Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What Dors Bloatedstomach Look Like


Federconsumatori complaint violations by Enel Energia SpA for the mode of contract proposals made by the call center.

Article taken from "Il Nuovo Corriere di Lucca" on February 24, 2010

LUCCA - The Federconsumatori time addressing the issue of the free market in electricity tariffs that have recently caused problems for users. "The case concerns contracts concluded at a distance - according to a statement signed by Fabio Coppolella - and service of electricity supply to the free market. Users have been offered by the telephone charge of Enel Energia SpA (a company operating in the free market), to activate the offer referred to as "pure energy home." Clear, however - specifies the provincial president of Federconsumatori - that users, as they reportedly have not authorized the activation of the service, nor signed any contract with Enel Energia Spa In other cases, the same people exercised their right of withdrawal for distance contracts. Therefore, through our association - Coppolella continues - the complaint was brought to Enel Energia Spa, challenging the activation of the report and asking for the cancellation of invoices issued and subsequently return to the captive market or enhanced protection, through the reactivation relationship with Enel Spa Electric Service. "Coppolella quseto a point also explains what has been the response of Enel Energia Spa" accepting our requests for cancellation of the contract, in response to our complaints - reported that "after the liberalization of the electricity market, our company has specialized staff to disseminate information about the proposed trade deals in various municipalities around the country. We confirm, however, has taken action to put in place what is necessary to cancel the contract, to the user in question. " At this point the president of the consumer protection says that, "despite having received confirmation from Enel Energia Spa cancellation of contracts, we have the case also concerned the Authority for Electricity and Gas, as we felt that they were violet the rights of consumers, the ways in which the employees at the Call Center Enel Energia made a proposal under contract for the transition from captive to the free market. "" In the cases submitted to our association - continues Coppolella - users that have been addressed to the business proposal was not properly explained the difference between the contractual conditions and the regulatory environment for the captive market or enhanced protection and free energy market. Finally, we point out that the Authority itself per l'Energia Elettrica ed il Gas, con una nota del 15 febbraio scorso, indirizzata alla nostra associazione, in riferimento alla fattispecie in esame, ha comunicato che l'Autorità Antitrust, con due distinti provvedimenti, ha accertato le responsabilità di Enel Energia S.p.a. per pratiche commerciali scorrette nei confronti dei consumatori, con conseguente irrogazione delle sanzioni pecuniarie di 500 mila euro e di 50 mila euro a carico della stessa società".


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