Miss Dorothy
Miss Dorothy has a strange sort of governess, the old Duchess chose to educate Sangro Mara, his distant relative, an orphan rich, temperamental and rebellious character. But Dorothy, under the guise rigid, in ways no outward grace and almost ridiculous, it has some unexpected flashes of life, mysterious flashes of investigators, who are becoming more frequent after returning from the studies of Duke George, the boyfriend of Mara. George does not notice anything, did not notice the appearance of Dorothy in the first meeting and will not realize that the silent hours of the soul vibrates with love vigilante But next morning a passionate soul is revealed through the music that George Dorothy and running through the intensity of his wonderful eyes. And it is strangely troubled
George were married and the bride and groom depart. Soon the two very different characters appear to be irreconcilable, and the couple returned to the palace Sangro, where you repeat the arguments and recriminations. One night to comfort George, Dorothy is betrayed, he spoke with such neglect of herself, so it transforms the entire person, in the face, eyes, that George remembers a 'faded effigy seen several times between family secret papers.
goes to look for in a forgotten cupboard, and there is in fact a portrait of Dorothy. The mysterious governess and then the woman he loved in the past by his brother Roger, who had joined her, with only the religious bond he had then left widow with a child, this child was made to wrest from the Duchess's widow, Dorothy, and later received the news that the girl was dead. George is now looking anxiously
Dorothy, who has run just for having betrayed noticed immediately disappeared from the home of the Sangro. Find her in an elegant villa alone revealing that his daughter lives, empowered by a former butler of the house Sangro, who along with his wife makes the girl believe that George is a modest student family friend.
Dorothy sees her Gladys, now more than a teenager, but did not dare to disturb it by revealing the truth. Become a friend of hers, and he realizes that the young girl loves George, who is divorcing while Mara. A agonizing struggle begins in the heart of Dorothy, for she too loves Giorgio hours, the living image of his lost Roger, but through a series of events the maternal feeling to win and Dorothy come to sacrifice even their life for her daughter.
"The Nova Films presents the public a good job on both the industry, which has an artistic one. The protagonist is a Miss Dorothy, the first and one of Thea Nordthingam then animated, expressive, living, not as the decline, according to which part of the Duke di Sangro in a cold, dull, colorless. A non-sense: is it possible that only a couple of glasses arms, unable to disguise so that the face of the governess, so as to make it unrecognizable to the whole family Sangro? Yet he kept a photograph of the lover of the Duke Roger, "
staging of Giulio Antamoro subject Riccardo Picozzi, operator Cesare Cavagna. Cast: Diana Karenne, Romano Calò, Carmela Bonicatti, Lia Formia. Dianna
Karenne has personally selected the young Bonicatti Carmela, aka Carmen Boni, almost to the debut.
One of the commitments of the program of Nova Films, a production directed by Giulio Antamoro, is the abolition of the star system.
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