Saturday, January 22, 2011

Where A Vergina Is Found

Sansone UCI 1922

Staging Torello Rolli
willfully subjects from drama Samson (1907) by Henri Bernstein, reduction of Torello Rolli
Operator: Arturo Buscengo
Production Designer: Alfredo Manzi
Performers: Angelo Ferrari ( Jack Brachart), Enrico Scatizzi (The Govain), Elena Sangro (Anne Marie d'Andelini)

The plot: It 's very likely that Jack Brachart abandoned to himself as a boy in the low, shady, corrupt the moles of Marseille, would have ended up being one of the many unfortunate people who populate the prisons of his country, se un giorno non avesse incontrato in un parco della grande città marittima una giovane signora elegantissima che scesa da un automobile comincia a passeggiare accompagnata da un gran cane levriere.

Jack, trasognato, la segue. La signora che si diverte agli sbalzi del cane si avvicina al ragazzo che le appare a un tratto dietro un albero. Ha un moto quasi di paura, si volge e si dirige verso il suo automobile. Nel movimento le è caduto un fiore, il monello lo raccoglie. Quella visione di bellezza parlò alla fantasia di Jack di un misterioso sogno di splendori verso il quale, da quel momento egli tese tutte le sue energie.

Facchino al porto, poi sorvegliante dei lavori: più tardi negoziante al Cairo, lo vediamo ora ancor Young in Paris in the tumultuous reign supreme Exchange environments. He launched the large financial companies of Rami Egyptians, a serious affair, based on good foundations which attracts speculators and capitalists.

Jack becomes the idol of all those who get rich by following his advice and because he always remained at the bottom of the old porter at the port of Marseille, violent, daring, a little 'rough, now that he has won the wealth, he wants at all costs imposed on the Great Society. Applies to be admitted in one of the most aristocratic circles of Paris. The Marquis of Andelini, president of the club is still stunned by the audacity that no reply within: Members share his ideas but when it was at point to vote, as all were against it, of course, was elected unanimously, with one vote. The only black ball was given by a certain Count The Govain a young cynical and mocking, completely ruined, which until then had lived at the back of his mistress, Grace Rikfords, who a few years ago, in Cairo had been the mistress of Jack Brachart and was enriched by following the advice in its financial speculation. The ideal of the Govain Grace was to marry, but now thinking of leaving because he had gained, led by Jack of large sums in "Rami Egyptians.

Assuming Jack is presented to the club house of the Marquis d'Andelini Ann Marie where he sees the only daughter of the Marquis, and he falls hopelessly in love because it looks like in an extraordinary manner to the young lady that he had seen a boy in a park in Marseilles. The family of Andelini is on the verge of ruin. Brachart will save will be granted if the hand of Ann Marie. The rebels violently to the idea of \u200b\u200bmarrying the man that she despises, his ideals and Govain who courts her for a long time, but finally succumbs before the prayers, the tears of his mother who begs you to save the family misery. Ann Marie Brachart wife, but says he does not love her and will never actually his wife. Jack accepts the deal, well he will tame the haughty woman and contemptuous: Ann, however, is firm in his purpose and from the first night Jack drives away from his room. Skip

some time. Brachart suffers, but thanks to his pride he remains apparently calm. The Govain continued insistence in his work of seduction. Ann resists, but knowing that one day Brachart has to leave for London, she refuses to follow him, and agrees to go that night from Le Govain.

Grace Rikfords taken by a violent jealousy, Brachart persuaded to pretend to leave and to return home at night. The Govain believing they have won the resistance of Ann, want to pump his conquest, and leads to a meeting at the Cafe Paris among a group of his friends, their lovers among such as Grace. Ann, who is in the midst of a disgusting orgy, is released violently in the arms of Le Govain, he injured his hand wanting to hit with a glass that is broken and distraught, disheveled, desperate to return home, where he finds that the Brachart forced to confess where returns and guess who the traitor is the Govain.

His whole nature violent, brutal, and wakes up: his revenge will be terrible. He rejects the false ideas of the gentry as the Govain honor. You do not fight but will reduce his foe to misery, forcing him to marry Grace Rikfords ruined the woman who had been her lover. He calls his secretary and tells him to sell the Stock Exchange on that day those actions that do not have anything valer.

retired to the Hotel Ritz, where he calls for The Govain: throws him to do all the insults that may suggest his fury, refusing to fight with him, threatening to kill him if he tries to escape, and keep him pinned under his violence until they reach the official news of the immense crak Stock Exchange. The "Rami Egyptians' are not worth anything. The Govain is ruined. "Go now," yells Brachart "You wanted to take my wife to be, and married now, if you do not want to starve, Grace Rikfords that was my lover and lover of all."

To crush your enemies, Brachart was ruined. He does meet its commitments, and finds himself as poor as when he was on the docks of Marseilles.

All the leave, but Ann understands that only a sublime love could push her husband to an act so madly heroic. Like Samson to defeat his enemies, he had sacrificed himself.
Ann is proud to be loved in that way, his heart is touched and tells her husband that you are holding in your arms, "Wait ... not wanting to be the strongest ever! I loved you ... understand me? ".
Brachart grabs his hand, caressing gesture with a humble and sweet and then a long passionate kisses.

Found 1200 m. the National Film Library (The Lumière Project) in 1995, perhaps sooner. According to the censorship, the original length was 1735 m. However, the film found at the National Film seems quite long for a restoration.
As many know, D'Annunzio dedicated to Carmen Elena Sangro a votivum entitled "The pleasing, given the time that the film expecting a restoration restored invisible variety of Sangro dedication to this film a" patience. "


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