Monday, December 20, 2010

What Happens At The End Of Cube Field

Il Capriccio del miliardario 1914

«Lo splendido panorama di Roma ispira al miliardario Rochesund l'idea di una gara sportiva: offre un premio di un milione di lire a chi entro la fine del mese, e nel minor tempo possibile, percorre Roma in tutta la sua lunghezza in linea retta, su uno spazio largo dieci metri della linea che ha disegnato, e senza ricorso ad alcun trasporto via terra, fluviale o aereo, quali siano gli ostacoli che si possono incontrare.
Queste condizioni bizzarre e l'importanza del premio rivoluzionano la città. Tra i numerosi concorrenti c'è il giocatore Paolo Sbiéga ... La fortuna lo favorisce e, dopo aver scalato parecchi muri con sprezzo del pericolo, arriva per primo in diciotto giorni.
«Bene, le dice Rochesund, se entro la fine del mese, nessuno farà il percorso in meno tempo di voi, il milione è vostro.»
Questa performance è considerata da tutti sportivi come un record per la gioia di Paolo Sbiega e la sua amante Clara.
Ma un nuovo giocatore entra improvvisamente nella mischia, il giovane Publio Danna, fidanzato della bella Matilde, figlia del banchiere Buonafede.
Ha deciso di tentare la fortuna sapendo che il banchiere è in rovina, e se entro venti giorni egli non ha pagato al suo creditore Taco, questo sposerà Matilde.
Inizia così una desperate race. It is not just to complete the journey, but to beat the time Sbiega in no more than eight days!
But love gives you wings! Publius runs, flies, and does not recognize boundaries! When he meets a palace, instead of wasting his time climbing, he crosses the floor like a meteor. So Sbiega protest, but his protest is not accepted ... When it comes to the Tiber, Publius was a moment of hesitation, not knowing how to swim. But it still manages, thanks to the seat belt that gives him his Matilda. New Sbiega protest, which again is not accepted by the jury: the seat belt is not considered as a means of transport.
In four days, Danna has traveled the half of the course. Sbiega is not ready to lose the prize. For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200ba crime occurs in her mind, and in a perilous passage, trying to drown Danna by opening a lock ...
His efforts failed one after another. Protected by Matilda, Danna overcomes all difficulties. Tired and bruised, exhausted, finally reaches the goal ... lost five minutes! But, as in Around the World in 80 Days due to the difference of the meridian, and even a few minutes before getting the one million it deserves. "

According to the catalog of Free International Film Festival (Cinema The Fountain) Bologna, 1999 edition, a copy of this film - Title Hunt million - was discovered in 1983 in the archives of Moscow and preserved from Gosfilmofond nitrate positive (35 mm, 1058 m, 58 'at 16 frames per second, German titles). Adds the catalog:
'Film mysterious escaped the filmographies of Bernardini and Martinelli, which tells of a treasure hunt through Rome a beautiful portrait of the early '10s. All the sites that will be shown by a century of cinema (Fellini, De Sica) appear here, perhaps for the first time. The inevitable transition from school where the star of Cines company's competitors are waiting. "
The" film mysterious escaped the filmographies of Bernardini and Martinelli is instead perfectly segnalato nella filmografia di Martinelli (pagina 94 del primo volume Il Cinema Muto Italiano 1914 – i film degli anni d'oro, edizione 1993) con il titolo: Capriccio di miliardario, metri 909/1295.

La versione distribuita in francia nel 1914 (immagine sopra) era di m. 1181. La copia della Gosfilmofond mi sembra abbastanza completa.

Persone di fiducia – perché il film non sono riuscita a vederlo - confermano che si tratta di un film da non perdere. Come per tutti i suoi fratelli ritrovati e restaurati: sarà possibile liberarli prima del 3010?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

All Nighter Stove Works

Il diritto di vivere Partenope Film 1912

Produzione Partenope Film 1912; Soggetto di Roberto Bracco; Messa in scena di Roberto Troncone.

Mechanic Antonio Altieri.
Antonio completes the safe of his master, the great industrialist Guido Salviati.
The output of the workers.
Magdalene's lover Antonio.
"I love you Anthony, I want to be yours, all yours."
Father and son.
"I have a great dream! The design of a new car. " Happiness
worker's diary.
must sacrifice. From Aunt
Broken Heart!
radius of comfort! Maddalena
confided to her maternal aunt.
Poor mother!
The bread of mercy!
Towards the realization of the dream. Guido
Salviati want to buy the secret of Antonio Altieri. Salviati
learns that Altieri has created a "corrupt and the Moro and the Hunchback to steal the secret of triumphant,
Il Moro, for treason enters the service of Anthony Altieri, who became master. The Moro
he notes PEL treason, but repented, became the most faithful friend of his new master.
Triumph. Yesterday
the presence of many notability has inaugurated the cooperative organizational mechanisms or direct from the brilliant Antonio Altieri, former foreman of establishments Salviati. The Hunchback
seeking to instill in the heart of Antonio Altieri, but his sinister figure ill prepares the honest.
Salviati, who was defeated in his corruption, meditates a greater vengeance. Magdalene by Antonio
back after four years and informs him of its authorship. Guido
Salviati purchase credits against the cooperative to put the inventor at his discretion ...
... and relies on his lawyer appointed to act without delay. Salviati
Guido takes possession of the factories of the Cooperative.
Antonio Altieri goes by his enemy to find a job, but the villain him away.
Mom, I'm hungry!
The redness supreme.
The right to live!
Mind you honestly earned money stolen, send the family in America.
good trip! ...
I will join you! ...
The secret police searches,
There are only 50,000 pounds. The cry

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ohio State Biggest Boobs

Il discepolo 1917

the novel Subject (1889) by Paul Bourget. Staging of Giuseppe Giusti.
Cast: Fabienne FABREGES, Mario Roncoroni.
Crown Film Production, Torino 1917.

"Never reduction was more daring than this: here was not to make the public aware of the plot of a literary masterpiece novelist. If that were the case, the task would be difficult, yes, but not equally difficult. There is a flurry of recklessness and arrogance of Like that of daring, fascinating, bewitching, in this reduction. This was the task: to bring to the screen a problem, a dilemma essentially eminently psychological, around which the author's imagination beyond the Alps had beat some of the characters.

In a word, is the philosophy brought to the cinema, precisely because it is an unusual question of philosophical doctrine that suggested in his novel Paul Bourget marble. "
Vittorio Guerriero (The Life Film Festival, June 1917)

Film disappeared. To read the novel by Paul Bourget (French) questo link dell'Internet Archive .

Incline Mats For Sale

acting CIVITATE No 121/2010: comments on the document concerning “L’applicazione del Decreto legislativo n.150/2009 negli Enti Locali: le Linee guida dell’ANCI in materia di Ciclo della Performance”, approvata nella seduta del 9 dicembre 2010

The text drafted by ANCI, in connection with Article 16, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No 150 of 2009 provides information regarding the adjustment of regional and local authorities "within the principles contained in Articles 3, 4, 5, paragraph 2, 7, 9 and 15, paragraph 1" of that decree. These provisions, dealing respectively with the general principles of discipline, performance management cycle, the characters of the objectives, the measurement system and performance appraisal, the areas of performance measurement and evaluation individuale, alle funzioni dell’organo di indirizzo politico-amministrativo.

Rispetto al testo, la Commissione, su richiesta dell’ANCI, formula, di seguito, alcune osservazioni, tenuto conto sia della delimitazione normativa dell’ambito di adeguamento, sia della possibilità di invitare gli enti territoriali a considerare, nel rispetto della propria autonomia e in una valutazione complessiva del sistema, la possibilità di un adeguamento anche ad altre previsioni del decreto de quo, non espressamente indicate dall’articolo 16, comma 2, a fini di completezza e coerenza del sistema.

Si evidenziano i sotto elencati profili critici e si forniscono i relativi suggerimenti.

Profilo 1

Rate ANCI if, within the relationship, it is appropriate to display an overview of the most detailed and convincing, explaining the reasons and implications of the cycle of performance management in local government.

Profile 2

Proposed Plan of PEG as performance, earnings but with a number of possible problems. For example, the PEG is often oriented to the operational management, has a short-term horizon, not all municipalities are required to do so, and there is diversity of use by local authorities.

Although the application of Article. 16 of the decree does not require the application of art. 8 of the Decree, the document ANCI has many ideas about the performance management cycle. It is therefore considered appropriate to point out some useful application of the logic of the cycle and systems that support the operation.

The introduction of performance management cycle has important implications for local governments, the implications must be fully evidenced also by the adaptation of PEG in Piano Performance (for more details, see the resolution CIVITATE n.112/2010 ). In particular it will:

1. explicit links between policy direction, strategy and operations, obtained through a sufficient consistency between processes and tools strategic planning, operational planning and control;

2. explain the outcome of management, understood as the identification of impacts (by stakeholder category) of policies and actions from the strategic planning, to the communication to the public;

3. explicit actions to continuously improve our public services, achieved through the use of information derived from the process of measurement and evaluation of performance, both organization and individual, through feedback loops (feedback) formalized (for more details, see Resolution CIVITATE No 89/2010), as well as appropriate activities of stakeholder analysis dell’ente;

4. essere predisposto in maniera tale da poter essere facilmente comunicato e compreso. La trasparenza, intesa come accessibilità totale delle informazioni di interesse per il cittadino, richiede la pubblicazione in formato accessibile e di contenuto comprensibile dei documenti chiave di pianificazione, programmazione e controllo (per approfondimenti, si veda la delibera CiVIT n. 105/2010).

Il PEG, in quest’ottica, diventa lo strumento che dà avvio al ciclo di gestione della performance.

Il processo di adattamento a Piano della performance dovrà trasformare il PEG in un documento programmatico triennale in cui, in coerenza con le risorse assegnate, vengono esplicitati obiettivi, indicatori e relativi target. Attraverso questo strumento devono essere definiti gli elementi fondamentali su cui si baserà la misurazione, la valutazione e la rendicontazione della performance. Il PEG, inoltre, deve assicurare la qualità della rappresentazione della performance, dal momento che in esso devono essere esplicitati il processo e le modalità di formulazione degli obiettivi dell’ente, nonché l’articolazione complessiva degli stessi. Questo consente la verifica interna ed esterna della qualità del sistema di obiettivi o, più precisamente, del livello di coerenza con i requisiti metodologici che, secondo il decreto legislativo n. 150/2009, devono caratterizzare gli obiettivi. Inoltre, il PEG deve assicurare la comprensibilità representation of the performance. To do this, must be explained the bond that exists between the needs of users / citizens, the institutional mission, priorities, policies, strategies, objectives and indicators of the institution. Finally, the PEG has to ensure the reliability of the representation of the performance by the ex post verification of the correct approach in the planning process (principles, stages, times, people) and its findings (targets, indicators, target); for further information, including on the order and content of specific sections of the document as modified, see Resolution No. CIVITATE 112/2010.

With reference to the rate of approval of the Plan's performance, the Commission stresses the need to have a close connection between the approval of the budget and the preparation of the Plan's performance.

Profile 3

Ability to define more clearly the systems of measurement and evaluation.

measuring systems must be consistent with the Plan's performance (or similar tools as above) and reporting, such systems also work in line with historical objects of measurement and information systems to support. About these issues, please refer to the contents of the resolutions CIVITATE No 89, 104 and 114/2010.

a) Measurement of organizational performance

If properly developed, a system of measurement at the organizational level can make a body able to: • improve

, once fully operational, the system of identification and communication of their objectives;

• ensure that targets are were obtained;

• inform and guide decision making;

• more effectively manage both the resources and organizational processes;

• influence and evaluate the behavior of groups and individuals;

• strengthen the accountability and responsibilities at different hierarchical levels;

• encourage continuous improvement in organizational learning.

A key factor for the effective use of a performance measurement system is the bond that must exist between the system and goals. This fact has important implications with regard to:

• the type and variety of decisions taken at the strategic level;

• completeness of the information available at the top political and administrative;

• understanding by managers of organizational goals and targets, processes essential to the achievement of these objectives and the role that managers play within themselves organization.

regard to the components of a system for measuring organizational performance appropriately developed, reference is made to Resolution No. CIVITATE 89/2010.

b) Measurement of individual performance

The main aims of the measurement and evaluation of individual performance are, as noted, the following:

1. highlight the importance of individual contributions of staff assessed against the objectives of the administration as a whole and the organizational structure of belonging;

2. clarify and communicate what is expected - in terms of performance and behavior - from single person;

3. support le singole persone nel miglioramento della loro performance (generare allineamento con gli obiettivi complessivi dell’amministrazione);

4. valutare la performance e comunicare i risultati e le aspettative future alla singola persona (supportare l’allineamento);

5. contribuire a creare e mantenere un clima organizzativo favorevole;

6. premiare la performance attraverso opportuni sistemi incentivanti;

7. promuovere una corretta gestione delle risorse umane.

Un buon sistema di misurazione della performance individuale risulta caratterizzato, a titolo esemplificativo, dagli elementi riportati nella seguente tabella.

Individuazione dei valutati in coerenza con gli artt. 9 D. Lgs. n. 150/09 e 16-17 D. Lgs. n. 165/01

Distinzione dei criteri di valutazione tra personale dirigente e non dirigente

Distinzione dei criteri per i dirigenti di vertice (Segretario Generale/Direttore Generale)

Dizionario delle competenze formulato come lista di comportamenti (o come insieme di conoscenze, capacità ed attitudini)

Adozione di scale di valutazione

Adozione di pesi associati agli obiettivi e/o indicatori

Definizione di procedure per il calcolo di punteggi sintetici individuali

Utilizzo di schede di valutazione

Definizione di ulteriori approcci aggiuntivi rispetto al gerarchico (ad esempio: self-assessment, from bottom to top, by the stakeholders, 360 degrees)

description of how to communicate the results

Description of plans to improve individual

Presence of conciliation proceedings

presence of a third party assessment / assessor in procedures Conciliation (Resolution No 104/2010 CIVITATE)

Definition of quantitative indicators to assess the ability of differentiation reviews

Presence of shared descriptors for qualitative indicators

differentiation between individual goals, group and organizational

connection with incentive systems (specify: bands of remuneration, career advancement, etc.).

Profile 4

can achieve greater adherence to guidelines CIVITATE about organizational performance measurement systems, especially in defining the minimum requirements and the maturity model proposed in the resolutions n .89 and n.114/2010.

Article 8, in which the measurement system of organizational performance, is not among the provisions which local authorities are obliged to comply. However, in relation to the contents of this issue in this document, the following is observed.

Through a frame of reference, you can represent the "evolution" process development and implementation of performance measurement tools in municipalities. While stage 0 refers to cases in the path of evolution, the stage 1 (which represents the minimum on which to bet as soon as possible) you can highlight the features of performance appraisal systems increasingly sophisticated and integrated. The table also shows the development activities that indicate the actions through which you can make the gradual change of state "from one stage to the next.

situation of the Qualifying elements

Stage 0  detection of targets represented by initiatives and / or annual projects / year and in the contemporary development of a system for monitoring progress of various stages of completion;

 the degree to which the objective is typically represented by the achievement of planned phase, possibly expressed in a measure, even simple

the result is noted as a priority with a view internal

 use of few indicators, mainly aimed at measuring in some way, even simple (numeric value, percentage, time, etc..), the result of planned / expected.

development activities to proceed with stage 1  progressive mapping of processes and activities entity, in order to guide planning more outward-looking;

 greater distinction between political and administrative objectives;

 gradual reduction in use of indicators such as "attainment status" of a phase of the project;

 progressive increase in the use of input indicators, process and output, characterized under appropriate tabs.

Stage 1  differentiation between priorities (identified in the strategies) and institutional activities of ordinary, qualified according to the expected result of improvements and / or development of activities and services;

 progressive development of a system of performance indicators and service level incorporating aspects of effectiveness, efficiency, affordability and quality;

 start of the evaluation of the results from the perspective of different stakeholders.

development activities to move to Stage 2  progressive introduction of indicators of impact (outcome) as an indicator for targets that have an impact on external stakeholders;

 specification of links between goals, indicators and targets;

 characterization of the indicators according to the cards and test proposed by the Commission;

 actual records of performance, depending on frequency and conditions set out in the key characterization of the indicators. 

Stage 2 expansion of the system of indicators (and related information tools for the collection of information) through the adoption of appropriate indicators of impact (outcome);

 identification, a procedure, the standard levels of service expected on the basis of available resources and analysis about the external environment;

 use of a properly structured information system that allows the identification of objectives consistent with the strategies (strategic control) for the year next;

 communication of the results of the top management of both political and administrative (to implement the strategic control) that the reference to stakeholders.

development activities to move to stage 3  greater balance in the use of input indicators, process, output and impact (outcome);

 start of the evaluation of the results from the perspective of the different carriers interest;

 development of information infrastructures to support activities related to the cycle of performance;

 creation of an appropriate reporting, custom according to the needs of management.

Step 3 - political-administrative body more involved in the process of performance appraisal, review and periodic adjustment of the measurement system;

- reports, published every six months or yearly, easy to use for non-specialists including through the use of different systems of representation;

- reporting for internal use that, through proper analysis of variances, allowing the comparison of results (also based on time series) and the identification of clear objectives and challenging for 'year;

- development projects quality aimed at continuous improvement of services provided is that of systems to support the cycle of performance;

- possible development of strategy maps to improve processes within the entire cycle of performance;

- development of a culture performance.

For institutions characterized by low complexity and small size, the stages of evolution may be characterized by different modes of evolution (especially with regard to development activities). Evidence from which the system should not matter is, starting from stage 1 described in the above table, by differences in objectives and priorities (identified the strategies) and institutional activities of ordinary, qualified according to the expected result of improvements and / or development of activities and services. Moreover, still in stage 1, should begin the phase of evaluation of results, from the perspective of different stakeholders. Later, at a later stage of evolution, you will need to expand the system of indicators (and related information tools for the collection of information) through the adoption of appropriate indicators of impact (outcome) and to identify standard levels of service expected on the basis of available resources and analysis about the external environment. To do this, you can follow the pattern of development actions in the above table to go from stage 1 to 2.

Profile 5

Indicators proposed without proper context.

With reference to the indicators presented in the document, we suggest methodological framework, simplified in the case of institutions with low complexity and small size, highlighting the consistency between strategic and operational management, aimed at ensuring the necessary contextualization of the same. Without these characteristics, an indicator can not be defined as such.

For a more detailed and complete version of these tables and diagrams, even to test the feasibility and quality of indicators and targets them, please refer to Resolution No. CIVITATE 89/2010. These are references you can use to increase the level of maturity of performance measurement systems to make more solid components of the system.

card indicator simplified

Name Title indicator indicator indicator

Description To avoid ambiguity in interpretation, as can be described in more detail the indicator?

rational because we want to measure this?

Objective (reference) What objective relates this indicator?

Type Calculation / Formula / In a quantitative format, as it is calculated? What is the formula (scale, if qualitative)? What is the unit of measure?

Source / From the data where you can obtain the necessary data?

frequency detection How often encountered this indicator? How much is your collection?

Responsible for performance related indicator Who is responsible for the performance measured by this indicator?

Reports Where are communicated / published the information?


Profile 6

independent body to assess

Given that Article 14 of Legislative Decree No 150 of 2009, does not apply to municipalities (because of the failure to return required by Article 16, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No 150 of 2009), the Commission considers that falls within the discretion of the City of choice to establish whether or not the 'independent body to assess (OIV).

It should however be noted that, in the event that the City Council opts for the establishment of the OIV, is directly applicable to Article 14 of Legislative Decree No 150 of 2009, it follows that: •

can not be appointed as members of the OIV, the organ of political parties linked administrative (such as secretaries municipal and general managers), as provided in Resolution No. CIVITATE 4 / 2010 and replies to questions posted on the corporate website;

• the appointment of the members must be conferred taking into account the provisions of paragraph 8 of the said article 14 in terms of incompatibility.

smaller entities and may work towards the adjacent OIV as associates.

addition, the exclusive rights granted by Resolution No. CIVITATE 4 / 2010 does not work, in the appointment of part of the OIV, if there is more than positions in small agencies that deal with related issues.

not fall within the competence of this Commission issues for the identification and weighting of the royalty, or more general costs, the OIV and the overall problem of invariance of the expenditure.

With reference to the appointment of the OIV and their composition, it highlights the opportunities that the collection of data submitted by the municipalities is made by the ANCI and then forwarded to the Commission to evaluate the following, it is not, in fact, the Commission expressed the opinion expressly provided for in Article 13, paragraph 6, letter g) of Legislative Decree No 150/2009.

Conversely, in the event the City elects to establish a body that does not meet the requirements of the said Article 14, this body can not be defined as "independent body to assess".

Finally, whether the Commission should not issue opinions with regard to any proposed appointment of the members of the OIV, stressing the opportunities that the ANCI calls for municipalities to provide the same any questions regarding the applicability of the Legislative Decree No 150/2009, because you take care coordination for the purposes of its submission to the Commission.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can My Son Who Has Autism Get A Driver License

O Giovannino o la morte 1914

Produzione Musical-Film (Milano 1914). Messa in scena di Gino Rossetti. Soggetto dalla novella omonima pubblicata nella raccolta All'erta sentinella (1889), sceneggiatura dalla riduzione teatrale di Ernesto Murolo (1912). Musica di Jvan Hartulari Darclée.
Interpreti: Pina Cicogna (Chiarina), Franz Sala (Giovannino) Sig. Braccony (Donna Gabriella).

La storia: In un palazzo della vecchia Napoli, Chiarina, figliastra di Donna Gabriella, dedita al prestito a usura, è da lei contrastata nel suo amore per Giovannino, un coinquilino.
Il giovane riesce finalmente a presentarsi in stepmother's house, but over time is more interested in the affairs of Donna Gabriella, who love to Chiarina.
After discovering that John kissed her tenderly on the lips Gabriela Women, Chiarina commits suicide by jumping into the well in the courtyard.

'film adaptation of the drama of the same name due to the genius of the outstanding author Matilde evening, then omit the review of the subject, I will just say that the work in the film adaptation, it loses nothing of its tragic, indeed, this acquires more evidence.
The interpretation is superior to all praise, as well as good (but could be better) the photographic side. The music specially written by Maestro Ivan Darclée accompanies the action admirably. Two main reasons mentioned the appearance on the screen by Chiarini and John, and stepmother's home and then blend harmoniously take part in the scenes in which all four aforementioned characters, indisputably dramatic intensity reaching the final. "
(Film , March 1915)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Should You Shower Before You Wax?

L'Arzigogolo, Alba Film 1924

A scene from the Medieval Village (Parco del Valentino, Torino), on the right of the fountain Maniscalco, left the porch Aschieri.

Here is a proposal for restoration of Turin and the Region Piemonte (al Museo del Cinema lo avevo proposto più di due anni fa, ma lo ri-propongo , non si sa mai). L'Arzigogolo fu uno dei grandi successi della stagione 1923-1924. La copia è stata ritrovata anni fa, non ho altre notizie.

«Nell' Arzigogolo è ritratto il dramma dell'uomo fatto schiavo e costretto al ridicolo per campare la vita di fronte alla tirannia.

Il lavoro, rappresentato per la prima volta al Teatro Costanzi di Roma, la sera del 17 ottobre 1922 dalla Benelliana condotta da Alessandro Romanelli, ebbe molto successo. Interpreti principali furono Tina Pini, Giuseppe Sterni, Aldo Silvani, Leo Bartoli.»
(da Sem Benelli, his theater, his company, 1928)

"This film is reduced to the screen of one of the best works of the Italian drama is the author contemporaneo.Ne Sem Benelli, one of the most original poets of the Auditors' Italy of the present moment.
Sem Benelli is an author who gained fame through a hard training, that is, through all the difficulties and disappointments that life prepares art to those who want to follow.

His first works in fact, a child of the times , lyric poem; Lassalle, historical drama in four acts, and Earth, peasant tragedy, did not like either the public or critics.

The poet tried frantically, in these early efforts, the inspiration and the way forward. Moth, a comedy in which he staged his tears intimate story, and The Mask of Brutus gave, with the first by the public, faith and courage to Sem Benelli. He then wrote

The Supper of the Pranks , a job that suddenly raised to the honors and fame more than a great poet can hope for. The success of the Pranks Dinner was so great and so indisputable, that its value as a kind of shadow cast on the works that came out later by the fervid imagination of the author. Who had composed a poem such force and beauty, we expected perfection. Reason that the works written after the dinner , Love of Three Kings, The cloak , Rosamund , The Gorgona , The Marriage of the Centaurs and Ali had to settle for climbing, nell'estimazione public at lower altitudes in some ways to those which already achieved the masterpiece that had preceded them. The latest products of intelligence were his The Holy Spring el ' convoluted.

The last work performed for the stage by Sem Benelli preserves, in its film adaptation, fidelity version in all but the final, which, in perfect agreement with the author, was transformed and lose its color and took on tragic, one happy.

The exterior for the movie were filmed in Turin ( including the Medieval Borgo and Rocca ndc the Valentino Park) and nearby. As the building was used as the Pittaluga Fert. The interpretation of the work competed

artists of the highest value of world cinema and the theater.

work, they talked extensively about the newspapers, he managed rich in artistic merit.

A particular novel interesting is that provided by a tiny amount of artists who interpreted one of the scenes features the first act, we want to allude to the mice and cats at the banquet. These animals needed a long and patient training to get used to move between the actors and in an environment so filled with light and life. Even some of the artists had to struggle hard to adapt to be invaded by unwelcome visitors. But the biggest challenge came when it was the massacre of children that were supposed to carry rosicchianti their ferocious enemies, the cats. These hate mice, but they are in their hatred an exception: they have an instinctive aversion to the white, before which lost every warlike spirit, and retreat in horror. As anyone can imagine, the situation that nacque fu delle più comiche e delle più difficili nello stesso tempo. Ci volle dei bello e del buono per indurre i gatti a fare il loro mestiere , ma vi si riuscì finalmente. L'Arzigogolo di Sem Benelli, riduzione scenica in 5 parti di Mario Almirante, ha i seguenti interpreti :
Violante: Italia Almirante. Spallatonda : Annibale Betrone. Floridoro: Oreste Bilancia. Il conte Giano: Alberto Collo. Il Signor di Carpi : Vittorio Pieri.
Costumi della Casa Caramba e della Sartoria Teatrale Zamperoni.»
(dalla pubblicità del film)

«Nella direzione artistica e tecnica, Mario Almirante si è posto alla testa dei metteurs-en-scène italiani pari per abilità di inscenatore a Griffith, per coloritura drammatica a Lubitsch, per finezza e grazia ad Abel Gance. Artista sensibile e raffinato, ha saputo impadronirsi del carattere dei singoli personaggi del dramma e svilupparsi in limpidezza di espressioni significative, con un crescendo wagneriano, sì che ogni ombra come ogni palpito messi in luce, hanno potuto, nell'essenza spirituale, conservare l'impronta fastosa e torbida. Nel piccolo castello medioevale del Valentino, abbiamo avuto la sensazione di essere stati trasportati indietro nei secoli: tutta la nostra modernità di idee e di abitudini si è sfaldata, come per un incantesimo, e con gli interpreti abbiamo vissuto la vita di quel tempo, nell'amalgama più Complete. "
(Luciana Grimaldi, The Life Film Festival, November 1923)

To see a snippet: inpenombra YouTube