forged signatures on the contract. Phone: customer, elderly and disabled, had never given consent.
Articolo tratto da "Il Corriere di Lucca" del 17 Febbraio 2010
LUCCA - Ancora guai tra utenti e gestori telefonici, o meglio, con i procacciatori d'affari per conto degli stessi. In questo caso รจ la Federconsumatori di Lucca, un cui iscritto contesta come falsa una firma su un contratto e ne chiede l'annullamento. Il caso riguarda un utente di 84 anni, invalido and with severe disability requiring continuous care during the day. The user has received a proposal to activate the phone service with a provider. So Federconsumatori explains: "We inform you that the user has never signed any contract, or permit the operation of the proposed service for their phone users. Later, the daughter of our assistance on the user realized that he was headed to his father have activated a service ever required. Therefore, the complaint was brought to the operator of telephone service, challenging the invoices and requesting the submission of the contract documentation. Upon receipt of the contract, you realized that the signature on the form was clearly falsified. "" So - says Dr. Fabio Coppolella - President of Federconsumatori Lucca - through our association has brought the complaint to the operator of telephone service, calling for the annulment of the contract and invoices. Furthermore, in our note of complaint, we have retained to carry out the appropriate fora for the full protection of the rights of our assistance and compensation for damage suffered. Finally, - continues Coppolella - point out that in relation to the above facts has been proposed complaint-complaint through the local branch of the compartment of Postal and Communications Tuscany, for the crime of impersonation referred to in Article 494 of the Penal Code, or any other crime that was apparent in the matter under complaint.
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