Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nadine Jansen Putting On Weight

Constraints recruitment in 2011 for an indefinite period

Statement and practices of interest:

art. 14, paragraph 9 of Decree 78/2010

New constraint in force since 2011:

is prohibited in institutions such as the impact of staff costs is equal to or greater

to 40% of current expenditure to undertake recruitment of staff for any reason and with

any capacity with any type of contract and the remaining entities are

undertake recruitment of staff by up to 20% of the corresponding expenditure

cessations of the previous year.

Implementation of the new constraint:

attention to the following aspects of application of this constraint:

  limit of 20% should be calculated by reference to expenditure and not to

number of deaths the previous year;

  regarding terminations during the year, 20% must be calculated

spending the employee ceased with reference to the whole year and not only on the actual expenditure supported, the rule is in fact aimed at curbing

staff costs, so we need to take account of developments in employment and economic choices

"steady" throughout the years (see resolutions. No 1041/2010 of

Court of Accounts of New York);

  for each institution where the assumptions made in reference to

deaths occurred in the previous year, referred to each year are less than unity, the

unused allowances can be combined with those resulting from terminations

for the following years, up to the unit (Article 9, paragraph 11, DL


Special cases of application of the new constraint:

  detention in the civil service beyond the age limit for

retirement (Article 16 of Legislative Decree no. No 503/1992) can be placed only under the right

term employment permitted under existing according to

deaths of personnel (Article 9, paragraph 31, DL 78 / 2010) = E 'consider new


  staff working under contract for part-time work: the transformation of the relationship

full-time may be subject to the terms and limits

existing provisions on recruitment (Article 3, paragraph 101, Law 244/2007, cf.

deliberations. Lombardia Conti Court 873/2010) = E 'CONSIDERING NEW RECRUITMENT

  recruitment protected categories: the following extract of Circular 6 / 2009

signed by the Minister Brunetta on the block recruitment in public administration

last year, reported the principle can be considered valid

also for recruitment of local authorities in 2011: "In relation to the scope of the prohibition of intervention

assume, are believed to be excluded from ban the vulnerable in

limit the completion of the required fee. This is a category worthy of protection

as falling between population groups remains

normally excluded from the blocks and constraints term employment, pending the need to ensure

permanent inclusion in the work of beneficiaries of

normativa di riferimento. Si ricorda che la mancata copertura della quota d’obbligo

riservata alle categorie protette è espressamente sanzionata sul piano penale,

amministrativo e disciplinare secondo quanto previsto dall’art. 15, comma 3, della

legge 12 marzo 1999, n. 68”. = SONO ESCLUSE DAI VINCOLI IN MATERIA DI



mobilità : la mobilità in uscita non costituisce cessazione e, quindi, non consente la

sostituzione tramite concorsi, ma solamente con assunzioni in mobilità; può quindi

be replaced by competitive examination only if it is to an entity that has no ties to

assumptions (Court of Auditors, the United Chambers, Decision No. 59/2010). In order to ensure the necessary neutrality

financial operations of the transfer

Department of Public Service, in its Circular 4 of 2008 and, later, with some specific advice (the latest one which is made to the Italian Red Cross No 13731 of 19 March 2010)

clarified that since the entity that receives a result of the personal mobility procedures not

allocate these new entrants to the quota system of recruitment provided by law, the body that gives

can not consider termination for mobility as compared to that

physiologically from retirement; completion of the procedures for mobility,

the receiving unit is, in fact, free to make a number of assumptions

vincolistico to the regime and the Holidays residual organic.

Summary of constraints on the open-ended contracts to keep in mind

in 2011 in the three-year planning staff and

annual program of recruitment:

entities subject to the Stability Pact:

 where the ratio of personnel expenditure and current expenditure is less

to 40%, you can proceed with recruitment of staff by up to 20% of the corresponding expenditure

cessations of the previous year (Article 14, paragraph 9

, Decree Law No. 78/2010);

 in institutions where the incidence of personnel costs is equal to or less than 35% of current expenditure

, you can make assumptions for turnover in

exception to that limit of 20%, while respecting the Stability Pact

internal and limits the total costs of personnel, to allow

the exercise of the functions provided for by local police. 21, paragraph 3, letter.

b), della L. n. 42/2009 (art. 1, comma 118, della Legge di stabilità 2011);

per poter assumere, deve essere stato rispettato il vincolo riduzione della

spesa nell’anno precedente (art. 14, c. 7, D.L. 78/2010) e l’assunzione deve

garantire il rispetto del vincolo di riduzione della spesa nell’anno in corso.

Sanzioni in materia di assunzioni per gli enti che non hanno rispettato il patto

di stabilità:

divieto di procedere ad assunzioni di personale a qualsiasi titolo, con

qualsivoglia tipologia contrattuale, ivi compresi i rapporti di collaborazione

coordinata e continuativa and administration, including in the

stabilization processes in place, the fact is also unlawful for institutions to enter into

service contracts with private entities that constitute the elusive

this provision (Article 76, paragraph 4, Decree No 112/2008);

 between the prohibitions referred to above also includes agreements provided for by Article. 14 of the Negotiable

22/01/2004 for the deployment of personnel from other administrations (see

deliberations. No. 37/2010 and No. 676/2010 Veneto Court Conti Conti Court New York);

 is also prohibited mobility (see art. 1, paragraph 47, L. 311/2004, resolutions.
53/2010 Corte dei Conti Sezioni Riunite in sede di controllo).

Enti non soggetti al patto di stabilità (tra le altre, Delibera Corte dei Conti

Sezione riunite n. 52/2010, Deliberazione Corte dei Conti Veneto n. 227/2010, Delibera

Corte Conti Lombardia n. 989/2010):

non si applica la percentuale del 20% sulle cessazioni;

rimane garantito il turn-over al 100% delle cessazioni, anche quelle

verificatesi dopo il 2006 (delibera 52/2010 Corte Conti, Sezioni Riunite);

l’assunzione si può fare l’anno successivo a quello di cessazione, nel rispetto:

a) of the roof of the personnel expenditure of the year 2004, net increases


b) the relationship between spending and personal spending power, which must be

less than 40% (Article 14, paragraph 9 of Decree Law No. 78/2010).


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