Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Emergency Dental Flippers


In questi giorni, si è rivolta al nostro Sportello di Altopascio una signora che aveva acquistato nel mese di giugno 2009 una lavastoviglie presso un grande shopping center in our area, amounting to € 629.00. The Lord has submitted the case, pointing out that from the month of December and complained that the retailer had found the defective functioning of the appliance, resulting in inability to use it. To date, all the interventions made by the Center have not yet solved the problem reported by our association.

In a similar case, buying two appliances look well: in particular a dishwasher, purchased in January 2009 in the amount of € 424.00 and a washing machine purchased in November 2008 amounting to € 500.00 .
Therefore - as Federconsumatori - for our benefit, we have instructed the relevant files in order to challenge the lack of conformity of goods and require the application of the rights provided for by the Consumer Code.

In this regard, we recall that the Legislative Decree 206/2005 (Consumer Code) governs the legal guarantee of conformity for consumer goods.

consumer rights :
In case of lack of conformity, the consumer is entitled to recovery, without the expense of good, by repair or replacement, or the appropriate price reduction or termination of the contract. The choice of which remedy to apply is entrusted to the consumer, unless the case that the remedy sought is impossible or too expensive compared to another. Any repair or replacement shall be completed within a reasonable time from the request and must not cause significant inconvenience to the consumer.
The consumer may demand price reduction or termination of the contract when one of the following assumptions:
- impossible or too burdensome for the repair or replacement;
- repair or replacement is not successful within a reasonable period, or has caused significant inconvenience to the consumer;

Terms of enforcing these rights: The warranty is two years from delivery. The consumer
quando scopre il vizio ha due mesi di tempo per comunicarlo (sempre con raccomandata a/r) al venditore, tranne il caso che questi lo riconosca o l’abbia nascosto al momento della vendita. Ricordiamo che se il difetto emerge entro i primi 6 mesi dall’acquisto, la legge presume che il bene fosse viziato già alla consegna, negli altri casi il difetto del bene deve essere dimostrato.
Consigliamo sempre di conservare lo scontrino per almeno due anni dall’acquisto, di contestare immediatamente per iscritto e con raccomandata tutti i difetti riscontrati al venditore, indicando la vostra scelta in ordine al rimedio.


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