Saturday, May 26, 2007

Acne Caused By Provigil

5 per mille/2: a chi devolverai la tua quota?

Having found football club and financial relations between the candidates to receive 5 per thousand, we see other associations to which we devote our share.
Notice to mariners (network): The article is satirical. How to write fiction, any resemblance to events and people is purely coincidental. Maybe ...

-Catholic Information Perfect Circle, founded by a handful of members of Opus Dei which they considered too moderate policy of the Prelature. The goal is to convince the directors of the club network to promote Latin as official language on the news. Consigliati i sottotitoli rimandanti alle parabole del Vangelo in tema con la notizia in onda. Considerato fondamentale per il servizio pubblico, il latino camufferebbe con un’aurea di signorilità tutte le cagate che passano per i tg. A leggere le notizie in studio è stato proposto il sacerdote della parrocchia adiacente alla sede del circolo. I principali problemi (al religioso mancano parecchie diottrie, e in ogni caso è analfabeta) sono ritenuti ampiamente risolvibili facendo doppiare il sacerdote dalla sua badante rumena, al fine di rinnovarle il permesso di soggiorno. Suggestiva l’edizione del tg domenicale, con una comunione in diretta destinata a tutta la redazione e Mimun, Riotta e Del Noce a fare i chierichetti.

- Body of Illuminate Recreation, sponsored by a detachment of the Jesuits. "God exists, but is playing hide and seek" the founder said in a press interview. As the Lord's infinite by definition, will continue to rely indefinitely leaning against an oak tree in Eden. With the 5 per thousand of the institution proposes to punish those who suggested that God was doing the counts, and to finance expeditions to find him.

- Association All Except We love Darwin. Derivation of the CL, members theorize that Darwin is diametrically wrong. The man, after reaching the highest peaks of the virtues possible (as proof, the invention of new host diet with 100% organic ingredients for home-obese) is following the same route on the contrary, it will lead to the state of being single-celled. As evidence, the growing importance of insurance in society is considered a clear sign of regression. "Relativism kill the man, who no longer guarantees a permanent place to the things that really matter. The mobile phone, for example. How many times do we turn for home because we do not find more? Even the dinosaurs first appeared a trifle, but we know the end they did. All this brings us tremendously to protozoa. "So he set out the most representative member of the association, first to enter the fifth week of the bill.

- Union devout atheists, a new entry. He argues that a tremendously good God really existed, but in the middle of Creation had an identity crisis. Thesis revitalized by well-known Catholic leaders, so that would explain the birth of homosexuals. The 5 per thousand would give oxygen to the coffers of the company, working for years to find the missing part of the Bible: the dialogue between God and the first psychoanalyst, and strangled by the Lord created in just a few questions.

- Agnostics rockers Facts. "Not only is there no God, but even a toll in several sections dell'A14 smiling." This is the slogan of the association, that the state wants to launch the proposed "take a toll, too." Based on the metaphor of Springsteen and Ligabue who want the road as a representation of life, and of sins, the members argue that only by reconciling the toll collectors - the guardians of all evil - with the world we open the gates of Heaven. At death, the participants will meet the toll taken in the empyrean, that stripping of all assets (such as tickets for entry) will open their doors to eternal life. The seized assets will finance the forging of new gold keys to St. Peter.

- League Antirelativismo and antimaterialist. Born somewhere and in some moment, it is ideally formed from a spiritual closeness between the members, who telepathically pray and share new recipes for pies. The membership cards are on fire as soon as completed. Unfortunately we can not define the purpose of the institution, because the statute has been swallowed in the first and only original member, Marcello Pera.

- Confederation of Agricultural and healthy. It is proposed to be made compulsory in all the living presence of a Baobab, the undisputed healing properties, in protest of the excessive power of pharmaceutical companies.

- Vegetarian Coalition. To avoid ending up in the stomachs of the poor beasts in human body announced lo sterminio di ogni animale presente sulla Terra. La corrente più moderata si limiterà a rilevanti battaglie per l’abolizione della Pasqua, assassina di agnelli. Già in programma un tour per le piazze italiane dove verranno fuse gigantesche uova di cioccolato, come il vecchione a Capodanno. Al posto dell’ovino, si festeggerà succhiando tuberi.

- Alleanza Animalista. Gli associati sono certi che per salvare la natura l’uomo si debba estinguere. A scopo dimostrativo, promettono di liberare una mandria di felini nel prossimo derby a San Siro. Già si immagina Gattuso avvinghiato al collo di una tigre. Milano è stata definita dai soci “capitale dell’odio verso gli animali” after having eaten a steak is too rare.


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