Saturday, March 5, 2011

Braun Self Cleaning Shavers

Implementation of Resolution No. 112/2010 of 28 October 2010 CIVITATE


With Decision No. 112/2010 of 28 October 2010, the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of the government approved the "Structure and method of preparation of the Plan's performance" (Article 10, paragraph 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree October 27, 2009, No 150), containing operating instructions for the preparation of planning document which initiates the cycle of performance management.
The decision is immediately applicable to the ministries, companies and government departments to an autonomous public organizations to national economic and tax agencies (with the exception of the State Property) and contains guidelines for the regions, local authorities and the NHS, in the course of the adaptation of the laws of local authorities with the principles contained in Legislative Decree 150, 2009.

Purpose, Content and General Principles

• Aims

The Plan is the tool which starts the cycle of performance management (article 4 of Decree). It is a three-year planning document that, in line with the resources allocated are set out objectives, indicators and targets will be based on which then the measurement, evaluation and reporting of performance.

The plan is drafted with the aim of assicurare:

• la qualità della rappresentazione della performance dal momento che in esso è esplicitato il processo e la modalità con cui si è arrivati a formulare gli obiettivi dell’amministrazione, nonché l’articolazione complessiva degli stessi. Questo consente la verifica interna ed esterna del livello di coerenza con i requisiti metodologici che, secondo il decreto, devono caratterizzare gli obiettivi.

• la comprensibilità della rappresentazione della performance. Nel Piano viene esplicitato il “legame” che sussiste tra i bisogni della collettività, la missione istituzionale, le priorità politiche, le strategie, gli obiettivi e gli indicatori dell’amministrazione, so that this document be drafted so as to permit easy reading and understanding of its contents.

• the reliability of the representation of performance that is credible only if it is verifiable ex post the correct approach in the planning process (principles, stages, times, people) and its findings (targets, indicators, targets).

• Contents

within the plan should be reported:

- addresses and strategic and operational objectives;

- indicators for measuring and evaluating the performance of the administration;

- the objectives assigned to staff dirigenziale ed i relativi indicatori.
In particolare occorre che nel Piano siano presenti i seguenti ulteriori contenuti:
a) la descrizione della “identità” dell’amministrazione e, cioè, di quegli elementi che consentono di identificare “chi è” (mandato istituzionale e missione) e “che cosa fa” l’amministrazione (declinazione della missione e del mandato in aree strategiche, obiettivi strategici ed operativi).
b) l’evidenza delle risultanze dell’analisi del contesto interno ed esterno all’amministrazione. Ad esempio: attraverso l’analisi del contesto esterno si ricavano informazioni importanti sull’evoluzione dei bisogni della community and, in general, the expectations of stakeholders, which are essential for the quality of the representation of the performance.
c) the evidence of the process followed to develop the plans and actions to improve the performance management cycle. • General principles

In drafting the Plan must be complied with the following general principles:

• 1: Transparency

The administration has an obligation to communicate the process and content of the Plan consistent with the discipline of Ordinance and Commission guidance. • No

2: Immediate intelligibility

The plan must be small size and easy to understand even to external stakeholders (users, suppliers, citizens, associations, etc.).. • No

3: Truth and verifiability

The contents of the Plan shall correspond to reality, and for each indicator must indicate the source of origin of the data. The data enable the indicators need to be traceable. • No

4: Participation

is appropriate that the Plan is defined by active involvement of executives and, in turn, should foster the involvement of staff relating to its organization. • No

5: internal and external consistency

The contents of the Plan must be consistent with the reference context (external consistency) and with the tools and resources (human, equipment, financial) available (internal consistency, economic and human resources.

• 6: Horizon multi

The timeframe of the plan is three years, with breakdown into annual targets, according to a scroll. The structure of the document must allow a comparison in the same year with the Report on performance.

In the definition of plan should also take into account two elements:

• Connection and integration with the process and planning documents economic and financial budgets.

• gradual adaptation to the principles and continuous improvement

Structure, content and how to define the plan

structure determines the setting, ie the shape of the Plan, and the content defines what is written in every section of the Plan.

The process of defining the Plan follows five logical steps:

a) defining the identity of the organization;

b) analysis of the external and internal

c) definition of strategic objectives and strategies;

d) operational definition of the objectives of operational plans;

e) communication of the plan inside and out.

The completion of the five logical steps allows the drafting and adoption of the Plan.


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