Monday, March 14, 2011

Wholesale Butterfly Cookies

Galileo Galilei Ambrosio 1909

The action takes place in the first half of the seventeenth century. Galileo is intended to his favorite studies, while in his house a home his attempts to seduce the daughter of the scientist dismissed the complaint, the slave master to the Holy Office. Galileo's house is searched, if you took away his writings, his daughter is arrested and then imprisoned in a nunnery. The Inquisition is contrary to the dictates of religion, the writings of Galileo order that it be burned, forcing the scientist to deny their own theories. Galileo's last scene, blind, surrounded by a few devoted friends, is dying in the arms of her daughter, which was allowed to rush to embrace for the last time.

Production SA Ambrosio 1909 (Gold Series)
staging of Luigi Maggi, Arturo Ambrosio. Subject
of Henry Birch.
Operator John Vitrotti.
Performers: Oreste Grandi, Luiggi Maggi, Lydia de Roberti (picture in post), Umberto Mozzato, Mirra Principi.

Film restored by the Cinematheque of Friuli - Museo Nazionale del Cinema from a nitrate print donated by Armando Giuffrida, 35 mm, safety, negative, b / w, 192 m. in Italian.

found, restored and invisible to the Armando Giuffrida (and this writing), which won (free) copy to the Film Library of Friuli. ... So, no comment ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Owner Financed Sailboats

Pauli Ambrosio 1910

Trama: Un articolo su La Gazzetta di Bologna del 23 gennaio 1840 dava la notizia dell'improvvisa scomparsa di Pauli, un noto cospiratore, carbonaro e patriota corso, evaso dalla fortezza delle Tre Torri in cui era imprigionato, ferito e non più rintracciato. Il 27 giugno lo stesso giornale spiegava l'accaduto.
La sera del 23 maggio il fuggiasco aveva trovato rifugio nel palazzo del duca di Cesena, dove si stava svolgendo una festa in maschera, ed era stato accolto e curato segretamente: appena ristabilito sarebbe stato aiutato a espatriare in Dalmazia o in Grecia. Ma una sera il Duca scorgeva Pauli mentre baciava di nascosto la Duchessa: non aveva detto niente; ma si era recato subito to the police station to report the presence of the fugitive in his home. The next day, while the Dukes were leaving for a ride, had appeared from the woods a squad of gendarmes came to arrest Pauli. The Duchess, including the betrayal of her husband, after hitting him with his whip, ran home to alert Pauli, but too late, the garden was now surrounded. The woman was hit while he was protecting her lover by a shot of the cops, while Paul is shot in the head and the two hugged each die.
(from the original brochure of the Company Ambrosio)

staging of Luigi Maggi. Operator: John Vitrotti. Written by: Henry Birch. Cast: Alberto A. Capozzi (Pauli), Mary Cléo Tarlarini (la Duchessa), Luigi Maggi (il Duca di Cesena), Mirra Principi, Ercole Vaser, Serafino Vité.
Produzione Società Ambrosio 1909-1910. (Serie Oro), m. 190.

Una copia di 150 m. alla Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin (Claudia Gianetto nel volume Società Anonima Ambrosio: cinema muto nei documenti d'epoca, Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema, Roma 2002).

Re-ritrovata adesso su Lost Films .

Altri documenti su questo film: Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Collezioni online, Documenti del cinema muto torinese.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

150 Original Pokemon Chart

Carnevalesca Cines 1918

Staging of Hamlet Palermi subject Lucio D'Ambra.
Operator: John Grimaldi.
Cast: Lyda Borelli, Livio Pavanelli, Renato Visca, Gino Cucchetti.

Film restored by the Film Library of Bologna in 1993, a copy of the archive Sodre in Montevideo, 1500 m (55 ').

"The action of this bouquet of four carnivals held in the castle of Malaysia. Carnival

white show the young sons of a sovereign and their cousins \u200b\u200band cousins \u200b\u200benjoying themselves in festive games and fantastic.

Years pass.

Luciano, heir to the crown, falls in love with Lyda. And the carnival is blue.

But when he realizes that si cerca di strappare Lyda alla sua passione, rinunzia al trono e fugge con lei. La fuga del principe alimenta le ambizioni tra i cugini che aspirano allo scettro: si distruggeranno tra di loro. Ed è il carnevale rosso.

Tra gli aspiranti vi è Carlo, che pensa di essere il prescelto, ma, temendo che il vecchio re possa cambiare idea e richiamare il legittimo erede, tesse un'insidia a Luciano e lo pugnala a tradimento. Ed è il carnevale nero.» (dalla brochure originale del film)

« Fassini mi mandò a chiamare: Venga alla Cines a far colazione con la Borelli e con me... La Borelli, alla Cines, ci abitava. Che quando tra un periodo e l'altro della sua vita d'attrice di prosa dava alcune weeks to film, Baron Fassini did not want to lose what little time is required to conduct even the half-hour car in the famous actress from his home theater. The allestivano So there, in the central building of the Chinese, an apartment and Lyda Borelli did not, leaving the bed, which make up the stairs to be in its imperial beauty blonde in front of the camera. And there Fassini Alberto came every day to supervise the work, locked in his big wool sweaters, with its step by Emperor Napoleon of filmmaking, unfailing courtesy, but in the dry and fast in the controls in the habit of hasty authority that came from ships war on which he had spent, brilliant officer Marine, the years of early youth. Then it was the second youth, as is now the third, who always has a youth Alberto Fassini parts to be forever young. Intelligent and brilliant, enlightened, many experiences of, Baron Fassini wanted to give the Chinese a production of prestige than any other film. A man of taste, culture, wide artistic sense, not followed by industrial submissive, its various directors. But all of them dominated and instead, like on the ancients his ships, calling them a happy relationship. There was in him a desire to elevate the tone of the film and bring it to an authentic expression of art. So one morning at his table avutomi next to Lyda Borelli, commanded by Admiral dry and short in the tone that speaks to the officer asking him to call a spear in the sea: "In ten days, a film for your Lyda Borelli, a vast, artistic, magnificent, and worthy of her 's his art ...". I wrote Carnevalesca : a bold attempt to symbolic and allegorical film divided into three phases and comments: a carnival that was the white world of happy adolescence in young people the principles of a great imperial court, a carnival, red, and burning in the blind fury of life, passion and bloody debt those first innocent black and a carnival which was the visual poem of old age, and blacks in a world of ghosts, survivors gathered around the dark ombre d'un tragico passato. Occorrevano al film, negli episodi visivi e corali dei tre pittoreschi carnevali, larghi commenti musicali ed una specie di sinfonia dei suoni che accompagnasse la sinfonia dei colori. Si pensò a Mascagni, si pensò a Zandonai: impegnati l'uno e l'altro in opere nuove. E il film, al quale la musica, la grande musica, era indispensabile, rimase senza uno dei suoi principali elementi, affidando il sostrato lirico della composizione visivi solo ai commenti rabberciati delle orchestrine dei cinema cucendo insieme vecchi motivi verdiani e valzer viennesi.

Amleto Palermi inscenò Carnevalesca . Lyda Borelli ne fu stupenda interprete in un imponente gruppo d'attori tra i quali, tentato momentaneamente the film was also a fine Venetian poet, then a young journalist, and later that were strengthened by solid race and political writer, Gino Cucchetti. The film work of this particular result is that ten composers saw in Carnevalesca without music, the possibility of a great opera. First it was written by Giacomo Puccini. Meeting his letter, Milan: "I admired Carnevalesca last night. The people who applauded the film does not ever last night, in my presence, they clapped his hands. Operon that there would be in there! We want to talk about it? I will be in Rome next week. He always spoke with Puccini undecided, without concluding anything. And others, after Puccini, thought all'opera. Due o tre librettisti addirittura elaborarono schemi di libretto. Troppi galli a cantare!... Il giorno non venne. E l'opera lirica è ancora da farsi, mentre Carnevalesca , nel cimitero senza croci delle pellicole, nella fossa comune della vecchia cinematografia, è sepolta e dimenticata, senza un fiore, senza una lacrima...»
Lucio D'Ambra (Gli anni della feluca, Lucarini 1989)

E Carnevalesca, restaurata e presentata nel festival Il Cinema Ritrovato di Bologna edizione 1993, esce ogni tanto dal Pantheon dei Film Italiani Ritrovati Restaurati Invisibili... Pochi giorni fa a Venezia, Videoteca Pasinetti.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Braun Self Cleaning Shavers

Implementation of Resolution No. 112/2010 of 28 October 2010 CIVITATE


With Decision No. 112/2010 of 28 October 2010, the Commission for evaluation, transparency and integrity of the government approved the "Structure and method of preparation of the Plan's performance" (Article 10, paragraph 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree October 27, 2009, No 150), containing operating instructions for the preparation of planning document which initiates the cycle of performance management.
The decision is immediately applicable to the ministries, companies and government departments to an autonomous public organizations to national economic and tax agencies (with the exception of the State Property) and contains guidelines for the regions, local authorities and the NHS, in the course of the adaptation of the laws of local authorities with the principles contained in Legislative Decree 150, 2009.

Purpose, Content and General Principles

• Aims

The Plan is the tool which starts the cycle of performance management (article 4 of Decree). It is a three-year planning document that, in line with the resources allocated are set out objectives, indicators and targets will be based on which then the measurement, evaluation and reporting of performance.

The plan is drafted with the aim of assicurare:

• la qualità della rappresentazione della performance dal momento che in esso è esplicitato il processo e la modalità con cui si è arrivati a formulare gli obiettivi dell’amministrazione, nonché l’articolazione complessiva degli stessi. Questo consente la verifica interna ed esterna del livello di coerenza con i requisiti metodologici che, secondo il decreto, devono caratterizzare gli obiettivi.

• la comprensibilità della rappresentazione della performance. Nel Piano viene esplicitato il “legame” che sussiste tra i bisogni della collettività, la missione istituzionale, le priorità politiche, le strategie, gli obiettivi e gli indicatori dell’amministrazione, so that this document be drafted so as to permit easy reading and understanding of its contents.

• the reliability of the representation of performance that is credible only if it is verifiable ex post the correct approach in the planning process (principles, stages, times, people) and its findings (targets, indicators, targets).

• Contents

within the plan should be reported:

- addresses and strategic and operational objectives;

- indicators for measuring and evaluating the performance of the administration;

- the objectives assigned to staff dirigenziale ed i relativi indicatori.
In particolare occorre che nel Piano siano presenti i seguenti ulteriori contenuti:
a) la descrizione della “identità” dell’amministrazione e, cioè, di quegli elementi che consentono di identificare “chi è” (mandato istituzionale e missione) e “che cosa fa” l’amministrazione (declinazione della missione e del mandato in aree strategiche, obiettivi strategici ed operativi).
b) l’evidenza delle risultanze dell’analisi del contesto interno ed esterno all’amministrazione. Ad esempio: attraverso l’analisi del contesto esterno si ricavano informazioni importanti sull’evoluzione dei bisogni della community and, in general, the expectations of stakeholders, which are essential for the quality of the representation of the performance.
c) the evidence of the process followed to develop the plans and actions to improve the performance management cycle. • General principles

In drafting the Plan must be complied with the following general principles:

• 1: Transparency

The administration has an obligation to communicate the process and content of the Plan consistent with the discipline of Ordinance and Commission guidance. • No

2: Immediate intelligibility

The plan must be small size and easy to understand even to external stakeholders (users, suppliers, citizens, associations, etc.).. • No

3: Truth and verifiability

The contents of the Plan shall correspond to reality, and for each indicator must indicate the source of origin of the data. The data enable the indicators need to be traceable. • No

4: Participation

is appropriate that the Plan is defined by active involvement of executives and, in turn, should foster the involvement of staff relating to its organization. • No

5: internal and external consistency

The contents of the Plan must be consistent with the reference context (external consistency) and with the tools and resources (human, equipment, financial) available (internal consistency, economic and human resources.

• 6: Horizon multi

The timeframe of the plan is three years, with breakdown into annual targets, according to a scroll. The structure of the document must allow a comparison in the same year with the Report on performance.

In the definition of plan should also take into account two elements:

• Connection and integration with the process and planning documents economic and financial budgets.

• gradual adaptation to the principles and continuous improvement

Structure, content and how to define the plan

structure determines the setting, ie the shape of the Plan, and the content defines what is written in every section of the Plan.

The process of defining the Plan follows five logical steps:

a) defining the identity of the organization;

b) analysis of the external and internal

c) definition of strategic objectives and strategies;

d) operational definition of the objectives of operational plans;

e) communication of the plan inside and out.

The completion of the five logical steps allows the drafting and adoption of the Plan.

What To Do With Smelly Toilet?

The Measurement and Evaluation of the Performance Plan




• Setting objectives • Establish

sizes, ie the indicators that are faithful mirror of the same

• Systematically

the value of the indicators and evaluating the performance WANT TO SAY:

• What contribution has affected the level of achievement of the objectives of the organization.

One fundamental and indispensable step is to measure how the evaluation is the definition of objectives and the distinction between what the strategy is OPERATIONAL

The strategic objectives identified in a synthetic way, the final effect that we intend to produce in terms of change in the "social need" and the general approach the specific activities that can be put in place to achieve it.

are defined in accordance with the policy priorities identified and belong to one of four strategic areas within which the action takes place by the Administration.

The strategic objectives have generally lasts three years, consistent with the financial programming contained in the budget.

strategic objectives under Article. 5 of Legislative Decree No 150/2009, must be: •

important and relevant to the needs of the community, the institutional mission, priorities, policies and management strategies;

• specific and measurable in concrete terms and clear;

enough to cause a significant improvement in the quality of services and interventions;

• related to a given time frame;

• commensurate with the references from standards defined at national and international, as well as comparisons with government counterparts;

• comparable with the trend in productivity of the administration with reference, where possible, at least three years;

• related to the quantity and quality of resources available .

Achievement has the strategic objective as a necessary, but not always sufficient, the effective implementation of planned activities or, in other words, the achievement of operational objectives.

operational objectives are the objectives of administrative action relating to the annual cycle of budget and resources allocated to the centers of administrative responsibility.

operational objectives represent specific strategic objectives and are therefore functional to achieve them.

Generally, for each three-year strategic objective identified three operational objectives, one for each year, which define the actions planned by in three years.

Each operational objective is subsequently declined by the heads of the centers of administrative responsibility in the operational programs, which represent the means of achieving operational objectives.

New Arrow Rests For 2010

The Performance Plan is the tool that initiates the "cycle of performance management" (Article 4 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009).

E 'three-year planning document that, in line with the resources allocated are set out objectives, indicators and targets, the plan therefore defines the basic elements (goals, indicators and targets) that will build and then measuring , evaluation and reporting of performance.

According to art. 10, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009, the plan should be drafted with the aim of ensuring the quality, comprehensiveness and reliability of documents representation of performance, we must not forget that the same will be published on website of the City and should be easy to read and understanding by citizens (Article 11, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009).


The Plan is therefore an essential tool for the proper implementation of performance management cycle, which is why the Legislative Decree no. 150/2009 provides in the event of failure or non-annual update relevant sanctions at both the administration as a whole and private individuals, in particular the ban is expected to result in payment of the salaries of managers who appear to have contributed to the failure, by omission or inaction in fulfilling their duties, and the prohibition for administration to recruit employees or to the provision of consulting assignments or collaboration, however denominated (Article 10, paragraph 5, Legislative Decree no. 150/2009).

's still under discussion whether these sanctions are also applicable to local authorities and we are awaiting an official pronouncement on the issue.


accordance with art. 10, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009, in the Performance Plan must include:

1. and addresses the strategic and operational objectives;

2. indicators for measuring and evaluating the performance of the administration;

3. the objectives assigned to management personnel and the related indicators.

resolution No. 112/2010 the CIVITATE provides detailed operating instructions on the process, structure and content of the Performance Plan.

Reaffirming that the signs of CIVITATE are guidelines for local governments, as also stressed by the same CIVITATE and guidelines on a cycle of Anci di gestione delle performance, si evidenzia che gli enti locali possono utilizzare, oltre al Piano delle performance come da delibera CiVIT n. 112/2010, anche uno dei seguenti strumenti di programmazione già esistenti per dare avvio al ciclo di gestione della performance:

• il Piano Esecutivo di Gestione (P.E.G.) e/o Piano Dettagliato degli Obiettivi (P.D.O.);

• la Relazione Previsionale e Programmatica (R.P.P.).

Lo strumento prescelto dovrà essere però adattato a Piano delle Performance sulla base dei principi espressi dal D.Lgs. n. 150/2009, effettuando le seguenti modifiche/integrazioni:

• dovrà essere un documento programmatico triennale;

• in line with the resources allocated should be made explicit objectives, indicators and related targets;

• must be defined the basic elements on which to base the measurement, evaluation and reporting of performance;

• will enable the internal audit and external quality assurance system of goals and consistency that must characterize the same purpose;

• should be easy to understand (NB: remember that the same shall be published on the website to comply with the principle of institutional transparency to citizens), so the bond must be explained that there between the needs of users / citizens, the institutional mission, priorities, policies, strategies, objectives and indicators of the institution;

will also enable verification of the correct approach is an evaluation of the planning process (principles, phases, time, subjects) and its findings (targets, indicators, targets).

As explained in the guidelines of a hip in the field of performance management cycle, whatever the choice made by each local authority, should be included in the Plan in the following premise:

Summary of information of interest for citizens and for external stakeholders:

about us

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

what we do (areas of intervention, its activities and desired outcomes of interest for external recipients)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

how we

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

administration "in figures;

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

Context analysis:

analysis of the external environment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

analysis of the internal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

addition to the above, the following is the specific content of the document which starts the cycle management performance, as indicated Anci, depending on the choice made by individual institutions:

⇒ if the Authority decides to use the Forecasting and Planning Report:

a. strategic objectives (purpose);

b. operational objectives;

c. process and measures to improve the performance management cycle: •

phases, subjects and times of the process of drafting the Plan;

• consistency with the economic and financial planning and budgetary

• actions to improve the cycle performance management;

d. detection for the consolidation of public finances;

e. final considerations on the consistency of the programs according to regional development plans, sector plans and regional planning acts of the Region;

f. technical annexes (for content, please refer to the "working papers for the preparation of technical annexes" CIVITATE annexed to resolution No 112/2010).

⇒ If the Authority decides to use the Executive Management Plan / Detailed Plan objectives:

a) Strategic Objectives

• definition of the strategy arising from the integration of the broad political objectives and administrative

• identification of strategic objectives which result and related indicators and targets

b) Operational objectives

• graduation resource entry into chapters

• tiered services in cost centers

• graduation interventions in chapters

• clear links with the PDO

c) The process and measures to improve the performance management cycle: •

phases, subjects and times of the process of drafting the Plan

• consistency with the economic and financial programming and budget

• actions to improve the cycle Performance Management

d) Technical annexes (for Content rimanda alle “Carte di lavoro per la redazione degli allegati tecnici” allegate alla delibera CiVIT n. 112/2010).

⇒ se l’Ente decide di utilizzare il Piano delle Performance come da delibera CiVIT n. 112/2010:

a) Obiettivi strategici

b) Obiettivi operativi

c) Processo e azioni di miglioramento del Ciclo di gestione della performance:

• fasi, soggetti e tempi del processo di redazione del Piano

• coerenza con la programmazione economico-finanziaria e di bilancio

• azioni per il miglioramento del Ciclo di gestione della performance

d) Allegati tecnici (per il contenuto si rimanda alle “Carte di lavoro per la redazione degli allegati tecnici” allegate alla delibera CiVIT n. 112/2010).

Tempi di approvazione del Piano della performance:

con delibera n. 121/2010 la CiVIT ribadisce la necessità che vi sia uno stretto collegamento tra l’approvazione del bilancio e la predisposizione del Piano delle performance; pertanto, il termine del 31/01 per l’approvazione del Piano delle Performance non è tassativo per gli enti locali: tale strumento dovrà essere approvato unitamente al bilancio di previsione, che, ai sensi di legge, potrà avvenire anche successivamente a tale data.

Lo stesso potrà anche essere approvato unitamente al Piano Esecutivo di Management (PEG) in those institutions using this programming tool.

As regards methodology and fields of measurement and evaluation of organizational performance (Article 8 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009) and the pattern of indicators to be used, please refer to our Circular Staff explained in the December 17 2010 on the measurement system and performance appraisal.