Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lakeshore Catalog 2010

laboratorio del 10 gennaio

 friends and friends of Informadarte and Villa Villa Colle, 
inform you that the art workshop to be held
Sunday, January 3 was postponed and will take place Sunday, January 10

Sunday, January 10 THE PORTRAIT:
will host a workshop on the portrait of mom and dad
: with cardboard, textiles, objects and other materials,
describe our parents in a funny and entertaining!
The workshops are open to children aged 3 to 10 years, have
a cost of € 10 per child and can accommodate up to 20 children

... so hurry to book!

For reservations, call Julie at 347 5954855 or 349 3569159

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all \\ e :-)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Halter Tops Oregon Plus Size

" Lei è perfetto per l'assunzione "
E invece deve... pay for a course.
A computer course "disguised" by the selection of personnel. What has misled a young man who turned to Lucca Federconsumatori.

Lucca, November 25, 2009 - "Our Associate - explain the association - has received an invitation from a company that was performing in Lucca Padova a selection of staff with 'features to be added or formed under the Civil Engineering / Industrial Development Projects and CAD three-dimensional graphs'. " The invitation was contained the following information: "The diploma awarded to her - so he read the unlucky aspirant - Falls within the scope of professional interest in what we are doing research. We ask that you carefully fill out the attached form that will allow us an initial assessment. " The Associate Federconsumatori was presented at this meeting was planned and urged the signing of related forms. "In fact - by the association to inform the consumer's rights - it was a contract for a computer course from the total cost of 1,380 €. Then our bound (by registered mail within 10 days from the date of signing the contract) has announced its intention to withdraw. " At that point the company - communicating the acceptance of withdrawal - asked 560 euro as a penalty. Federconsumatori Lucca denied the request for payment, noting that the patient has regularly exercised his right of withdrawal.

"To all the people who would join the selection and that they would not adhere to the course - close to Federconsumatori - we recommend sending the registered letter of cancellation under the law, the organizers of the course and not the actual payment of penalty of 560 €. That is manifestly vexatious request to us and therefore we have retained to challenge it in all appropriate fora. "

Article From "The Nation Lucca

Thursday, December 17, 2009

When Congratulating Someone On A Baby


For all, here is the trailer of our next piece of animation, by Multimedia Systems Inc., which will be released on DVD in a few months ... click on the title will link you directly to the trailer!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Does Steam Cleaning Hurt Laminate Flooring



Sunday, December 20, from 16 to 18 hours, decorate the Christmas
Informadarte girls are waiting for you at Villa Villa Colle for a workshop on creating beautiful Christmas decorations: centerpiece in the shape of Christmas trees made from paper, sound trees made of straws, but also many original decorations for the Christmas tree that you have at home!

Sunday, December 27, from 16 to 18 WAITING FOR THE EPIPHANY
we are waiting for a very special workshop: together we will create our very personal stuffs stockings with the strangest, buttons, wool threads, and much more!

Sunday, January 3, 2010, from 16 to 18 THE PORTRAIT
will host a workshop on the portrait of mom and dad: with cardboard, textiles, objects and other materials, we describe our parents in a funny and entertaining!

Sunday, January 6, 2010 .... THE EPIPHANY OF VILLA VILLA
COLLE ... a day dedicated to the old woman most loved by children, with plays, readings, performances and ... DO NOT MISS !!!!! The workshops are

open to children aged 3 to 10 years, at a cost of € 10 per child and can accommodate up to 20 children
... so hurry to book!
For reservations, call Julie at 347 5954855 or 349 3569159 Claudia.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Motorcycle Follicular Lymphoma


from January 2010 will share the association informadarte training courses on the teaching of contemporary art for children.
courses are aimed at groups of 20 adults: teachers, teachers / i, students / them, mothers / fathers, private and include 7 meetings from mid-morning, to play on Saturday morning at the ass. Cult.Villa Villa Colle (Esquilino) and a meeting at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome. If
are interested in receiving more information on courses and booking, please send an email to with specified name and telephone number, we will contact you care.
by Francesca Pacini

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Comments Formarried Couple

Law No 21 December 2005 270 or: the disappearance of Democracy

Well, of course, is not a great law, even the high-level politician who gave the name, the Hon. Calderoli, called it a "crap" from which "porcellum," a term now used by all peacefully to indicate (a term coined by Giovanni Sartori). But it's there and nobody talks about.

What sends me crazy, in fact, is the manner by which deboluccio and approximate talk about it on the left. All admit that it sucks, which should be changed, which is anti-democratic, which basically takes away the right to vote in person, but in the end and there is no point wasting too much time fighting it. In fact, the political leaders (I laugh) the so-called left (I'm bulging with laughter), this topic is relegated to "changes and possible", subject to the second level, second floor, just breath political.

What I would say to all these abuses that you improvise with words "Italian politicians, is that there are other issues on the agenda. This is the theme. We must speak only of this up when you have not won the battle to restore democracy in this country no other battle sense. And the context in which this law has created a framework of democracy distorted drugged, sweetened, some say quasi-regime. In short, it is useless (or maybe it is helpful to you?) Repeat that when a man who already controls half of Italy wins the other half not to be tried inventing rules and electoral laws to exclude minorities from the parliament, the danger of a dictatorship is slightly more substantial than just paranoia.

And we watched the nose of the jacket, the hairline, to stigmatize work in economics and foreign policy, on justice and health, to write the dossier on his past and long monologues about his alleged involvement in judicial proceedings. Attention. The point is not that. Only the Italians can get rid of Berlusconi's right and who says that the prime minister must be defeated in regular elections and erased an ugly memory of our history by a return to the policy of government. Because what we have seen and sorbitol in recent years has nothing to do with politics.

But if this is true then returns compelling and dramatically present the theme of democracy and opportunity for people to go to the polls and exercise their right to vote really addresses everywhere they want but with real consequences in the composition of the Italian parliamentary classrooms. Why, if it were not for those who noticed, this does not happen today.

explain, then, to those who make policy or idea to start practicing, what states, what and what distorts introduces this law, the No 270, December 21, 2005.

First, the provision in question shall eliminate the single-member constituencies. Who could vote with the old system will remember that you could vote on two cards for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate on a card. On the second board of the Chamber shall be assigned seats in proportion, namely 25% of the seats, with the option to choose a list and the Senate there shall be a recovery on a regional basis among the non-elected all'uninominale. Today there are only two cards.

The second and most terrifying amendment by 270/05, which basically reflects the pattern in place for the proportionate share under the previous electoral system (cd Mattarellum), lies in the elimination of preferences for which the voter can cast its own vote only lists of candidates without the possibility, as is the case today for the European elections, regional and municipal authorities, to indicate his preferred candidate. The election of members of parliament, therefore, the composition of parliament from the point of view of the prestige of Representatives, the respectability of cultural, della preparazione giuridica, dipende solo ed esclusivamente dalle scelte e dalle graduatorie stabilite dai partiti. Qual'è la conseguenza di questa riforma è abbastanza agevole comprenderlo. O forse no, è meglio spiegarlo. Se io sono un partito con un capo che si presenta alle elezioni ed è in grado di raccogliere un buon numero di voti, allora sono nelle condizioni di cooptare uomini e donne il cui spessore politico è assolutamente irrilevante divenendo al contrario fondamentale l'aspetto della fedeltà agli impegni assunti con la candidatura. Ma se è il partito che decide chi va in parlamento e se nelle liste conviene metterci persone fidate piuttosto che persone in gamba, allora è evidente che in parlamento siederanno non, come vuole the constitution, representatives of the people but the representatives of political parties loyal to the line.

In this case the consequences are very evident but, in this case is the case, to explain better. In our constitutional legislative power belongs to the parliament as a member of parliament the power to grant or revoke the trust executive. Without trust, which is a vote cast by a majority of both houses of parliament, the government falls, and if you find a different majority in the House and Senate, you must return the word to the voters. But if all MPs are loyal to the candidate for prime minister, it is clear that there will be parliamentary dialectic and that the government will have a confidence that comes from the goodness of his actions but by the loyalty of his henchmen entered the electoral roll. Not if it is deserved, but if you bought before being appointed by the Head of State.

Also, if the parliamentarians are men of faith of the head of government, it is clear that they will ratify it without even questioning (because in most cases they do not have the capacity) measures of the government including the decrees law slavishly will be converted into law. This means that the legislative function will no longer be done by the parliament but by the government.

we analyze the third major innovation of law in question, the so-called "majority bonus". In practice, receive a minimum of 340 seats in the Chamber of Deputies to the coalition that wins a majority of the votes. In the Senate, however, the majority premium is identified on a regional basis, and guarantees the winning coalition in a given region at least 55% of the seats assigned to it.

The "porcellum", then, makes it compulsory, at the exact moment they are presented the symbols of the election deposit by any coalition of its program and the particulars of his head. Think I'm kidding? Andatevela reading. Says exactly that. All right, then you do not believe the rewrite: "At the same filing of that mentioned in Article 14, the organized political parties or groups that are candidates to govern the deposit election program in which state the name of the person they named as head of the political force. Organized political parties or groups linked together in a coalition candidate for governor who settles in a single election manifesto, declaring the name of the person they named as sole head of the coalition. Remain firm due to prerogatives of the President of the Republic under Article 92, second paragraph of the Constitution.. " Think about how these funny guys have been magnanimous. Even the prerogatives belonging to the President of the Republic, namely the power to appoint the prime minister and ministers remain "firm". That's nice, no? As if in an ordinary law you could change the powers of the highest office in the State. The problem is that I think we have thought well to avoid misunderstanding and eventually decided to write it because in fact the content of the standard we are dealing with empty so the power of the President of the Republic also unnecessary to make the act of appointment of the Government. To recap: the Parliament useless, useless President of the Republic.

E 'clear what follows from this rule, right? No? Okay then explain it to her going. In our legal system is the electorate, that is la gente, cioè noi, che elegge il parlamento, l'organo deputato a fare le leggi, ed è il parlamento che esprime una maggioranza. Il Presidente della Repubblica, infatti, una volta insediato il Parlamento, prima di questa “porcata”, si faceva un giretto tra i gruppi parlamentari per capire quale fosse il più gettonato tra i papabili Presidenti del Consiglio. Faceva i conti, cioè, dei voti che ogni possibile candidato avrebbe ricevuto. Quello che aveva la maggioranza veniva incaricato di formare il Governo. Una volta formato il Governo attraverso la nomina dei ministri sempre ad opera del Presidente della Repubblica su indicazione del Presidente del Consiglio incaricato, il Governo, finalmente composto, si presentava al Parlamento, that is, the assembly elected by the people, namely the representatives of the people, that is, the people, to earn the trust, ie permission to govern. Now it is .... quite the opposite. The leaders are selected from henchmen and push them to vote. None of the parliament is elected by the people. The elected parliamentarians have a duty "moral" support the government formed by the head, of course, the President instructs not even make the stroll between the parliamentary groups, carrying out an activity purely deed. The Prime Minister appoints ministers who want him so much because no one will dare not to vote for the trust, and the omelet is done. There is only one man in command. Un tizio, sia esso di destra o di sinistra può: scegliere i parlamentari, scegliere i ministri, fare le leggi. Uno e trino. Contemporaneamente Corpo elettorale, Parlamento e Governo. Se non è una dittatura questa... solo Ottaviano Augusto, in quanto anche pontefice massimo, ha saputo far meglio.

Proseguendo nel nostro viaggetto all'interno della legge elettorale che tanto piace ai nostri politici, ci dobbiamo occupare di due mostriciattoli mica da ridere: le “coalizioni” e le “soglie di sbarramento”. Guardate, queste due sembrano davvero questioni molto tecniche ma come è ovvio in una legge elettorale sono in realtà due questioni molto, molto politiche. Ed è importante non sottovalutarle perché are, I think the real reason why the opposition (ah ah) is not a real opposition to this law and become an accomplice in this retreat unquestionably substantial level of democracy in our country. However, by analyzing the details, the law provides for the possibility of apparently mutual between multiple listings that are grouped together in coalitions. Both the program that the "head" of political power where there is a coalition, must be unique. Obviously, in this case, the head becomes (even) Head of the coalition. The issue is not trivial when read in conjunction with the other element, the so-called "threshold barrier". Be very careful. To obtain seats in the House, any "coalition" must obtain at least 10% of the national vote but, as regards the lists do not enter into a coalition the minimum threshold is reduced to 4% and the same threshold is applied to those lists that are linked to a coalition that has failed to overcome the barrier. The lists linked to a coalition that has exceeded the threshold of 10%, then, can participate in the distribution of seats only if they exceed 2% of the vote, or if they constitute the largest of the forces below this threshold within the same (fastest loser). In the Senate, however, the electoral threshold (which however must be overcome at the regional level) are 20% for coalitions, 3% for coalition lists, 8% for non-coalition lists and lists that have occurred in coalitions that have not achieved 20%.

Now be careful with the fact that this method is virtually identical to that of the electoral law used in Tuscany, which includes the same barricades and that certainly was not conceived by the mind of a center-right.

Now, because of the disappearance, perhaps even shared view of the low returns of recent years, all those political forces that existed, so to speak, to the left of the Democratic Party and given the impact on the economic sphere and that of the visibility of these forces that, and it was easy to predict, at this point are buried and forgotten, not wonder if the current opposition had every interest in not countering this "bullshit" in a move to get rid of all those small parties that were buzzing around? The fact that these small parties represented at least three million people, of course, is not so important.

Behold, I see this in the fraud by Veltroni before and after its smaller predecessors. To become hegemonic and point to the duopoly of Berlusconi's political left to the possibility of undermining the democratic structure of our country. Personally I do not lose this political force that.

What I think, saving the part of the law that deals with linguistic minorities, is that today l'opposizione politica in questo paese debba avere un solo obiettivo: lavorare per costruire una alleanza politica tra i democratici, di qualunque estrazione essi siano. Questa è una precondizione per poter ricominciare a parlare dei problemi che affossano questo paese sui quali magari all'interno di questo fronte di uomini e donne che vogliono riaffermare i principi democratici, possono non essere condivisi. Questo, però, è un altro problema. Oggi siamo chiamati a fare una scelta precisa e ad impegnarci tutti quanti per risolvere un problema fondamentale del nostro paese. Quello della scomparsa della democrazia. Nessun altra questione, nessun altro appuntamento nell'agenda politica fino a quando non abbiamo risolto questo.

Personalmente mi will commit only to a movement that has as its main aim is to repeal the current electoral law and to return the word to the electorate. Otherwise, for all the reasons I explained above, abbaiamo the moon because the soil in which we face is distorted in a land where, however, people do not count for anything and when people do not count us find a place that I call " regime. " No one should accept the argument with the majority on any other subject be it economic, social, institutional. No comparison until we spoke up on its last legs, it has not solved the node is not democratic and has restored power to the people. 'SOVEREIGNTY' BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE WHO THE EXERCISES IN THE FORM AND EXTENT OF THE CONSTITUTION "(Constitution, Article 1, paragraph 2 °).

partisans, always.

Marco Guercio, Lawyer.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Razor Electric Chopper



BORN TO TWO STEPS FROM OPIUM HILL ASSOCIATION CULTURAL VILLA VILLA HILL , AND HOUSE is just like Pippi Longstocking: A COLORFUL PLACE, spacious and comfortable, dedicated to you!





Thursday, November 26, 2009

Halle Berry With Long Curly Weave

eat art III meeting on December 5

Un percorso sensoriale attraverso il cibo

a cura dell’Associazione culturale Informadarte

Sin dall’antichità il cibo è stato rappresentato artisticamente con diverse
funzioni, fino al ‘600 quando frutta, vivande, selvaggina diventano un vero e proprio genere pittorico: la natura morta. Anche nell’arte contemporanea il cibo viene ampiamente utilizzato dagli artisti come materiale e linguaggio negli aspetti più diversi e simbolici. Attraverso un percorso di conoscenza works of contemporary art during the three meetings will be observed in a different food.

THIRD MEETING December 5 - The food and hearing: we decorate the Christmas tree
The children create a series of sound of the Christmas tree decorations of the House. The first decoration will be to fill a ping pong ball with lentils, salt, rice, etc.. and color with markers. All the balls are then placed in a long line that will place all along the shaft. The second experience is to create a Christmas ball sound, using pieces of cardboard, tissue paper and a walnut filled with rice. Another is to create the bells sonore con vasetti di yogurt decorati con le veline colorate, dentro cui inserire una noce ripiena di riso.
Nell’ultimo gioco creano un piccolo albero di natale da portare via, creato con le cannucce, la pallina da ping pong sonora ed un filo.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Do Dvr Recordings Count Towards Ratings?

casa Internazionale delle donne
24 ottobre 2009

piatto con fragola - rosso

piatto con carote - arancione

piatto con broccoletto - verde

piatto with plum - blue

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cereal Or Cereals Or Gluten Or Grain Or Grains

Conditioner In Loreal Hair Color Box For Sale




A sensory journey through the food

by the Cultural Informadarte

Since ancient times food has been represented artistically with different functions, to the '600 when fruit, food, game become a veritable genre of painting: still life. Even in contemporary food is widely used by artists such as material and language in various aspects and symbolic. Through a knowledge of contemporary art during the three incontri si osserverà il cibo in un’ottica diversa.

24 ottobre PRIMO INCONTRO - Il cibo e la vista

Nella prima giornata, durante il laboratorio, si crea tutti insieme una spirale cromatica degli alimenti, precedentemente presi da ciascun bambino nei banchi degli espositori, in cui passeremo da una sfumatura di colore ad un’altra ispirandoci all’opera dell’artista MARIO MERZ. Al centro dell’opera, da vera protagonista, ci sarà una zucca arancione, tema di questo primo incontro.

Infine ciascun bambino sceglierà uno dei cibi ed allestirà un piccolo vassoio del colore del cibo prescelto, incollandovi piatto, salvietta, posate, bicchiere e tante altre sorprese, and then hang on the wall like a painting in the style of the artist Daniel Spoerri.

SECOND MEETING November 14 - Food and touch

It sets up a table with real fruit and vegetables and analyzed with the visual olfactory and taste of these different examples of food. After that you will walk a tactile touch on a number of blocks of different materials will seek to associate with a food a tablet, depending on the tactile sensation received.

Finally, build a diverse menu of food-materials, on the books, joined by assonance and then to contrast tactile touch, and then set up a 'group exhibition of books.

5 dicembre TERZO INCONTRO - Il cibo e il gusto

Oggi si assaggia il colore: proviamo ad associare colore e gusto!

Frulliamo i cibi, li mettiamo in bicchierini trasparenti, li allestiamo poi su un tavolo per creare degli effetti cromatici ed infine li assaggiamo!

Quale colore ti piace di più? E che sapore ha il colore?

Successivamente, sull’esempio dell’opera di Piero Manzoni, i bambini sceglieranno i materiali, i cibi e il colore per realizzare una composizione monocromatica improbabile, da conservare o portare a casa, in bustine di plastica sottovuoto.



via della Lungara 19, Roma

from 15 to 19


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tropical Reception Ideas


  for the year 2009/2010    The cultural association InformadArte    
resumed his teaching activities aimed at children of school age and pre-school and their parents
, with a series of events being organized such

- first literacy workshops at the Art-schools, primary and secondary
be booked during the school year;

- The Brucalibro workshops in libraries has reached a point, respectively
for individuals and school groups, to book calling directly to the libraries;

- visits with workshops at the Museums of Modern and Contemporary Art, as well as trips
in the heart of Rome to discover the most important monuments and places
more suggestive of our city, for school groups;

- visit and workshop at the National Museum of Musical Instruments
on Friday morning for school, Sunday morning for
organized groups of parents and children;

- design and realization of children's media issues and guides on
great artists and places of historic and artistic interest;

- and much more ....



Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blueprint For Boat Hull

stay aR

L’Associazione di Promozione Sociale Fusolab, il Laboratorio socio culturale Tana liberi tutti e l’Aiasp- Casa dei diritti dei popoli organizzano, dal 16 al 19 luglio, presso il Parco Pasolini di Viale Venezia Giulia, una festa popolare per tutti!

Quattro giorni di iniziative rivolte a giovani, anziani, bambini e adulti con una programmazione che offrirà concerti, spettacoli teatrali e di danza, animazione per i bimbi, tornei, mercatini artigianali, aperitivi musicali, balera, spazio free Internet, area produzioni artistiche indipendenti, cineforum.

Giovedì 16 luglio
18.00 Tornei Briscola & Tresette, Scacchi, Calcioparco, Biliardino, Play Station Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
19.00 Aperitivo musicale a cura di Fusoradio
20.30 Cena sociale-bio 21:30
Projection film "Persepolis"
22:45 Performance sound art curated by Lino Strangis
23:00 Projection film "Trastevere"

17:00 Friday, July 17th Entertainment for children and picnic at the park by the Association ISLANGBATA
17:30 Teatro children in care Delirium Factory
17:30 Briscola & Tresette Tournaments, Chess, Calcioparco, Foosball, Play Station Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 18:00
workshop for children in care Informadarte 19:00
Bars and dance hall music
19:30 Auction of bicycles by Ciclofficina Don Quixote
20.30 Dinner bio-social
21:00 Belly Dance of the Witches heretical
21:30 Concert: Bus stop 93 Yugo in incognito, IDP
00:30 Projection independent short films

Saturday, July 18 17:00
Entertainment for children and picnic at the park by 17:30 Fusolab
Tournaments & Briscola Tresette, Chess, Calcioparco, Foosball, Play Station Pro Evolution Soccer Bars
2009 19:00 Music and dance hall
20:30 Social dinner-bio
21:30 Concert: Evi Evan + Opa Opa (with the collaboration of Mandile), except the dog, Red Sound, Projection Witnesses

independent short films Sunday, July 19
13:00 Fraschetta social eat together at the park 15:00
Stornelli outdoor
16:30 Children's theater "One hand jack" with Joan Berardinelli and Andrea Bilotti
17:00 19:00 Finals tournaments and prizes
Bars and dance hall music
20.30 Dinner Theatre 21:30
bio-social "get away with denying the evidence" and starring Daniel Fabbri
22:30 Screening documentary "Aldo Tozzetti and struggles for home of Simon and Roberto Bucci Pietrucci
23:30 Screening documentary about dead white

Every day, from 19 to 2:
market vintage and craftsmanship,
free internet, web radio
booth with live broadcasts,
stand Ciclofficina,
volley ball available, Artists Self-Governing
Gathering area, food stands

The party sarà l’occasione per far vivere un quartiere troppo poco considerato dalle politiche culturali istituzionali, un quartiere periferico in cui gli spazi sociali e i luoghi di cultura scarseggiano e in cui difficilmente si hanno occasioni per creare momenti di socialità e di incontro tra persone di età e culture diverse.
rEstate aR PARCO si propone di far uscire i cittadini dalle proprie case, scendere in strada per trovarsi, conoscersi, divertirsi insieme.

Dal 16 al 19 luglio l’area verde del Parco Pasolini sarà allestita con un palco per gli spettacoli, un palco dedicato alla balera, uno spazio cineforum, tavoli per i tornei di scacchi e carte, campo per i tornei di calcioparco, campo di pallavolo, una zona “bimbi”, one for the playstation and football tournaments, the stands of vintage flea market and craft and a recreational space for young artists from all arts.
For all four days in the park you can surf the Internet free of charge and will be active in an area with bar, kitchen bio, Scratchy, watermelon.

All initiatives will be free admission.
The festival is made possible thanks to the free participation of all the artists and the support of CSOA Spartacus, AAA AdunanzAutogestitArtisti, Informadarte, The Sottosuono Centre, Godzilla aggregation, Intersos, Asst Zavala, Senior Citizens Center Gordiani Villa, Villa Gordiani CDQ, Taxidrivers, MeedleTv

Friday, July 3, 2009

Va Funding Fee Chart 2009


SerpeInSeno is essentially an urban area not susceptible to gusts of balsa but secreting essenzis bifidus and alcohol in the proportion of seven to one. Does not stain, odor, and carefully bagged skeptical in its essential features. Handle with caution.
[bio for Crack! Comics disruptive 2005, the cartoon shows Prenestino Forte, Rome]

Three young girls 30's (Sagittarius, Leo, Sagittarius), good looking, educated and healthy, looking for dating with wealthy entrepreneurs and / or professionals working in the field of bathing and the like, in principle, if only for exchange of ideas, possible marriage. Also willing to relocate to the north.
[bio for Ladies Party 2005, Metaverse, Rome]

Does Rachael Ray Have Copyright For Evoo

PARK PROGRAM WORKSHOPS FROM 6 to 10 July 2009 hours from 11 to 12.30 for children ages 4 to 10 years

Library for children
the BrucaLibro
Nemorense Street, 39 / B - Rome
Tel 068543931 e-mail info @

Reservations required

11 to 12.30 hours for children aged 4 to 10 years

by Association Informadarte

The program includes a series of workshops on artistic experience that will play-as starting point for imagination and creativity of children, interspersed with readings of books and works of art relevant to the topics chosen.

of payment (if booked):
- for each individual laboratory
€ 10 - € 34 for 4 meetings
- € 60 for 8 meetings

Monday, July 6 MUSIC ARTIST
What can I do with an empty jar of yogurt? And with a roll of Scotch tape used to throw or old keys? You can build a series of small musical instruments with recycled materials, make them play together, thanks to them and learn what are the four families of instruments! The workshop aims to introduce children to the themes of recycling education materials and creativity, making rejection of a work of musical art.

Starting from reading the book thread and Fabio De Poli Andrea Rauch, developed a workshop on creating an unreadable book, made with scraps of cardboard, wire, and pieces of cloth, from a variety of shapes and sizes from which to derive a new story to tell. You can play it on two levels: from abstraction forms to create a story made sense, starting from the suggestion that they raise the child.
all become writers, because a story can Starting from just a picture ...

Wednesday, July 8 track 2
time leaves its trace left on the ground, on trees and plants. Think of concentric circles in the trunks of trees that are proof of their age, or a drop of water or a stone thrown into the sea, as it sinks, leaving traces of himself in a series of concentric circles. In nature, therefore, many tracks are in the shape of the circle, and this form is becoming an important form for us. So we started to play it in many things, but not all. You about some of the magic circle, and its perfection, thanks to the works of Land Art.

Si costruirà con i bambini un’opera che contenga alcune tematiche della Pop Art e precisamente l’utilizzazione nell’arte contemporanea di oggetti della vita reale: assemblando un personaggio bidimensionale “costruito” con materiali quali stoffe, moquette ecc. secondo l’esempio dell’artista Enrico Baj. Attraverso l’utilizzo di materiali messi a disposizione e precedentemente osservati insieme, quali stoffe, moquette, tappi di sughero, ecc., si identifica il personaggio da rappresentare.

venerdì 10 luglio LA COLLOGRAFIA
Avete mai usato la tecnica della stampa? Con questo laboratorio si stamperà in un modo molto particolare working on a strange image reproduction technique, to refine the manual skills of children and develop their creativity. Before you create a composition of different materials: fabric, foil, sandpaper, etc.., Cut and pasted on a cardboard wrapping, then go to print a sheet, from this to that of a small book, the step is easy !