The labor supply was a fraud.
Federconsumatori di Lucca denuncia pubblicità ingannevole di una società
Articolo tratto da "Il Corriere di Lucca" del 19 Febbraio 2010
LUCCA - Denuncia della Federconsumatori di Lucca che, attraverso the voice of his legal representative Fabio Coppolella, indicates how some of his associates have received in the month of August, the note sent by a company whose object is: "Technicians in the civil and industrial projects - Area Cad. In that memorandum the company pointed out that "Our property search in your area, personnel who have the characteristics to be inserted into or formed within the civil design - Cad and industrial development projects three-dimensional graphs. The areas for which we required are: mechanical, architectural, construction, electronics / electrical engineering, industrial design. "
Therefore, following the instructions, consumers have filled out the cards for their application and subsequently to have done the same. As a result, consumers have participated in the interview at the place notified by the company. In our opinion, the content of that message, does not have the necessary elements of clarity, truthfulness and honesty and in any case, this is permitted under the current regulations. The content of that message would appear to suggest that the company is making a selection of staff for possible inclusion in the workplace. Therefore, has been disclosed such as to mislead the persons to whom the practice and the message is addressed. Everything Now, therefore, ask that it makes the necessary activities istruttoria ed accertata l'eventuale pratica commerciale scorretta, nonchè l'ingannevolezza del suddetto messaggio pubblicitario, ai sensi della normativa vigente, le autorità competenti adottino ogni più opportuno provvedimento, al fine di eliminare tutti gli effetti prodotti dalle pratiche e dai messaggi diffusi".
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
How To Connect Wood Together
Frate Sole The poor man of Assisi
"Back from the front in 1916, after injury, I felt attracted to, like several other writers and journalists, to the movies and for two years I wrote about scenarios scenarios, some of which had some luck. One day in 1917 came to see the lawyer Eugene Priest (a former journalist, the late nineteenth century had the reputation of valiant and combative music critic under the pseudonym Casardi TO) and the playwright Ugo Moth, which, by few years, had left the theater art dumb luck and ran with the "Film Thespis." They were asking a new subject for film. The lawyer did not lose to priests talk.
- You must prepare a Brother Sun: a great film, religiously and historically unassailable, to obtain the placet good of the Church. The illustrious master Louis Mancini composed the music. Film-work must succeed. The artistic director is Hugh Moth, helped by you and the artist Duilio Cambellotti for the staging and costumes. We give you four months to the plot and script. Do you accept?
accepted, never imagining that I was going to the trouble and do not measure accountability. It was not until more Later, after consulting the bibliography Franciscan and have collected the most reliable sources on the life of the saint, which included a daring and dangerous as I had committed, and then I came back to mind the words of a few years earlier by Ferdinand Martini a conference on the subject of Francesco da Rimini d'Annunzio: "To try to rise up to such high figures, such as that sung in the supreme poem, it is to run the risk of tumbling down pretty far."
But now I was in the game. So I began by rereading the Fioretti, then I went to the first and second Life Among Celano, in Speculum perfectionis of Brother Leo, and I finally sank Franciscan in the vast bibliography of the Middle Ages and modern times. The works of Prudentius, the Baron de Segura, Roger Bonghi of Schurer of Goetz, dell'Alvisi of Tarducci of touch, Gebhart, Mazzoni of Teza, the Mestica of De la Rive, and the Sabatier Above all, the Danish Joergensen, who in Life of St. Francis of Assisi and Franciscan Pilgrimage has raised perhaps the most shining monument to the glory of Francis Bernardone, they gradually revived before my eyes all a magnificent world of Italian life in the Middle Ages, of which the poor man was the great immortal light. And I set to work. I could be the Saint of Assisi in three different ways: either comply with the law, or dramatizing the life of Francis in his progressive detachment from the things of this world, or showing that life in its historical episodes. I chose the third way. But because it was without doubt the most difficult for a composer of film that needs a degree of continuity of action and conduct of some interest, the time with the second. I put it in Brother Sun history and drama inextricably bound together. I will add that it was not the life of the saint who intended to play in the film, but rather to reconstruct, through moments synthetic and representative, with painstaking historical accuracy, the giant figure of him and his time, full of darkness and effulgence. And aims further, making the son of a wealthy merchant of Assisi, not the protagonist, as was intended in the cinema, but one of many characters in the vast context that I proposed to animate: a framework made of the crowd, the big colorful crowd the middle ages waved in his dark huge melting pot.
Six months later the scenario was ready and Ugo Moth, Duilio Cambellotti and I pitched our tents at Assisi, with a small army of actors, extras, operators, secretaries. And there, carefully chosen sites, and after I had some long talks with writer Joergensen, who now usually spend a few months of the year in the homeland of the saint, and some Franciscan fathers of deep learning, we began to turn the external Brother Sun, front and cloisters of the Basilica, and two processions in the Basilica itself, in the convent of Santa Chiara, on pei sides of the mountain, and then in Gubbio, Perugia and Lake Trasimeno. Were the main performers in the film dramatic actor Uberto Palmarini, who embodied the figure of the little tern of Assisi, Silvia Malinverni, which was clearly of Scifi, Rina Calabria, in the role of his sister Agnese, la ballerina Lucienne Myosa, nella parte di una cortigiana che si redime, Bruno Emanuel Palmi, in quella di Frate Elia.
Per almeno un mese Assisi e Gubbio offrirono il più bizzarro degli spettacoli, tra la viva e chiassosa curiosità degli abitanti e ancor più dei forestieri, che si stropicciavano sbalorditi gli occhi nel veder passare per le strade e le piazze ed entrare ed uscire dai templi inaspettati personaggi in costumi pittoreschi del 1200, e suore e fraticelli al braccio di soldatacci di ventura...
Ma lo spettacolo più caratteristico, ed anche commovente, era offerto dai veri francescani, i quali si facevano in quattro per aiutarci nella presa di talune scene, e ci fornivano perfino paramenti sacri; e pieni di premura held back the crowd of onlookers in the scenes of processions in front of the temple. They were really the smart, humble, precious to our employees and not easy no small effort. I remember the nuns in Santa Clara, who live in close confinement, at some point, because it was very hot, they distribute the guardian of her sister actresses and actors of cold drinks and biscuits. The processing of
Brother Sun then continued in the soundstage of "Thespis Movie" in Rome, almost four months. The first film, billed as the Franciscan refund in four songs by Mario Corsi, with sacred poem for orchestra and chorus of Luigi Mancinelli, took place June 7, 1918 Augusteo, granted for the first time for such a sight, and rose to true art event. He directed the orchestra maximum dell'Augusteo the same master Luigi Mancinelli. Attended by Princes of the House of Savoy, Ministers, senior officials and all the Roma intellectual elite of the time. The success of the film and music were great. The Italian press, which then was not concerned with the film except as paid advertising, he for once an exception to the rule, and dedicated to Brother Sun whole columns, signed by more critical and dramatic music: Fausto Maria Martini, the Tribune, Godfrey Bellonci the Journal of Italy and others.
Brother Sun also represents a new application of cinematografo dal punto di vista musicale. Per la prima volta la musica entrava in un film come elemento integrativo, esercitandovi funzioni di imperio. Mentre nel primo grande film religioso realizzato in Italia, il Christus , la musica del maestro Fino si era aggiunta alla composizione cinematografica del Salvatori, accompagnandola e divenendone un vero e proprio commento, nel Frate Sole la musica era parte essenziale dello spettacolo. Frate Sole - scrisse in un lungo articolo critico Alberto Gasco - segna indubbiamente una data nell'evoluzione del poema musicale cinematografico, al quale arriderà forse un avvenire mirifico .
Furono inni al musicista insigne e all'ideatore del film che ricorda oggi l'apparizione revival of the old Franciscan defined (still reproduce an opinion of others, a well-known critic) "the most significant work of a new orientation toward a kind of exploitation cinema cultural orientation assumes that art changes the eve of its purchase ultimate art form, with their ways and their needs. " To crown the success of Brother Sun came shortly after the solemn and official recognition of the Vatican, with a memorable performance of the film in the main hall of the Palace of the Chancellery, the presence of a dozen cardinals and archbishops and a host of senior officials and dignitaries of the papal court. I guarantee that the exceptional performance of the superb and wide sala, in cui aveva avuto sede dopo il 1848 il primo Parlamento formato da Pio IX, gremita di un pubblico così eletto e così entusiastico (ci furono molti applausi) superava di gran lunga quello che si proiettava sullo schermo, accompagnato da una grossa orchestra diretta dallo stesso maestro Mancinelli.
Ricordo che dopo la proiezione i Cardinali e gli altri eminenti Monsignori vollero esprimere il loro vivo compiacimento al maestro Mancinelli, a Ugo Falena e a me, e dissero che dal cinematografo la Chiesa poteva aspettarsi, come l'Arte, grandi nobilissime cose.»
Mario Corsi (Cinema, fascicolo 43, 10 aprile 1938)
"Back from the front in 1916, after injury, I felt attracted to, like several other writers and journalists, to the movies and for two years I wrote about scenarios scenarios, some of which had some luck. One day in 1917 came to see the lawyer Eugene Priest (a former journalist, the late nineteenth century had the reputation of valiant and combative music critic under the pseudonym Casardi TO) and the playwright Ugo Moth, which, by few years, had left the theater art dumb luck and ran with the "Film Thespis." They were asking a new subject for film. The lawyer did not lose to priests talk.
- You must prepare a Brother Sun: a great film, religiously and historically unassailable, to obtain the placet good of the Church. The illustrious master Louis Mancini composed the music. Film-work must succeed. The artistic director is Hugh Moth, helped by you and the artist Duilio Cambellotti for the staging and costumes. We give you four months to the plot and script. Do you accept?
accepted, never imagining that I was going to the trouble and do not measure accountability. It was not until more Later, after consulting the bibliography Franciscan and have collected the most reliable sources on the life of the saint, which included a daring and dangerous as I had committed, and then I came back to mind the words of a few years earlier by Ferdinand Martini a conference on the subject of Francesco da Rimini d'Annunzio: "To try to rise up to such high figures, such as that sung in the supreme poem, it is to run the risk of tumbling down pretty far."
But now I was in the game. So I began by rereading the Fioretti, then I went to the first and second Life Among Celano, in Speculum perfectionis of Brother Leo, and I finally sank Franciscan in the vast bibliography of the Middle Ages and modern times. The works of Prudentius, the Baron de Segura, Roger Bonghi of Schurer of Goetz, dell'Alvisi of Tarducci of touch, Gebhart, Mazzoni of Teza, the Mestica of De la Rive, and the Sabatier Above all, the Danish Joergensen, who in Life of St. Francis of Assisi and Franciscan Pilgrimage has raised perhaps the most shining monument to the glory of Francis Bernardone, they gradually revived before my eyes all a magnificent world of Italian life in the Middle Ages, of which the poor man was the great immortal light. And I set to work. I could be the Saint of Assisi in three different ways: either comply with the law, or dramatizing the life of Francis in his progressive detachment from the things of this world, or showing that life in its historical episodes. I chose the third way. But because it was without doubt the most difficult for a composer of film that needs a degree of continuity of action and conduct of some interest, the time with the second. I put it in Brother Sun history and drama inextricably bound together. I will add that it was not the life of the saint who intended to play in the film, but rather to reconstruct, through moments synthetic and representative, with painstaking historical accuracy, the giant figure of him and his time, full of darkness and effulgence. And aims further, making the son of a wealthy merchant of Assisi, not the protagonist, as was intended in the cinema, but one of many characters in the vast context that I proposed to animate: a framework made of the crowd, the big colorful crowd the middle ages waved in his dark huge melting pot.
Turns Brother Sun, in the front row, from left to right: Ugo Moth, Silvia Malinverni and Duilio Cambellotti.
Gubbio, September 1917 (photo by Giorgio Ricci)
Gubbio, September 1917 (photo by Giorgio Ricci)
Six months later the scenario was ready and Ugo Moth, Duilio Cambellotti and I pitched our tents at Assisi, with a small army of actors, extras, operators, secretaries. And there, carefully chosen sites, and after I had some long talks with writer Joergensen, who now usually spend a few months of the year in the homeland of the saint, and some Franciscan fathers of deep learning, we began to turn the external Brother Sun, front and cloisters of the Basilica, and two processions in the Basilica itself, in the convent of Santa Chiara, on pei sides of the mountain, and then in Gubbio, Perugia and Lake Trasimeno. Were the main performers in the film dramatic actor Uberto Palmarini, who embodied the figure of the little tern of Assisi, Silvia Malinverni, which was clearly of Scifi, Rina Calabria, in the role of his sister Agnese, la ballerina Lucienne Myosa, nella parte di una cortigiana che si redime, Bruno Emanuel Palmi, in quella di Frate Elia.
Per almeno un mese Assisi e Gubbio offrirono il più bizzarro degli spettacoli, tra la viva e chiassosa curiosità degli abitanti e ancor più dei forestieri, che si stropicciavano sbalorditi gli occhi nel veder passare per le strade e le piazze ed entrare ed uscire dai templi inaspettati personaggi in costumi pittoreschi del 1200, e suore e fraticelli al braccio di soldatacci di ventura...
Ma lo spettacolo più caratteristico, ed anche commovente, era offerto dai veri francescani, i quali si facevano in quattro per aiutarci nella presa di talune scene, e ci fornivano perfino paramenti sacri; e pieni di premura held back the crowd of onlookers in the scenes of processions in front of the temple. They were really the smart, humble, precious to our employees and not easy no small effort. I remember the nuns in Santa Clara, who live in close confinement, at some point, because it was very hot, they distribute the guardian of her sister actresses and actors of cold drinks and biscuits. The processing of
Brother Sun then continued in the soundstage of "Thespis Movie" in Rome, almost four months. The first film, billed as the Franciscan refund in four songs by Mario Corsi, with sacred poem for orchestra and chorus of Luigi Mancinelli, took place June 7, 1918 Augusteo, granted for the first time for such a sight, and rose to true art event. He directed the orchestra maximum dell'Augusteo the same master Luigi Mancinelli. Attended by Princes of the House of Savoy, Ministers, senior officials and all the Roma intellectual elite of the time. The success of the film and music were great. The Italian press, which then was not concerned with the film except as paid advertising, he for once an exception to the rule, and dedicated to Brother Sun whole columns, signed by more critical and dramatic music: Fausto Maria Martini, the Tribune, Godfrey Bellonci the Journal of Italy and others.
Brother Sun also represents a new application of cinematografo dal punto di vista musicale. Per la prima volta la musica entrava in un film come elemento integrativo, esercitandovi funzioni di imperio. Mentre nel primo grande film religioso realizzato in Italia, il Christus , la musica del maestro Fino si era aggiunta alla composizione cinematografica del Salvatori, accompagnandola e divenendone un vero e proprio commento, nel Frate Sole la musica era parte essenziale dello spettacolo. Frate Sole - scrisse in un lungo articolo critico Alberto Gasco - segna indubbiamente una data nell'evoluzione del poema musicale cinematografico, al quale arriderà forse un avvenire mirifico .
Furono inni al musicista insigne e all'ideatore del film che ricorda oggi l'apparizione revival of the old Franciscan defined (still reproduce an opinion of others, a well-known critic) "the most significant work of a new orientation toward a kind of exploitation cinema cultural orientation assumes that art changes the eve of its purchase ultimate art form, with their ways and their needs. " To crown the success of Brother Sun came shortly after the solemn and official recognition of the Vatican, with a memorable performance of the film in the main hall of the Palace of the Chancellery, the presence of a dozen cardinals and archbishops and a host of senior officials and dignitaries of the papal court. I guarantee that the exceptional performance of the superb and wide sala, in cui aveva avuto sede dopo il 1848 il primo Parlamento formato da Pio IX, gremita di un pubblico così eletto e così entusiastico (ci furono molti applausi) superava di gran lunga quello che si proiettava sullo schermo, accompagnato da una grossa orchestra diretta dallo stesso maestro Mancinelli.
Ricordo che dopo la proiezione i Cardinali e gli altri eminenti Monsignori vollero esprimere il loro vivo compiacimento al maestro Mancinelli, a Ugo Falena e a me, e dissero che dal cinematografo la Chiesa poteva aspettarsi, come l'Arte, grandi nobilissime cose.»
Mario Corsi (Cinema, fascicolo 43, 10 aprile 1938)
Una scena del film
Weed Makes Me Self Conscious
1918 1911 1916
«Nel 1911, in vista dell'Esposizione Internazionale di Torino, mi venne affidata la realizzazione del San Francesco. Pretesi subito di girare ad Assisi, fra lo scandalo dei finanziatori abituati a “farsi tutto in casa”. Ottenuto il “via”, partii per la città del Poverello che, nel caso specifico era impersonato da Emilio Ghione.
Ghione si era accinto all'impresa con entusiasmo immergendosi per vari giorni in astruse letture e rapandosi la testa a zero per poter aderire fisicamente al personaggio nella maggior misura possibile.
Dopo qualche giorno di permanenza ad Assisi, però, tutto il suo fervore religioso svanì come per incanto, sopraffatto dal demone del gioco. Gli abitanti della piccola cittadina ebbero così il curioso privilegio di vedere molto spesso il loro prediletto San Francesco accapigliarsi in furibonde partite di poker con gli altri interpreti del film.»
E. Guazzoni, (Film n. 26, 28 giugno 1941)
« Il poverello d'Assisi diretto da Enrico Guazzoni, interpretata da me, che ebbi la coscienza e lo scrupolo d'arte, di rimanere quattro mesi, tonsurato da frate, su soggetto creato dalla Nobildonna Contessa Salimei, ebbe l'onore di ottenere la seconda medaglia d'oro, all'Esposizione Cinematografica di Torino, nell'anno 1912 (sic 1911).
Dopo il Santo Francesco, fui definitivamente assunto, as the first actor to China in three hundred pounds a month. "Emilio Ghione
(Memoirs and Confessions of Emilio Ghione (Za la Mort), 1928)
'and' one of the most successful productions of great stuff and almost always impeccable company in Rome. A film so well understood and reproduced, which has made a decree of the first prize at the Turin Exhibition.
The argument is that those best suited to the cinema. The beautiful three hundred has in it those elements of poetry simple and human, is so full of scenery and sun is enough to evoke, if only with an effort of imagination that time and the souls and the things that produced it, because the heart through all the range of the sweetest and pure feelings. And the whole soul is wrapped and three hundred of beats in the habit of St. Francis of Assisi, the greatest disciple of Christ, as Paul of Tarsus, was not elected by Christ: the sweet singer of Brother Sun, of the chaste lover Clare Sciffo, the purest lily flowers in the fields of human charity. All life and all the mission of Saint Francis of Assisi are saturated with poetry, color, simplicity. And these are the qualities which should always first be informed by the producer of the film. Peter Bernardo wrath of the love of Claire, the epilogue of a life consecrated to the sweet whole Christian utopia, is a chain of beautiful souls and beautiful environments. It was not for another, Cines should have been awarded the Grand Prix only for the sake of art shown in the choice of the topic. But here, in this Francis of Assisi , everything is beautiful, everything is of a freshness and a humanity that is really strange and consoling: the preparation, interpretation, photographic reproduction: everything, everything: people and things: landscapes and souls. The
Cines really deserve to be imitated, at least in the choice of donnnées from almost all other production companies for movies. "
Aniello Costagliola (Cinema, January 10, 1912)
'... in Francis Guazzoni authenticity to be found in the accents 'Reductive' rather than in the 'expansive' and symphonic. The vein of the author of Quo Vadis? Announcing intimate and lyrical. But while the director goes on the road with modesty and neatness of the tableau, Ghione - forced to sustain long pantomime edifying for the duration of static shots - appeals to some of his vibrant sensibility: cf. the scenes of renunciation of material goods (his character from El nudity Greek, gaunt and chaste, coy and human), the embassy in the East, the papal audience, the ordination of Clare, the three stations of the disease, more thinner, sweeter, more intense. When wisdom with iconographic and lighting, with cautious when invention, Guazzoni situation around Francis groups appeared well prepared, playing on the contrast between the costumes and using very well rapati the skulls of the Poor Man and his brethren. (Some thrill Rossellini; more freshness than in the Cavani, of which 'ef' the tenacity of John). In Ghione esteems above all, the gesture but dry off, and that religiosity just tinged with pathos that at the end point of the Foil, closed in on themselves to meditate or discard as in speech. (Typical sequence showing Francis undertook to convince a guy to release three white doves: solemn at first, then too effusive, but it ended - with the doves fly - from the calm smile of Francis, whose goodness is rational). "
Francesco Savio (Vision Private Bulzoni 1972)
I hope that these texts" promote "the interest in this film that he sleeps on the shelves of film for many, many years. A copy of the time (to nitrate) is the National Film and Television Archive in London. In 2008, a copy, with Italian intertitles, of the National Film Festival was screened in the Cinema Found 2008.
Finally, I would like to clarify it a little doubt ... But who is the actress who plays Santa Chiara? Italy Almirante Manzini? Fernanda Negri Pouget? I have not been able to see the film, and photographs published in the journal Image (Issue 4, June settembre 1982) sono così piccole e “buie” che non si capisce niente. Nel citato fascicolo c'è una trascrizione delle didascalie a cura di Alfredo Baldi, secondo lui (e secondo Vittorio Martinelli nel famosi volumi di Bianco e Nero), l'interprete femminile è Italia Almirante Manzini. Secondo altre fonti più recenti, per esempio il Catalogo del Cinema Ritrovato, è Fernanda Negri Pouget, persino Martinelli aveva cambiato idea nel suo volume dedicato a Emilio Ghione. Magari alla fine scopriamo che si tratta di Gianna Terribili Gonzales...
«Nel 1911, in vista dell'Esposizione Internazionale di Torino, mi venne affidata la realizzazione del San Francesco. Pretesi subito di girare ad Assisi, fra lo scandalo dei finanziatori abituati a “farsi tutto in casa”. Ottenuto il “via”, partii per la città del Poverello che, nel caso specifico era impersonato da Emilio Ghione.
Ghione si era accinto all'impresa con entusiasmo immergendosi per vari giorni in astruse letture e rapandosi la testa a zero per poter aderire fisicamente al personaggio nella maggior misura possibile.
Dopo qualche giorno di permanenza ad Assisi, però, tutto il suo fervore religioso svanì come per incanto, sopraffatto dal demone del gioco. Gli abitanti della piccola cittadina ebbero così il curioso privilegio di vedere molto spesso il loro prediletto San Francesco accapigliarsi in furibonde partite di poker con gli altri interpreti del film.»
E. Guazzoni, (Film n. 26, 28 giugno 1941)
« Il poverello d'Assisi diretto da Enrico Guazzoni, interpretata da me, che ebbi la coscienza e lo scrupolo d'arte, di rimanere quattro mesi, tonsurato da frate, su soggetto creato dalla Nobildonna Contessa Salimei, ebbe l'onore di ottenere la seconda medaglia d'oro, all'Esposizione Cinematografica di Torino, nell'anno 1912 (sic 1911).
Dopo il Santo Francesco, fui definitivamente assunto, as the first actor to China in three hundred pounds a month. "Emilio Ghione
(Memoirs and Confessions of Emilio Ghione (Za la Mort), 1928)
'and' one of the most successful productions of great stuff and almost always impeccable company in Rome. A film so well understood and reproduced, which has made a decree of the first prize at the Turin Exhibition.
The argument is that those best suited to the cinema. The beautiful three hundred has in it those elements of poetry simple and human, is so full of scenery and sun is enough to evoke, if only with an effort of imagination that time and the souls and the things that produced it, because the heart through all the range of the sweetest and pure feelings. And the whole soul is wrapped and three hundred of beats in the habit of St. Francis of Assisi, the greatest disciple of Christ, as Paul of Tarsus, was not elected by Christ: the sweet singer of Brother Sun, of the chaste lover Clare Sciffo, the purest lily flowers in the fields of human charity. All life and all the mission of Saint Francis of Assisi are saturated with poetry, color, simplicity. And these are the qualities which should always first be informed by the producer of the film. Peter Bernardo wrath of the love of Claire, the epilogue of a life consecrated to the sweet whole Christian utopia, is a chain of beautiful souls and beautiful environments. It was not for another, Cines should have been awarded the Grand Prix only for the sake of art shown in the choice of the topic. But here, in this Francis of Assisi , everything is beautiful, everything is of a freshness and a humanity that is really strange and consoling: the preparation, interpretation, photographic reproduction: everything, everything: people and things: landscapes and souls. The
Cines really deserve to be imitated, at least in the choice of donnnées from almost all other production companies for movies. "
Aniello Costagliola (Cinema, January 10, 1912)
'... in Francis Guazzoni authenticity to be found in the accents 'Reductive' rather than in the 'expansive' and symphonic. The vein of the author of Quo Vadis? Announcing intimate and lyrical. But while the director goes on the road with modesty and neatness of the tableau, Ghione - forced to sustain long pantomime edifying for the duration of static shots - appeals to some of his vibrant sensibility: cf. the scenes of renunciation of material goods (his character from El nudity Greek, gaunt and chaste, coy and human), the embassy in the East, the papal audience, the ordination of Clare, the three stations of the disease, more thinner, sweeter, more intense. When wisdom with iconographic and lighting, with cautious when invention, Guazzoni situation around Francis groups appeared well prepared, playing on the contrast between the costumes and using very well rapati the skulls of the Poor Man and his brethren. (Some thrill Rossellini; more freshness than in the Cavani, of which 'ef' the tenacity of John). In Ghione esteems above all, the gesture but dry off, and that religiosity just tinged with pathos that at the end point of the Foil, closed in on themselves to meditate or discard as in speech. (Typical sequence showing Francis undertook to convince a guy to release three white doves: solemn at first, then too effusive, but it ended - with the doves fly - from the calm smile of Francis, whose goodness is rational). "
Francesco Savio (Vision Private Bulzoni 1972)
I hope that these texts" promote "the interest in this film that he sleeps on the shelves of film for many, many years. A copy of the time (to nitrate) is the National Film and Television Archive in London. In 2008, a copy, with Italian intertitles, of the National Film Festival was screened in the Cinema Found 2008.
Finally, I would like to clarify it a little doubt ... But who is the actress who plays Santa Chiara? Italy Almirante Manzini? Fernanda Negri Pouget? I have not been able to see the film, and photographs published in the journal Image (Issue 4, June settembre 1982) sono così piccole e “buie” che non si capisce niente. Nel citato fascicolo c'è una trascrizione delle didascalie a cura di Alfredo Baldi, secondo lui (e secondo Vittorio Martinelli nel famosi volumi di Bianco e Nero), l'interprete femminile è Italia Almirante Manzini. Secondo altre fonti più recenti, per esempio il Catalogo del Cinema Ritrovato, è Fernanda Negri Pouget, persino Martinelli aveva cambiato idea nel suo volume dedicato a Emilio Ghione. Magari alla fine scopriamo che si tratta di Gianna Terribili Gonzales...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Pobierz Andrew Spencer Vs Lazard - Here Free
forged signatures on the contract. Phone: customer, elderly and disabled, had never given consent.
Articolo tratto da "Il Corriere di Lucca" del 17 Febbraio 2010
LUCCA - Ancora guai tra utenti e gestori telefonici, o meglio, con i procacciatori d'affari per conto degli stessi. In questo caso è la Federconsumatori di Lucca, un cui iscritto contesta come falsa una firma su un contratto e ne chiede l'annullamento. Il caso riguarda un utente di 84 anni, invalido and with severe disability requiring continuous care during the day. The user has received a proposal to activate the phone service with a provider. So Federconsumatori explains: "We inform you that the user has never signed any contract, or permit the operation of the proposed service for their phone users. Later, the daughter of our assistance on the user realized that he was headed to his father have activated a service ever required. Therefore, the complaint was brought to the operator of telephone service, challenging the invoices and requesting the submission of the contract documentation. Upon receipt of the contract, you realized that the signature on the form was clearly falsified. "" So - says Dr. Fabio Coppolella - President of Federconsumatori Lucca - through our association has brought the complaint to the operator of telephone service, calling for the annulment of the contract and invoices. Furthermore, in our note of complaint, we have retained to carry out the appropriate fora for the full protection of the rights of our assistance and compensation for damage suffered. Finally, - continues Coppolella - point out that in relation to the above facts has been proposed complaint-complaint through the local branch of the compartment of Postal and Communications Tuscany, for the crime of impersonation referred to in Article 494 of the Penal Code, or any other crime that was apparent in the matter under complaint.
Articolo tratto da "Il Corriere di Lucca" del 17 Febbraio 2010
LUCCA - Ancora guai tra utenti e gestori telefonici, o meglio, con i procacciatori d'affari per conto degli stessi. In questo caso è la Federconsumatori di Lucca, un cui iscritto contesta come falsa una firma su un contratto e ne chiede l'annullamento. Il caso riguarda un utente di 84 anni, invalido and with severe disability requiring continuous care during the day. The user has received a proposal to activate the phone service with a provider. So Federconsumatori explains: "We inform you that the user has never signed any contract, or permit the operation of the proposed service for their phone users. Later, the daughter of our assistance on the user realized that he was headed to his father have activated a service ever required. Therefore, the complaint was brought to the operator of telephone service, challenging the invoices and requesting the submission of the contract documentation. Upon receipt of the contract, you realized that the signature on the form was clearly falsified. "" So - says Dr. Fabio Coppolella - President of Federconsumatori Lucca - through our association has brought the complaint to the operator of telephone service, calling for the annulment of the contract and invoices. Furthermore, in our note of complaint, we have retained to carry out the appropriate fora for the full protection of the rights of our assistance and compensation for damage suffered. Finally, - continues Coppolella - point out that in relation to the above facts has been proposed complaint-complaint through the local branch of the compartment of Postal and Communications Tuscany, for the crime of impersonation referred to in Article 494 of the Penal Code, or any other crime that was apparent in the matter under complaint.
Shelf Life Of Brazillian Wax
CONTRACT mockery of a butcher. Bills wrong, then they cut the power.
Article taken from "Il Tirreno" of February 12, 2010
MOZZANO A VILLAGE - He signed a contract with a management company for the electricity service but has also witnessed the arrival of the utility bill he did not letterhead. Despite the complaints, from Monday the company has made (without notice) a reduction in power supply. It 's the story of Luciano Menchini, owner of a butcher shop in Via Umberto I, which has decided to go to Federconsumatori. "In 2007 - says Menchini - arrived in my shop two promoter companies of the electricity service that I have persuaded to accept their proposal. On January 25, 2007 stipulai a contract for the butcher's shop and frozen. It seemed to save and so in 2008 I decided to make a new contract for the building of Borgo a Mozzano. But at some point I received invoices for contracts I had signed. I discovered that there are four contracts were signed in my name but I never signed it, among other things, you see very well that the signature is not mine. Who was to sign them do not know, but we hope to find out. I started to phone the call center company, told me that they resolved shortly. "Then, last Monday, suddenly," I reduced the power supply by the company, without notice. I contacted the call center and they told me that in order to recover the same power, I had to pay € 1200.00 and send the bank transfer receipt by fax. So I did and at 14.45 on Monday, I sent the fax. I froze for 4 yards to absorb a lot of energy and for me it's a serious injury to remain with less power. Even if I were compensated by the company, I want to go through and know who are the responsibilities. "Federconsumatori February 8, submitted a complaint to the manager of electrical service, alleging serious irregularities in the wording of the proposed contract and the delivery of service and calling for the immediate reactivation. "It 's grave - says Fabio Coppolella, provincial president Federconsumatori - A user should be the reduction in power without having received prior notification by the operator, as per regulations.
Article taken from "Il Tirreno" of February 12, 2010
MOZZANO A VILLAGE - He signed a contract with a management company for the electricity service but has also witnessed the arrival of the utility bill he did not letterhead. Despite the complaints, from Monday the company has made (without notice) a reduction in power supply. It 's the story of Luciano Menchini, owner of a butcher shop in Via Umberto I, which has decided to go to Federconsumatori. "In 2007 - says Menchini - arrived in my shop two promoter companies of the electricity service that I have persuaded to accept their proposal. On January 25, 2007 stipulai a contract for the butcher's shop and frozen. It seemed to save and so in 2008 I decided to make a new contract for the building of Borgo a Mozzano. But at some point I received invoices for contracts I had signed. I discovered that there are four contracts were signed in my name but I never signed it, among other things, you see very well that the signature is not mine. Who was to sign them do not know, but we hope to find out. I started to phone the call center company, told me that they resolved shortly. "Then, last Monday, suddenly," I reduced the power supply by the company, without notice. I contacted the call center and they told me that in order to recover the same power, I had to pay € 1200.00 and send the bank transfer receipt by fax. So I did and at 14.45 on Monday, I sent the fax. I froze for 4 yards to absorb a lot of energy and for me it's a serious injury to remain with less power. Even if I were compensated by the company, I want to go through and know who are the responsibilities. "Federconsumatori February 8, submitted a complaint to the manager of electrical service, alleging serious irregularities in the wording of the proposed contract and the delivery of service and calling for the immediate reactivation. "It 's grave - says Fabio Coppolella, provincial president Federconsumatori - A user should be the reduction in power without having received prior notification by the operator, as per regulations.
Lorena Herrera 2010 Fotos
COMPANY IS NO INTERNET. After the offer of the company, service suspended for a business
Article taken from "Il Corriere di Lucca" of February 10, 2010
LUCCA - A company of Lucca has received a proposal to activate the phone service with all inclusive Isdn Business "for voice and internet service. Following this the user has been given the suspension of the service, without having received any warning or prior notice, causing serious damage and disruption that have made it impossible to undertake the training. The company was speaking to Federconsumatori of Lucca ha fatto scattare la contestazione. "Tramite la nostra associazione - spiega il presidente Fabio Coppolella - è stato proposto il reclamo, contestando l'inadempimento contrattuale al Gestore telefonico e chiedendo la risoluzione del rapporto relativo al servizio "Tutto Incluso Isdn Affari", nonchè l'indennizzo ed il risarcimento per tutti i danni e disservizi subiti dalla nostra assistita. Rilevato che il Gestore telefonico non ha fornito un motivato riscontro nel merito a tutti i fatti da noi contestati, abbiamo presentato ricorso alla Commissione Conciliativa Paritetica, insistendo nelle nostre richieste risarcitorie. Ricordiamo che la Carta dei Servizi impone ai gestori telefonici di fornire - in caso di reclamo - un motivato riscontro nel merito, normalmente entro il termine di 30 giorni dalla data di ricevimento del reclamo. In caso di mancata risposta - decorso il termine di cui sopra - è possibile presentare il ricorso in sede conciliativa. Nel caso in esame, nell'Udienza della Commissione Paritetica, del 3 febbraio scorso, dopo ampia ed approfondita discussione tra le parti, è stato riconosciuto l'indennizzo di 1.800,00 euro in favore della nostra assistita, in ragione di tutti i disservizi subiti".
Article taken from "Il Corriere di Lucca" of February 10, 2010
LUCCA - A company of Lucca has received a proposal to activate the phone service with all inclusive Isdn Business "for voice and internet service. Following this the user has been given the suspension of the service, without having received any warning or prior notice, causing serious damage and disruption that have made it impossible to undertake the training. The company was speaking to Federconsumatori of Lucca ha fatto scattare la contestazione. "Tramite la nostra associazione - spiega il presidente Fabio Coppolella - è stato proposto il reclamo, contestando l'inadempimento contrattuale al Gestore telefonico e chiedendo la risoluzione del rapporto relativo al servizio "Tutto Incluso Isdn Affari", nonchè l'indennizzo ed il risarcimento per tutti i danni e disservizi subiti dalla nostra assistita. Rilevato che il Gestore telefonico non ha fornito un motivato riscontro nel merito a tutti i fatti da noi contestati, abbiamo presentato ricorso alla Commissione Conciliativa Paritetica, insistendo nelle nostre richieste risarcitorie. Ricordiamo che la Carta dei Servizi impone ai gestori telefonici di fornire - in caso di reclamo - un motivato riscontro nel merito, normalmente entro il termine di 30 giorni dalla data di ricevimento del reclamo. In caso di mancata risposta - decorso il termine di cui sopra - è possibile presentare il ricorso in sede conciliativa. Nel caso in esame, nell'Udienza della Commissione Paritetica, del 3 febbraio scorso, dopo ampia ed approfondita discussione tra le parti, è stato riconosciuto l'indennizzo di 1.800,00 euro in favore della nostra assistita, in ragione di tutti i disservizi subiti".
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Brazilian Wax In Northern Va
The apostle
Altro titolo per la categoria di “film scomparsi” da ricercare. Innanzitutto mettiamo a posto qualche dato.
L'apostolo , Ambrosio is a production of 1916, and 1200 meters in 4 parts (as advertising), 1180 according to the censorship.
Staging Gero Zambuto, the tragedy in three acts The apôtre , Paul Hyacinthe Loyson (Théâtre de l'Odeon Paris, May 3, 1911).
Cast: Gabriel Moreau (Henri Baudouin), Umberto Mozzato (Octave Baudouin), Helen Makowski (Clotilde Baudouin).
According to the 1916 silent film The volume , Vittorio Martinelli, published by Black & White 1992, the subject is "a work of Charles Loyson, founder of the Gallican Church (but the volume The 1916 silent film does not say) , which is actually the father Paul Hyacinthe, author of The Tragedy apôtre , in Italian: The Apostle .
As for the names of the characters, certainly the last name: Baudouin, not Baudoin, (again the Italian silent film, 1916). I can not be sure of the name Henri, Octave, Clotilde. Surely the answer is in the Italian edition of the tragedy, Tumiati version of Conrad, preface by Renato Simoni, published in the editions Treves, Milano 1912.
The film version, judging by the pictures, it seems a bit 'different from the original play, especially the scenes in the Chamber of Deputies. For the rest it was not until the discovery of the film. I think it's a lot of movies interesting for many reasons, so let's leave the criticism published in that volume of Black & White and ritroviamolo
If someone wants to know the argument of the apostle theatrical version, you will find in the Internet Archive site (free) the English and French the tragedy of Paul Hyacinthe Loyson.
My contribution to the further research of this movie is this slideshow to stop the images pass over the mouse, you'll see the controls:
Good research! (And let me know if you want)
Altro titolo per la categoria di “film scomparsi” da ricercare. Innanzitutto mettiamo a posto qualche dato.
L'apostolo , Ambrosio is a production of 1916, and 1200 meters in 4 parts (as advertising), 1180 according to the censorship.
Staging Gero Zambuto, the tragedy in three acts The apôtre , Paul Hyacinthe Loyson (Théâtre de l'Odeon Paris, May 3, 1911).
Cast: Gabriel Moreau (Henri Baudouin), Umberto Mozzato (Octave Baudouin), Helen Makowski (Clotilde Baudouin).
According to the 1916 silent film The volume , Vittorio Martinelli, published by Black & White 1992, the subject is "a work of Charles Loyson, founder of the Gallican Church (but the volume The 1916 silent film does not say) , which is actually the father Paul Hyacinthe, author of The Tragedy apôtre , in Italian: The Apostle .
As for the names of the characters, certainly the last name: Baudouin, not Baudoin, (again the Italian silent film, 1916). I can not be sure of the name Henri, Octave, Clotilde. Surely the answer is in the Italian edition of the tragedy, Tumiati version of Conrad, preface by Renato Simoni, published in the editions Treves, Milano 1912.
The film version, judging by the pictures, it seems a bit 'different from the original play, especially the scenes in the Chamber of Deputies. For the rest it was not until the discovery of the film. I think it's a lot of movies interesting for many reasons, so let's leave the criticism published in that volume of Black & White and ritroviamolo
If someone wants to know the argument of the apostle theatrical version, you will find in the Internet Archive site (free) the English and French the tragedy of Paul Hyacinthe Loyson.
My contribution to the further research of this movie is this slideshow to stop the images pass over the mouse, you'll see the controls:
Good research! (And let me know if you want)
Cannondale System Six
Informadarte will be 20 to 28 February 2010 at the New Fair of Rome, Fiumicino, Rome BIG BLU at Sea Expo , with free workshops on water and the sea.
You will find us in Hall No. 3, "water system", entirely dedicated to children during the week from 14.30 to 19.30 on Saturdays and Sundays all day.
For more information and to purchase tickets at the fair,
Do not miss it!

Informadarte will be 20 to 28 February 2010 at the New Fair of Rome, Fiumicino, Rome BIG BLU at Sea Expo , with free workshops on water and the sea.
You will find us in Hall No. 3, "water system", entirely dedicated to children during the week from 14.30 to 19.30 on Saturdays and Sundays all day.
For more information and to purchase tickets at the fair,
Do not miss it!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Home Waxing Kits So Genital
Miss Dorothy
Miss Dorothy has a strange sort of governess, the old Duchess chose to educate Sangro Mara, his distant relative, an orphan rich, temperamental and rebellious character. But Dorothy, under the guise rigid, in ways no outward grace and almost ridiculous, it has some unexpected flashes of life, mysterious flashes of investigators, who are becoming more frequent after returning from the studies of Duke George, the boyfriend of Mara. George does not notice anything, did not notice the appearance of Dorothy in the first meeting and will not realize that the silent hours of the soul vibrates with love vigilante But next morning a passionate soul is revealed through the music that George Dorothy and running through the intensity of his wonderful eyes. And it is strangely troubled
George were married and the bride and groom depart. Soon the two very different characters appear to be irreconcilable, and the couple returned to the palace Sangro, where you repeat the arguments and recriminations. One night to comfort George, Dorothy is betrayed, he spoke with such neglect of herself, so it transforms the entire person, in the face, eyes, that George remembers a 'faded effigy seen several times between family secret papers.
goes to look for in a forgotten cupboard, and there is in fact a portrait of Dorothy. The mysterious governess and then the woman he loved in the past by his brother Roger, who had joined her, with only the religious bond he had then left widow with a child, this child was made to wrest from the Duchess's widow, Dorothy, and later received the news that the girl was dead. George is now looking anxiously
Dorothy, who has run just for having betrayed noticed immediately disappeared from the home of the Sangro. Find her in an elegant villa alone revealing that his daughter lives, empowered by a former butler of the house Sangro, who along with his wife makes the girl believe that George is a modest student family friend.
Dorothy sees her Gladys, now more than a teenager, but did not dare to disturb it by revealing the truth. Become a friend of hers, and he realizes that the young girl loves George, who is divorcing while Mara. A agonizing struggle begins in the heart of Dorothy, for she too loves Giorgio hours, the living image of his lost Roger, but through a series of events the maternal feeling to win and Dorothy come to sacrifice even their life for her daughter.
"The Nova Films presents the public a good job on both the industry, which has an artistic one. The protagonist is a Miss Dorothy, the first and one of Thea Nordthingam then animated, expressive, living, not as the decline, according to which part of the Duke di Sangro in a cold, dull, colorless. A non-sense: is it possible that only a couple of glasses arms, unable to disguise so that the face of the governess, so as to make it unrecognizable to the whole family Sangro? Yet he kept a photograph of the lover of the Duke Roger, "
staging of Giulio Antamoro subject Riccardo Picozzi, operator Cesare Cavagna. Cast: Diana Karenne, Romano Calò, Carmela Bonicatti, Lia Formia. Dianna
Karenne has personally selected the young Bonicatti Carmela, aka Carmen Boni, almost to the debut.
One of the commitments of the program of Nova Films, a production directed by Giulio Antamoro, is the abolition of the star system.
Miss Dorothy has a strange sort of governess, the old Duchess chose to educate Sangro Mara, his distant relative, an orphan rich, temperamental and rebellious character. But Dorothy, under the guise rigid, in ways no outward grace and almost ridiculous, it has some unexpected flashes of life, mysterious flashes of investigators, who are becoming more frequent after returning from the studies of Duke George, the boyfriend of Mara. George does not notice anything, did not notice the appearance of Dorothy in the first meeting and will not realize that the silent hours of the soul vibrates with love vigilante But next morning a passionate soul is revealed through the music that George Dorothy and running through the intensity of his wonderful eyes. And it is strangely troubled
George were married and the bride and groom depart. Soon the two very different characters appear to be irreconcilable, and the couple returned to the palace Sangro, where you repeat the arguments and recriminations. One night to comfort George, Dorothy is betrayed, he spoke with such neglect of herself, so it transforms the entire person, in the face, eyes, that George remembers a 'faded effigy seen several times between family secret papers.
goes to look for in a forgotten cupboard, and there is in fact a portrait of Dorothy. The mysterious governess and then the woman he loved in the past by his brother Roger, who had joined her, with only the religious bond he had then left widow with a child, this child was made to wrest from the Duchess's widow, Dorothy, and later received the news that the girl was dead. George is now looking anxiously
Dorothy, who has run just for having betrayed noticed immediately disappeared from the home of the Sangro. Find her in an elegant villa alone revealing that his daughter lives, empowered by a former butler of the house Sangro, who along with his wife makes the girl believe that George is a modest student family friend.
Dorothy sees her Gladys, now more than a teenager, but did not dare to disturb it by revealing the truth. Become a friend of hers, and he realizes that the young girl loves George, who is divorcing while Mara. A agonizing struggle begins in the heart of Dorothy, for she too loves Giorgio hours, the living image of his lost Roger, but through a series of events the maternal feeling to win and Dorothy come to sacrifice even their life for her daughter.
"The Nova Films presents the public a good job on both the industry, which has an artistic one. The protagonist is a Miss Dorothy, the first and one of Thea Nordthingam then animated, expressive, living, not as the decline, according to which part of the Duke di Sangro in a cold, dull, colorless. A non-sense: is it possible that only a couple of glasses arms, unable to disguise so that the face of the governess, so as to make it unrecognizable to the whole family Sangro? Yet he kept a photograph of the lover of the Duke Roger, "
staging of Giulio Antamoro subject Riccardo Picozzi, operator Cesare Cavagna. Cast: Diana Karenne, Romano Calò, Carmela Bonicatti, Lia Formia. Dianna
Karenne has personally selected the young Bonicatti Carmela, aka Carmen Boni, almost to the debut.
One of the commitments of the program of Nova Films, a production directed by Giulio Antamoro, is the abolition of the star system.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Desperately Need Money
ALLOWANCE 'HOLIDAY CONTRACT: Civil Cassation, sez Work, July 27, 2009, No Let us help
The ruling is particularly significant carryover below with regard to the many cases pending in various courts and Courts of Appeals as to the Italian recognition by workers of the school's right to payment of compensation as holiday contract. The Court held that the automatic dirittoallo expiration of the terms specified in the contract regardless of the conclusion of a subsequent agreement on the matter. Marco Guercio
"Article 2. CCNL paragraph 6 of the compartment of the staff of local self-regions, signed by ARAN July 6, 1995, that" After a vacation period of three months from contract date expiry of the economic part of this contract, or three months from the date of submission of platforms, whichever is later, employees of the fund shall receive the allowances, as scheduled by the labor cost of 23 July 1993. For the implementation of this allowance, the procedure of the legislative decree No 29 of 1993, art. 52, paragraphs 1 and 2 "must be interpreted as the right of employees to fund the payment of compensation as holiday arises independently of contract at the expiration of the terms specified by contract law, without entering into a subsequent contract in question." Civil Cassation, sez Work, July 27, 2009, No 17429
The ruling is particularly significant carryover below with regard to the many cases pending in various courts and Courts of Appeals as to the Italian recognition by workers of the school's right to payment of compensation as holiday contract. The Court held that the automatic dirittoallo expiration of the terms specified in the contract regardless of the conclusion of a subsequent agreement on the matter. Marco Guercio
"Article 2. CCNL paragraph 6 of the compartment of the staff of local self-regions, signed by ARAN July 6, 1995, that" After a vacation period of three months from contract date expiry of the economic part of this contract, or three months from the date of submission of platforms, whichever is later, employees of the fund shall receive the allowances, as scheduled by the labor cost of 23 July 1993. For the implementation of this allowance, the procedure of the legislative decree No 29 of 1993, art. 52, paragraphs 1 and 2 "must be interpreted as the right of employees to fund the payment of compensation as holiday arises independently of contract at the expiration of the terms specified by contract law, without entering into a subsequent contract in question." Civil Cassation, sez Work, July 27, 2009, No 17429
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Dads Comical Wedding Poems
mascheriamoci da....
A day of art workshops dedicated to the Carnival with the girls of Informadarte! At 11:00
A workshop for children aged 3 to 5 years
During the workshop each child will prepare a carnival mask cutting the cardboard into funny shapes and decorations as you prefer: with fabric, colored paper, small objects ...
At 16: 00 A workshop for children aged 6 to 10 years.
will prepare a carnival mask using paper mache on a balloon shaped, dried and then painted. We can thus create many faces: Principles, princesses, ogres, animals ... imagining that one day those who have always dreamed of being!
advisable to book. Signature of ten Euros per child.
Associazione Culturale Villa Villa Colle, Via Carlo Botta 51, Rome
to book and info Giulia 3475954855
Hill Villa Villa is a cultural association to participate in events
adults must be members.
The card is personal, vacation is valid and has a cost of five Euros.
A day of art workshops dedicated to the Carnival with the girls of Informadarte! At 11:00
A workshop for children aged 3 to 5 years
During the workshop each child will prepare a carnival mask cutting the cardboard into funny shapes and decorations as you prefer: with fabric, colored paper, small objects ...
At 16: 00 A workshop for children aged 6 to 10 years.
will prepare a carnival mask using paper mache on a balloon shaped, dried and then painted. We can thus create many faces: Principles, princesses, ogres, animals ... imagining that one day those who have always dreamed of being!
advisable to book. Signature of ten Euros per child.
Associazione Culturale Villa Villa Colle, Via Carlo Botta 51, Rome
to book and info Giulia 3475954855
Hill Villa Villa is a cultural association to participate in events
adults must be members.
The card is personal, vacation is valid and has a cost of five Euros.
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