Quando la realtà passa dal cinema
After the case of Michael Moore, who denounced the U.S. government to sabotage the distribution of "Sicko" his documentary-denunciation of American health care system, in Cannes, and 'the turn of the Theocratic Republic of Iran. Participation in the competition at the Festival of "Persepolis," animated film drawn from the graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi
(pictured) has caused resentment in Tehran, and in view of the official screening next Wednesday, the Department for Cinema of the Ministry for Culture and the Islamic East and the Iranian government 'care to send a letter of protest to the French embassy in Iran, ISNA reported by the agency, which states that participation in the competition for the Palme d' the film "Persepolis" danneggerebbe la stessa reputazione del Festival che “in modo inconsueto e del tutto fuori luogo, ha scelto un film sull’Iran che rappresenta in maniera irrealistica le conquiste ed i risultati della gloriosa Rivoluzione Islamica in alcuni suoi aspetti”.
Di avviso diverso, Marjane Satrapi che da anni denuncia con i suoi fumetti l’emarginazione delle donne iraniane e la crudele misoginia della politica degli aytollah.
da articolo21.info
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