Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Itouch Extension Cord

staff costs and turnover

calculating the costs of personnel ceased to be considered for the turnover, in local institutions

be made considering the whole year and not part of a year

actually worked. The Court of Auditors, Section regional control

Tuscany, with the advice 17 November 2010, No 160, clarifies

essential for the proper implementation of Article 14, paragraph 9 of Decree 78/2010, converted into Law 122/2010

. This provision has amended Article 76, paragraph 7, of dl

112/2008, converted into Law 133/2008, which now states: 'It is prohibited to institutions

where the incidence of personnel costs is equal to or greater than 40% of the costs

currents carry out recruitment of staff in any capacity with any

type of contract and the remaining institutions may carry out recruitment in

limit of 20% of the total corresponding to terminations last year. " It was

has so far remained uncertainty about the calculation of the limit of just 20% who terminated

corresponding to the previous year. Given the clear intent of the 2010 summer

maneuver drastically reduce government spending, could be inferred that

20% in cash and should be counted, that is, imagining that

an employee leaves the service in June, you should count il 20% del costo sostenuto

effettivamente per i sei mesi di lavoro.

La sezione Toscana, molto semplicemente spiega che «la locuzione spesa

corrispondente alle cessazioni» va interpretata quale spesa annuale», estendendo agli

enti locali la logica seguita dal dipartimento della Funzione pubblica nella circolare 18

ottobre 2010 Uppa, la quale precisa che i risparmi realizzati per cessazione vanno

calcolati «sempre sui 12 mesi».

Luigi Olivieri


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