The labor supply was a fraud.
Federconsumatori di Lucca denuncia pubblicità ingannevole di una società
Articolo tratto da "Il Corriere di Lucca" del 19 Febbraio 2010
LUCCA - Denuncia della Federconsumatori di Lucca che, attraverso the voice of his legal representative Fabio Coppolella, indicates how some of his associates have received in the month of August, the note sent by a company whose object is: "Technicians in the civil and industrial projects - Area Cad. In that memorandum the company pointed out that "Our property search in your area, personnel who have the characteristics to be inserted into or formed within the civil design - Cad and industrial development projects three-dimensional graphs. The areas for which we required are: mechanical, architectural, construction, electronics / electrical engineering, industrial design. "
Therefore, following the instructions, consumers have filled out the cards for their application and subsequently to have done the same. As a result, consumers have participated in the interview at the place notified by the company. In our opinion, the content of that message, does not have the necessary elements of clarity, truthfulness and honesty and in any case, this is permitted under the current regulations. The content of that message would appear to suggest that the company is making a selection of staff for possible inclusion in the workplace. Therefore, has been disclosed such as to mislead the persons to whom the practice and the message is addressed. Everything Now, therefore, ask that it makes the necessary activities istruttoria ed accertata l'eventuale pratica commerciale scorretta, nonchè l'ingannevolezza del suddetto messaggio pubblicitario, ai sensi della normativa vigente, le autorità competenti adottino ogni più opportuno provvedimento, al fine di eliminare tutti gli effetti prodotti dalle pratiche e dai messaggi diffusi".
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