del principio di rappresentanza per cui quei signori siedono in Parlamento. In tutta Europa, destre più conservative della nostra hanno approvato leggi più of progressive say. We see in the low post in the European landscape.