La Compagnia dei Matti 1928
Momi Tamberlan (Vasco Creti) Cioci Bortolo (Carlo Tedeschi), Piero Scavezza (Alex Bernard), are the three last survivors of an old club founded at the time of their lives from their fellow students Bardonazzi Joseph, a rich caposcarico as pleasant.
The rules of the Club stated among other things: "It can not be a member of the Club who has a reputation for hedonistic, gluttonous, drunken, reckless and violent. Those who can not prove that getting drunk, having taken all the holidays, they incurred a penalty for shouting at night, having had an accident, clamorous peaceful citizens at least once every month, can not be part of the club. " The founder and financier
Bardonazzi had been dead for many years, and cheated by the club motto: "If I'm not crazy do not want them," was now represented by three old men who lived in the rent of some property left dall'amato fondatore: nel palazzo nobiliare già sede del Club si era installato Piero con un fido domestico, Sioria (Giuseppe Brignone) : Bortolo viveva in un modesto appartamentino con una domestica tiranna che gli incuteva una maledetta paura: Momi, trovandosi vedono con la figlia Ginetta (Liliana Migliori), affettuosa e semplice, era passato a seconde, nozze con Irma (Elena Lunda), donna giovane e capricciosa, a cui risaliva la causa dei molti guai che angustiavano la vita declinante del poveretto.
I tre « Matti » erano diventati ormai savi, se non altro per la buona ragione dell'età e dei relativi acciacchi. Occorre ora notare che in base al testamento Bardonazzi, se l'usufrutto dei beni andava ai tre superstiti, il right to property was donated to the Congregation of Charity of the place which of course had the greatest interest in ensuring that the three old DeCamp.
One day he was appointed as President of the Congregation of the young lawyer Joust (Celio Bucchi), innovative spirit and energy, which, Bardonazzi examined the text and status of the club, he soon found that the three old, no longer mad had now lost all rights to membership in the Club, which had come to lapse automatically on income from the property left to them in usufruct as members. In essence this means impeccable reasoning of Joust for the three old one: hunger.
should therefore every cost to the lunatics to preserve the rights threatened, and then start for the three of the most pitiful farce.
Here they go around at night, and phlegm voice sing the songs of young people, here they rip like once the bell rope of the old houses and then perhaps to escape with his legs trembling, here they go on carnival rides with great astonishment of the villagers laugh amused by antics of the three unfortunate that trail in the game tearful sorrow of their weary hearts, and yet must be good ... earn their bread and coffee in the coming three old cackling, rebel guards, make all the colors, until one night, chased, a climbing wall, Piero breaks a leg, the two friends were bear arms in pharmacy, but there meet the lawyer. Carousel and then pretend to be drunk, and Piero, stifling the pain excruciating, sings and laughs with others.
But the 'Company of Fools' is destined to disappear. Piero died peacefully re-reading the last letters of his son fell on the field of honor: he died while his friends, believing him to be less seriously ill, are preparing to go to the ball, a necessary complement to their feats of strength for fools. Meanwhile at home
Momi prepares the tragedy that has crashed into the heart of the poor, whose love for his wife blindfolds him on the conduct of this woman: Irma betrays him with Prof. Rosolillo (Vittorio De Sica) who Momi, unconscious of the affair, volentieri accoglie in casa intravvedendo un buon matrimonio per sua figlia.
Irma e Rosolillo hanno deciso di andare al veglione mascherato, conducendo con loro Ginetta per salvare le apparenze: ma la fanciulla che ha intuito la verità e che soffre profondamente per il contegno della matrigna, rifiuta l'invito e rimane a casa. Verso la mezzanotte quando Momi, vestito da Pierrot è in procinto di recarsi al teatro, ecco che si trova di fronte a Ginetta: ella non vuol dire al padre quale sia la vera ragione della sua presenza in casa, e scoppia in un pianto dirotto. Momi intuisce e vuol vedere una carta che la figlia ha frettolosamente nascosto al suo apparire: si tratta di una domanda per ottenere un impiego in una lontana città.
Allora tutta the atrocious situation is clear to the spirit of Momi: poverty, debt, the abandonment of his daughter, his wife ... no, no, it would be terrible! How crazy
Momi runs the ball when frightened and almost foreboding Ginetta follows. The party is hot in all its folly, and the orgy that Momi assists greatly affects his spirit, but he does not stop and search feverishly in the halls, corridors, in stages, passing as the spectrum of anxiety in the middle of the Carnival triumph: and finally, alas, discovers his wife in a box in the arms of the professor. Momi hands convulsively grasping the culprit in the throat, but the forces are less and he breaks into a smile colvulso falling into the arms of her daughter and Bortolo che erano sopraggiunti.
I due colpevoli fuggono, ma ben presto il loro insano amore svanisce nel nulla, mentre Momi delira, inchiodato in letto da una violenta crisi che lo lascia in preda ad una dolce, triste pazzia.
L'Avv. Giostra, colpito dalla tragedia da lui stesso inconsciamente causata, si sente quasi colpevole e cerca di riparare almeno in parte all'uragano che ha scatenato: così si occupa di far ricoverare Momi in un sanatorio perchè vi riceva le cure più affettuose, e intanto prodiga tutto il possibile conforto a Ginetta dalla cui grazia gentile poco a poco si sente conquiso.
Così quando la ragione di Momi ritorna sana una grande gioia le si prepara: il buon vecchietto entrerà presto in una nuova casa ove fiorirà around him the romance of two young hearts.
Edition Pittaluga
1928 Art direction by Mario Almirante; Operator: Massimo Terzano, Set Design drawings of Prof. Giulio Boetto. Subject
play by Gino Rocca If not i will not mati x blood volume (1926), reduction of Camillo Brutus Bonzi.
Film restored by the Italian Film Archive Foundation (Milan) and the Film Library of Bologna. 3200 m. 116 'to 24 f / s.
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