Thursday, December 2, 2010

Should You Shower Before You Wax?

L'Arzigogolo, Alba Film 1924

A scene from the Medieval Village (Parco del Valentino, Torino), on the right of the fountain Maniscalco, left the porch Aschieri.

Here is a proposal for restoration of Turin and the Region Piemonte (al Museo del Cinema lo avevo proposto più di due anni fa, ma lo ri-propongo , non si sa mai). L'Arzigogolo fu uno dei grandi successi della stagione 1923-1924. La copia è stata ritrovata anni fa, non ho altre notizie.

«Nell' Arzigogolo è ritratto il dramma dell'uomo fatto schiavo e costretto al ridicolo per campare la vita di fronte alla tirannia.

Il lavoro, rappresentato per la prima volta al Teatro Costanzi di Roma, la sera del 17 ottobre 1922 dalla Benelliana condotta da Alessandro Romanelli, ebbe molto successo. Interpreti principali furono Tina Pini, Giuseppe Sterni, Aldo Silvani, Leo Bartoli.»
(da Sem Benelli, his theater, his company, 1928)

"This film is reduced to the screen of one of the best works of the Italian drama is the author contemporaneo.Ne Sem Benelli, one of the most original poets of the Auditors' Italy of the present moment.
Sem Benelli is an author who gained fame through a hard training, that is, through all the difficulties and disappointments that life prepares art to those who want to follow.

His first works in fact, a child of the times , lyric poem; Lassalle, historical drama in four acts, and Earth, peasant tragedy, did not like either the public or critics.

The poet tried frantically, in these early efforts, the inspiration and the way forward. Moth, a comedy in which he staged his tears intimate story, and The Mask of Brutus gave, with the first by the public, faith and courage to Sem Benelli. He then wrote

The Supper of the Pranks , a job that suddenly raised to the honors and fame more than a great poet can hope for. The success of the Pranks Dinner was so great and so indisputable, that its value as a kind of shadow cast on the works that came out later by the fervid imagination of the author. Who had composed a poem such force and beauty, we expected perfection. Reason that the works written after the dinner , Love of Three Kings, The cloak , Rosamund , The Gorgona , The Marriage of the Centaurs and Ali had to settle for climbing, nell'estimazione public at lower altitudes in some ways to those which already achieved the masterpiece that had preceded them. The latest products of intelligence were his The Holy Spring el ' convoluted.

The last work performed for the stage by Sem Benelli preserves, in its film adaptation, fidelity version in all but the final, which, in perfect agreement with the author, was transformed and lose its color and took on tragic, one happy.

The exterior for the movie were filmed in Turin ( including the Medieval Borgo and Rocca ndc the Valentino Park) and nearby. As the building was used as the Pittaluga Fert. The interpretation of the work competed

artists of the highest value of world cinema and the theater.

work, they talked extensively about the newspapers, he managed rich in artistic merit.

A particular novel interesting is that provided by a tiny amount of artists who interpreted one of the scenes features the first act, we want to allude to the mice and cats at the banquet. These animals needed a long and patient training to get used to move between the actors and in an environment so filled with light and life. Even some of the artists had to struggle hard to adapt to be invaded by unwelcome visitors. But the biggest challenge came when it was the massacre of children that were supposed to carry rosicchianti their ferocious enemies, the cats. These hate mice, but they are in their hatred an exception: they have an instinctive aversion to the white, before which lost every warlike spirit, and retreat in horror. As anyone can imagine, the situation that nacque fu delle più comiche e delle più difficili nello stesso tempo. Ci volle dei bello e del buono per indurre i gatti a fare il loro mestiere , ma vi si riuscì finalmente. L'Arzigogolo di Sem Benelli, riduzione scenica in 5 parti di Mario Almirante, ha i seguenti interpreti :
Violante: Italia Almirante. Spallatonda : Annibale Betrone. Floridoro: Oreste Bilancia. Il conte Giano: Alberto Collo. Il Signor di Carpi : Vittorio Pieri.
Costumi della Casa Caramba e della Sartoria Teatrale Zamperoni.»
(dalla pubblicità del film)

«Nella direzione artistica e tecnica, Mario Almirante si è posto alla testa dei metteurs-en-scène italiani pari per abilità di inscenatore a Griffith, per coloritura drammatica a Lubitsch, per finezza e grazia ad Abel Gance. Artista sensibile e raffinato, ha saputo impadronirsi del carattere dei singoli personaggi del dramma e svilupparsi in limpidezza di espressioni significative, con un crescendo wagneriano, sì che ogni ombra come ogni palpito messi in luce, hanno potuto, nell'essenza spirituale, conservare l'impronta fastosa e torbida. Nel piccolo castello medioevale del Valentino, abbiamo avuto la sensazione di essere stati trasportati indietro nei secoli: tutta la nostra modernità di idee e di abitudini si è sfaldata, come per un incantesimo, e con gli interpreti abbiamo vissuto la vita di quel tempo, nell'amalgama più Complete. "
(Luciana Grimaldi, The Life Film Festival, November 1923)

To see a snippet: inpenombra YouTube


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