Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sailing Web Templates


Cancel the order for payment to a lady of Lucca. Will also have a compensation of 400 €.

Article taken from "Il Nuovo Corriere di Lucca" of March 10, 2010

LUCCA - More trouble for the complainants by phone contracts Federconsumatori of Lucca, which tells the story well.
"The consumer (this is a lady of 65 years living in Lucca) - based on information provided by telephone operators at the Call Center - has accepted the proposal for the activation of a service provider. Immediately after the activation service, the user has found it impossible to use the same and also the failure of the alarm installed at their homes and connected directly with the telephone line. Therefore, the user has denied all such poor service - always through the Call Center service provider - but received no response to the complaint.
However, the telephone bills issued regularly for a service that the user has never received, and then entrusted the practice for the recovery of the alleged loan to a law firm, which sent the request for payment € 726.45 for overdue invoices, interest charges and recovery credito.L 'user then turned to our association. How Federconsumatori, we have challenged the claim for payment of € 726.45 and sent a new complaint to the manager, alleging the breach of contract and for termination of the relationship, in addition to payment of compensation for all the inconvenience and disruption caused by our assistance.
The operator has provided feedback to our complaint, accepting part of our bodies. We therefore decided to commence an action for mandatory settlement, insisting in our initial requests. At the audience of the reconciliation manager has accepted our request to cancel the invoices issued to date and has pledged to withdraw, at its own expense, the practice of credit recovery companies, has also been recognized compensation € 400.00 for all outages suffered by the user.


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