formats imperial China, a century after the shipments that divided the European continent. The Asian country continues a silent conquest of Africa by more intense trade relations by importing oil (25% of domestic needs, Angola and Sudan, the main countries), metals and agricultural products also (many Chinese companies manage agricultural markets) by exporting goods, manpower and technical resources. Over 700 Chinese companies are present in 49 African countries: the turnover is high.
Company Westerners are not likely to invest in those countries plagued by internal conflicts and constant political corruption. China waived these issues because of the increasing need for raw materials and markets to which they export. A numerical example concerns the striking trade between Beijing and the continent in 2003 were 18.5 billion dollars, over 50% more than in 2002. China supports Africa in the implementation of infrastructure, communication and power lines, oil refineries, of course, in order to increase its political influence. They are ready for new Chinese investment of $ 27 billion, divided into approximately 800 projects in 46 different countries. The World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz Beijing repeatedly says that violates the rules of the international market. Chinese companies won contracts in fact, thanks to government aid and the State which assumes all the risk business, becoming an initiator and pride of debt relief for African countries. Building roads in Africa in return for the exploitation of raw materials seems to read a book of contemporary history. But you know, history repeats itself. The Chinese government has been accused of financing the bloodiest African institutions, such as when Sudan supported the forces responsible for the genocide in Darfur. The rest is extracted in Sudan, 60% of the oil that China imports from Africa. The local economies in Africa, never decolonize from capital foreigners, are having to deal with a new invasion of investments in renminbi (Chinese currency) . may be regarded as the physiological end of globalization, but I think the physiological most African communities would other kinds of investments.
The economic conquest of Africa is a must for those who aspire to hold the primacy of the political, economic and military global level. Both in monetary terms than in advertising (and we know that dictators are very sensitive to these issues).
Meanwhile, military spending increased at an annual rate in two digits for the past 15 years: from 17% in 2002 to 11, 6% in 2004, more than 35% of the national budget. What will they do with all these weapons? We will kill locusts, to resolve the long standing problem of China?
Since the fall of the Wall in 1989, the alliance between China and the U.S. against the Soviet Union no longer made sense: America is a lot of nasty back to the institutions in Beijing. As reflected in the interference of China in the discussion process on the nuclear issue of Iran. The Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing, during a visit to Tehran, said that China would oppose any UN effort to sanction Iran. It is the same imperialist policy that drives this country to support the Islamic regime in Sudan. In the same vein, its policy toward Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea is among the most clear: a strong sign of China's imperial pretensions to plant their stakes in its natural sphere of influence at the expense of American politics. The Chinese bourgeoisie has also sought to consolidate his influence these days in Laos, Cambodia, Burma, even in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, which is directly against the United States. In this situation, it is obvious that the other imperialist powers in the world, particularly France, Germany and Russia, will try to defend their interests in the region, at the expense of American power. The recent trip of Chirac and Raffarin in China then had the sole purpose strengthen economic ties between Paris and Beijing. It was also to reaffirm France's support, took over from Germany to lift the embargo on arms sales to China and at the same time by selling advanced technology to China.
From March 14 the international concern is directed toward the Strait of Formosa. On that date, the Chinese parliament has voted for the first time, an anti-secession law that authorizes Beijing to use military means against Taiwan if the island's authorities had opted for independence. On March 13, Chinese President Hu-Jinto, in military uniform, had even appealed to public officers " prepare for armed conflict." The message was clear: the Chinese middle class would not allow the separation of Taiwan, it would not be moved back at nothing, including war.
Immediately the tension is rising rapidly, not only in Southeast Asia but also between China and Japan.
( internationalism.org, asianews.it , bussinessonline.it, warnews.it)
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