Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Braums Fruit And Yogurt Swirl Calories

Application reform of personnel and expenditure responsibilities

for the Court of Auditors in Lombardia Overcoming the limits of the outputs can

establish liability in violation of state representative

containment of personnel costs can be a source of administrative responsibility

sheet. Word of the Court of Auditors in Lombardia. The magistrates are accounting

were asked to express an opinion on possible sanctions to be paid in case of non-compliance

del comma 557 della legge finanziaria 2007, ovvero alla

possibilità di assumere pur sapendo che l'assunzione programmata porterebbe nel

2011 a uno sforamento del limite di spesa fissato nel 2010. Fino al Dl 78/2010 il

sistema legislativo non prevedeva alcuna sanzione sul tema. Con la manovra estiva è

stato esteso al mancato contenimento delle spese di personale quel divieto di

assunzione già previsto per il mancato raggiungimento degli obiettivi del patto di

stabilità. Agli enti che non rispettano il comma 557 è quindi vietato procedere ad

assunzioni di personale a qualsiasi titolo, con qualsivoglia tipologia contrattuale,

including partnerships and the continued and ongoing relationship

administration, including in the stabilization processes in place. In the same bodies

is also prohibited the signing of service contracts with private entities that constitute

elusive as the same provision.

For verification of the administrative responsibility-state representative are needed

elements such as fraud and / or gross negligence as well as the objective element, namely

economically assessable damage, caused to the exercise of administrative functions and

in breach of service obligations. Meanwhile, however, it is spoken, and then should

that policies relating to recruitment, local authorities are about to be taken in this

beginning of the year are introduced with extreme caution, especially

taking into account the fact that after the DL 78/2010 is not allowed any opportunity

exception of the containment of personnel costs.

The question is, however, involve the Court of Auditors in Lombardia with

Resolution 1067/2010, to clarify what basis is to be taken as a reference for

the entity had waived before May 31, 2010.

The institution must ensure the reduction of expenditure over the previous year in which

spending was higher than that of 2009 because of the exemption. However,

as the use of the exemption was legitimate until the date of May 31, 2010,

is clear that the staff costs of 2010 - to be used as a reference base

in relation to that for 2011 - is the expenditure lawfully carried out during the year,

although higher than in 2009, provided that the fee increase (compared to

2009) is attributable to the exemption.

Gianluca Britain


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