Thursday, November 25, 2010

1976 Chrysler Trihull Boat I/o

L'ultima impresa - Tiber 1917

According to Vittorio Martinelli Denis and Lotti, authors volumes dedicated to Emilio Ghione, few - none - news on this film. Here is the plot, a critical ... (The search is a few years ago).
We are ready to rediscover the film and make it available (as usual) for everyone?

The action takes place in Paris. In the quiet hours of the morning when the comings and goings of people in the market, announces the start of the day work, the ironing Luisetta, aided by Za la Mort, he opened his shop, and soon after entering the employees to resume their daily work.

Separated from his comrades, completely forgotten about his past life, Za la Mort delivery to the work of the remedy its mistakes and is content with a simple life working in the market, and every day, helps in its Luisetta Ironing refusing to receive any compensation.

Soul of the old apache germinates a passion, and the powerful voice of love can not drown in the hard daily work, but Za, hides in his secret love for the beautiful laundress.

One day, closing the windows of the shop Luisetta, Za la Mort has fatto un piccolo taglio con un pezzo di vetro e guarda come un tesoro la benda che lei gli ha messo nella ferita in ricordo del suo amore segreto.

Questo spirito rude, che era stato invaso da tutta la violenza e tutte le passioni e non conosce la paura nei maggiori pericoli, trema come un bambino quando Luisette lo ringrazia mentre porta un sacco di carbone o fa qualsiasi piccolo servizio che egli considera come un omaggio alla donna che ama.

Ma Luisette, ha scelto già l'uomo al quale offrire una vita di duro lavoro e onestà ... è innamorata di André, un giornalaio che ha visto nel lavoro della sua fidanzata, i mezzi di godere di un certo benessere, e non sente una passione degna del grande entusiasmo con cui Luisette attende the day to devote to their happiness ...

At this point a character appears on the scene, it's Brin d'Amour, an old friend of Za la Mort, which want to resume the old relations, but Za is opposed, not willing to fall never in the old mistakes ...

During a dance with the participation and also Luisetta André Brin d'Amour is aware of the feeling that Za test for the ironing and looking for revenge, the notes André.

Za, insulted in front of everyone, does not want to react, and is dismissed as a coward. He, the old apache, skilled at handling weapons, only for the happiness of Luisetta, finally accepts the challenge, but without the intention to defend themselves, willing to be killed in order not to lose Luisetta the man she loves.

The hour of challenge in the near clock tower, Za and André have chosen to fight in the alley ..

Za smiles while André is preparing to fight, and to avoid that in a time when self-preservation could be more about him in his decision to sacrifice himself, broke the tip of the knife against the wall and so helpless, you over to death, thinking that the sacrifice of his life is not useless ...

His last words are for Andre, which is in memory of her mother promise that if the challenge to go out with married life and make you happy Luisetta ... Qualche istante dopo, il coltello di André affonda nel petto generoso di Za la Mort che, traballante, ricorda ad André il suo giuramento.

Za, contenendo a malapena con la mano la sanguinante ferita, riesce a ritornare a casa sua dove, prendendo la benda con la quale Luisette aveva tamponato la piccola ferita fatta dal vetro della finestra, la preme contro il petto, nelle ultime convulsioni di agonia. Triste agonia di Za la Mort, che muore da solo in un angolo del suo cubicolo miserabile, mentre sulla strada suonano le chitarre celebrando che André è uscito indenne da una sfida con Za la Mort il terribile tiratore di coltello ... e Luisette passa al braccio di André giusto sotto la finestra della stanza dove l'apache, redento suffering from work and his love ceases to exist.

'Dell' Last company, created and performed by Emilio Ghione, and represented these days Ambrosio, I reported a very favorable impression. Emilio Ghione
Say I seem really unnecessary, Emilio Ghione is a great, great artist, from innumerable and varied resources, not lack fans or the school nor the character, and who knows how to successfully port, despite the winds and storms , his sturdy ship. And
The last company is not really as dramatic and scenic setting, too much of that, the action is low, quick, quick, although there is no, a vague hint of a plot, but everything is pale, thin, pale, confused in a single gray patina, which gradually cuts off breathing and reduces considerably the effect.
Poor plot, weak drama, poor color uniformity psychic these - it is useless to deny it - they are highly visible defects of creation.
However, the latest venture convincing and moving.
Who then merit?
The great, the alone, the real merit of the interpreter, the honor goes to all Emilio Ghione.
strange, complex and perhaps unique in this prince of the scene changes!
such as depth, which belies its impressive! And what and how much wealth di mezzi scenici ed emotivi nella sua arte mirabile !
Emilio Ghione è, come Capozzi, un dominatore, un vero re della scena; in Ghione la parte incarnata perde inavvertitamente ogni velo di finzione illusoria, e l'anima, l'anima pura ed intima della vita vissuta ci si palesa dinanzi, in tutta la sua chiara luminosità, con le sue luci e le sue ombre, le sue sintesi e i suoi dettagli; abbiamo innanzi a noi non una muta e pallida « ricostruzione » ma una « rappresentazione », o, per vero dire, una « visione » viva e completa di quella quotidiana esistenza, ove l'atomo misterioso della poesia delle cose, quasi sempre obliato dagli uomini inconsci, pare tremi e rifulga, con la voluttà silenziosa degli eternal enigma. Performance, therefore, no photographic or slavishly servile, but 'Paint', paint animator and fertile environments and men, and the spirit of things, done with masterful brush on the immense canvas of mortal life. This gives us
Emilio Ghione. His face, mysteriously enigmatic, lends itself wonderfully to embody and reflect the movements of the deepest and most fleeting of our soul, and so in love with hatred as well as in joy, bitterness, that his mask, several times dark and brooding as a herm tragic, brooding like a mirror of human pain, rarely happy and serene, like a fleeting image of happiness, it is of a thousand special colors, a thousand tragic aspects and speaks to our hearts with that same fearful solemnity with which he speaks to the eternal souls haunting tale of life and dreams.
just as I have sufficient opportunity to demonstrate in my next writing, the Cinema is one of the few routes where the human mind can proceed thoughtfully, with his doubts and his melancholy, to a kingdom of truth and silence, poetry and of mystery, where perhaps a new form of thought and dream is to materialize and appear free from all dogma and all philosophical canon, in light of the eternal Word unspoken, silent harmony '. and human affairs, in that' atmosphere of ecstatic meditation in which the spirit returns to unknowingly Being the first sources, the first source of the idea. This
the street on which the Arts Novissima should set out and proceed.
would indeed great pride in an age like ours, of narrow scientific positivism and skepticism began idealistic, to bring the spirit! In view of the eternal problems, by virtue of an art of communication, of which the unlearned and profane attempt in their intellectual and moral poverty, Minar forever bases.
purify, therefore, to spiritualize the Cinema!
Of course, the dream is too good and too high to have undergone a practical implementation, but,
very reason, the goal, slowly and laboriously acquired, there will be lavish the greatest satisfaction.
Again, it is daring, and, in many respects, I would say almost impossible, but, after all, if you do not reach the very top for your purpose, you will not, however, little joy to have, perhaps unsuccessfully, attempted a great and pure ideal.
Nitimur in vetitum sernper cupimusque denied
Ovid's warning could not be more appropriate.
I know, moreover, that the tastes and aspirations of almost all of the public are certainly not perfect eurythmy with what I expressed above, and may well be that the elevation of the Cinema, along the lines of thought, not but a dream, and like all dreams, "unnecessarily sublime."
Non sarà tuttavia inutile o indecoroso aver tentato la strada.
Gli elementi invero non mancano.
Emilio Ghione, ad esempio, tralasciando talune sue speciali interpretazioni di dubbio buon gusto, potrebbe in poco tempo, con !a sua anima e !a sua arte, dettare ia parola nuova e rivelatrice nei teatro dell'Ombra.
Se n'avvantaggerebbe !a sua fama, pur già cosi luminosa; e, sopratutto, la bellezza e la poesia della scena muta.
Speriamo, dunque; e attendiamo la prova. »
R. C. La Spezia, 10 maggio 1917

Monday, November 22, 2010

Brazilian Chest Sitting

183/10 is the name of reform of labor law. And instructions for use.

What we have until now provisionally called "Connected job" now has its final name and a serial number because the project was signed into law: The law 183/10, which will be published in Ordinary Supplement 243 to the "Official Gazette" 262 Today November 9, 2010 and, therefore, should enter into force on 24 November.

Many of you will remember that this law has had its first life in March this year when, at the parliamentary term was sent to the President for signature. Napolitano, however, the exercise of its powers, the text has returned to the Chambers with some annotations considered a part of the same discordant with the constitutional principles. Giorgio Napolitano in particular observed that the rules on arbitration to exclude the constitutionally guaranteed right of every citizen to apply to the ordinary courts for the protection of rights.

At that time, as Democrats and as Jurists have given rise to numerous initiatives to raise awareness and we recorded the refusal of the Head of State as a victory, however temporary.

Following that re-entering the text in the legislative process, the chambers have introduced significant changes to the part that the President had clearly branded as unconstitutional in the odor of. The rest of the standard has remained virtually identical.

However, as we already said in comments published during the parliamentary debate on the first draft of Linked Labor, the catastrophe that this law introduces two and not one. The first disaster was the introduction of Arbitration as a method of resolving disputes concerning labor law and the second disaster is the reform of limitation for the action resulting in the extinction of labor relations.

We must say that the first disaster was averted, while the second is not.

Let's see in detail what has changed between the first and the second draft of the standard.
On the subject of arbitration:
In the first draft was changed art. 410 of the Code of Civil Procedure eliminating the compulsory conciliation at the local Labour making it optional. Is introduced, then the possibility for the worker and the employer to use, rather than an employment tribunal and then to the Court, an arbitration panel of mysterious composition, the prime task to decide on a fair and even then not by the law, all types of dispute that had arisen between the parties. Is introduced, then subtly a "possibility" for the parties to provide direct employment contract, and then at the time of the obligation to contact the referees and not for the Court in case of disputes. That possibility, in fact, would be resolved in a favorable opportunity for employers and a requirement for workers who, forced by the need to work together with payment, nothing could oppose giving up forever to the protection provided by law and guarantees of a trial before an employment tribunal.
In the final version of 183/10, namely art. 31, for the truth, this evil will disappear and the arbitration itself as a possibility in tutto e per tutto e mai come un obbligo.
Resta la facoltatività del tentativo di conciliazione che, tuttavia, da semplice tavolo di funzionari che tentano di avvicinare le posizioni delle parti, si trasforma in un vero e proprio collegio con l'obbligo, al termine della discussione, di formulare una ipotesi transattiva il cui mancato accoglimento da parte di una delle parti dovrà essere valutato dal Giudice ai fini della decisione, ad esempio, in punto di attribuzione delle spese legali.
Ma, come visto, la novità positiva è che del tentativo di conciliazione possiamo molto volentieri fare a meno anche perché questo istituto, che fa perdere 60 giorni di tempo a chi agisce, in questi anni è servito principalmente to employers to get discounts in cases relating to the payment of wages due and unpaid. The worker is often heard to propose at that meeting, a figure much lower than what is actually owed by the employer and found himself in a position to accept in view of the abnormal length of trials and dell'alea formed mostly from possibility that, in the meantime, the former employer went bankrupt or became insolvent, however, undermining the prosecution.

As to the possibility of introducing the arbitration clause, which is nothing if not the agreement under which the parties referred to arbitration the dispute directly in the work contract, as stated above, this, in the final version, it disappears. Not only that: it is prohibited, as it is forbidden to conclude the pact by which to choose to allocate to private arbitrators jurisdiction to decide disputes relating to employment, before the end of the trial period to avoid, however, that the worker are in a state of awe and helplessness in fornt the request of the employer. Not only that the referral to arbitration is never allowed to appeal the dismissal of the action.
As you can see we are in a context radically different from that which drew the first version of the reform ruled out by the Head of Stato.
Adesso è compito nostro e di chiunque abbia a cuore la tutela dei diritti dei lavoratori divulgare il più possibile il suggerimento di rifiutarsi sempre e comunque di sottoscrivere accordi che limitino la giurisdizione del Giudice del Lavoro e la scagura è definitivamente scampata.

In tema di termini di decadenza per l'azione conseguente all'estinzione dei rapporti di lavoro.
E' l'art. 32 della 183/10 ad occuparsi di questo tema.  Non esiste alcuna differenza tra la prima e la seconda stesura della norma. Essendo la questione molto delicata procedo ad analizzare punto per punto facendo seguire ad ognuno una breve e schematica spiegazione.
" Article 32.
(Forfeiture and provisions on fixed-term employment contract)
1. The first and second paragraphs of Article 6 of Law July 15, 1966, No 604, are replaced by the following:
"The dismissal must be challenged under penalty of forfeiture within sixty days after receipt of a notice in writing, or communication, also in writing, of the reasons, if not simultaneously, with any written document, including the courts, such as to make known the will of the worker through the direct intervention of the union to challenge the dismissal.
The appeal is ineffective unless it is followed by the next term of two hundred seventy days from filing the appeal in the clerk of the court on the basis of an employment tribunal or by notifying the other party's request for conciliation or arbitration, subject to the possibility of producing new documents formed after the filing of the appeal.
If conciliation or arbitration required to be withheld or not reached the necessary agreement to its completion, the application should be submitted to the court under penalty of forfeiture within sixty days from the refusal or failure to agree. "

So far, one might say, so good in the sense that in addition to the 60-day period, that already existed, even out of court for challenging (and therefore with a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt and only one) that the dismissal is considered unfair and led into a second term, 270 days (about nine months) for filing the appeal with the Court. Not a problem. Just know this, and frankly I do not think there are many cases in which the deposit is made after a couple of months. In fact, this is the new standard, just to be careful. None upheaval. Of course if you want to involve the local Labour experiment with an estimate of conciliation (not recommended), then the terms and then be suspended from any ridecorrere not be reconciled.

" 2. The provisions of Article 6 of Law July 15, 1966, No 604, as amended by paragraph 1 of this Article shall also apply to all cases of invalidity of the dismissal. "

Here are the first mournful notes. What does this affect? What need is there to put it? Certainly it means that these terms are applicable to dismissal for cause, good reason for a justified objective and subjective reasons invalid, but then what? What other types of disability dismissal? For example: we know that the dismissal, by law, must be given notice in writing that if oral notice is about a type of withdrawal invalid. Up this reform there was no limitation period because the 60 days. beginning from the date of receipt of notice that in the absence of this do not run anything. But now? Could it be that this generic term also includes layoffs intimati orally? Because in that case would be very difficult to prove the date on which the withdrawal occurs and then show that the action was carried out within the terms established by law. An example is an employment wholly or partly irregular and difficult to obtain the cooperation of colleagues. I think this is a difficult problem and wait for the Supreme Court has made in terms of giving the correct interpretazione alla norma sperando che questa vada nel senso di escludere l'applicabilità della stessa al caso del licenziamento intimato oralmente data la inesistenza giuridica di tale atto e non la sua semplice nullità.

3. Le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 6 della legge 15 luglio 1966, n. 604, come modificato dal comma 1 del presente articolo, si applicano inoltre:
a) ai licenziamenti che presuppongono la risoluzione di questioni relative alla qualificazione del rapporto di lavoro ovvero alla legittimità del termine apposto al contratto;
b) al recesso del committente nei rapporti di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa, anche nella modalità a progetto, di cui all'articolo 409, numero 3), del codice di procedura civile;
c) al trasferimento ai sensi dell'articolo 2103 del codice civile, con termine decorrente dalla data di ricezione della comunicazione di trasferimento;
d) all'azione di nullità del termine apposto al contratto di lavoro, ai sensi degli articoli 1, 2 e 4 del decreto legislativo 6 settembre 2001, n. 368, e successive modificazioni, con termine decorrente dalla scadenza del medesimo.”

Ecco il nucleo fondamentale e allo stesso tempo la parte più pericolosa della riforma.
Il termine di decadenza di 60 giorni per l'impugnazione e di 270 giorni per il deposito del ricorso non si applica più solo ai licenziamenti ma anche alle domande avente ad oggetto l'accertamento della natura subordinata del rapporto di lavoro, e quindi alla conversione dei contratti precari (a termine a progetto, etc,) in contratti stabili e ai trasferimenti illegittimi. Si introduce, cioè, un termine ultimo oltre il quale si perde il diritto di agire per la tutela dei propri diritti in un ambito nel quale, come è noto, non si è immediatamente nelle condizioni di poter sapere se il rapporto di lavoro si stabilizzerà o meno. In molti casi, infatti, a seguito di una iniziale costituzione di un rapporto di lavoro parasubordinato (che quasi sempre simula un rapporto subordinato e quindi è convertibile) si viene assunti con contratto completed (almost certainly valid and non-convertible) with the promise by the employer of a future stabilization. But, and here lies the problem, if the loop end of the contract 60 days after the worker is in a difficult situation to choose between sending registered in the constancy of the employment relationship, compromising the ability to see naturally stabilized the relationship, or give up 'action in establishing trusting that, as often happens, may not materialize. What is certain is that the precarious skin changes, turns and, in some respects, it is institutionalized. The transformation of the precarious contract void the contract becomes subject to an action with a dead-line, as they say gli aziendalisti, con un termine di decadenza esattamente come l'impugnazione di un licenziamento con una equiparazione che stabilisce la cronicità dell'uso improprio, o per meglio dire dell'abuso, dei contratti a progetto e di quelli a termine al punto da dover ricorrere ad un sistema di smaltimento dei ricorsi in nome della certezza dei diritti.

4. Le disposizioni di cui all'articolo 6 della legge 15 luglio 1966, n. 604, come modificato dal comma 1 del presente articolo, si applicano anche:
a) ai contratti di lavoro a termine stipulati ai sensi degli articoli 1, 2 e 4 del decreto legislativo 6 settembre 2001, n. 368, in corso di esecuzione alla data di entrata into force of this Act, with effect from the expiry of the period;
b) contracts for the work completed, stipulated in the application of the law that existed prior to September 6, 2001 Legislative Decree No 368, and completed prior to the entry into force of this Act, with effect from that date of entry into force of this Act, this Act with effect from that date of entry into force of this Act;
c) the sale of contract of employment took place in accordance with Article 2112 of the Civil Code by the end of the date of transfer;
d) in any other case, including the option provided for in Article 27 of Legislative Decree 10 September 2003, No 276, it requests the establishment or determination of an employment relationship in the hands of someone other than the contract holder. "

careful attention. E 'should be given maximum publicity to this rule because it introduces a precise limitation period for those contracts that have been extinct before the entry into force of the law in question. month period commencing from the date of entry into force of 183/10 and, therefore, from 24 November 2010 and therefore the deadline for challenging the contracts, if we have miscalculated, is January 23 . This rule will impact greatly on the Stabilization preventing in many precarious to exercise its rights because the press and most of the debates on the content of this rule have focused on arbitration without showing how, in reality this was just the worst reform.

" 5. In cases of conversion of fixed-term contract, the court condemns the employer to pay the worker by providing comprehensive compensation by between a minimum of 2.5 and a maximum of 12 months of the last total remuneration of fact, taken into account the criteria set out in Article 8 of Law July 15, 1966, No 604.
6. In the presence of national contracts or collective agreements, territorial or company agreements with trade unions comparatively representative at national level, involving the recruitment, even for an unlimited period of workers already employed under fixed term contracts within specific classifications, the maximum amount of compensation fixed by paragraph 5 is reduced by half.
7. The provisions in paragraphs 5 and 6 apply to all judgments, including those pending at the date of entry into force of this Act. With reference to these recent reviews, where necessary, for the purpose of determining the compensation referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6, the judge sets a deadline for the parties to the eventual integration of the application e delle relative eccezioni ed esercita i poteri istruttori ai sensi dell'articolo 421 del codice di procedura civile.”

Questi ultimi tre punti mettono un tetto al risarcimento del danno che il lavoratore può richiedere in caso di trasformazione del contratto a termine con l'aggravante di introdurre tale limite anche per le cause già in corso. Ancora sconti e sempre da una sola parte.

Al termine di questa disamina, che spero sia utile, vorrei svolgere una breve considerazione. Ancora una volta ci troviamo di fronte ad un attacco nei confronti dei diritti dei lavoratori. Non c'è dubbio. Ancora una volta si alleggeriscono le responsabilità di coloro che sfruttano temporary employment to increase profits for their companies. In recent months, with regard to this reform I have heard much in error cancellation art. 18 and I found the lack of a detailed analysis on that, unfortunately, now determines the clearance of a principle, as described by art. 32 above, which undoubtedly worsened the precarious condition of workers but does not touch even far away from the plight of the workers called guaranteed nor the applicability of these and only these, art. 18 St. Lav.
Once again, therefore we are to consider a bill whose principals are entrepreneurs, industrialists, employers. I wonder, when we 'll analyze a text for a reform of the workers coming from? What is left to the design of labor law? What are the reforms that are deemed urgent and necessary to restore dignity to work and what the overall design within which these reforms can be said to be credible?
I think if we do not answer this second question we will not be able to respond to the first. I have a feeling that the season should end the defense for a season to make way for concrete proposals, real turnaround, contamination of the debate with proposals for reform in favor of workers, to pay for and against the further use of precarious forms of employment. Otherwise reforms such as this will be only small samples, trials of reforms by the devastating social point of view. There can be a better Italy without an overall plan for the rights of workers, however, would be much more harmonious than the current legal framework and constitutional provisions, therefore, certainly legitimate.

Marco Guercio

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Much Does A Haircut By Ken Paves Cost

L'onore del casato - Ambrosio 1912

Questo film è stato trovato nel sottotetto di una casa di campagna vicino a San Pietroburgo, Russia. E 'stato consegnato al Gosfilmofond.
(From the website Lost Films )
Well, I think the movie is this:

Count Gaston de Foix spent his life between the affection of his daughter Miranda, whom he loves because he sees carved all the characters in it are proud of his lineage, and the love of his second wife Francesca, a young and beautiful. The count is a man of education, feelings, ways of chivalry and truly noble. The honor is on top of all his thoughts, his faith is to preserve unsullied the glorious emblem of the fathers. Miranda is engaged to a young man, whom she loves with all the passion of his generous blood, Roberto. The future smiles at the girl in the most bright light.

But a horrible discovery and inadvertent falls from the top of every happiness to the abyss of all sorrows. The stepmother, whom she had always believed worthy of his father, betrays him instead and he loves a young gentleman: Paul. The agony, the disgust, the moral decay of Miranda are unspeakable. She feels her innocence defiled the honor of the family walked for adventure and a pang the more, the fear that the parent can circumspect can know the stain upon his honor, the ruin of his happiness. Now she, Miranda, the generous girl, will make a heroic act. Break the link unworthy, will break the bond of dishonor, will face Paul and induce him to surrender to the report.
And the noble gesture of Miranda would be successful if the Count Gaston discovers that his daughter has secretly visited the home of Paul.

He wants to know and Miranda, not to reveal his secret, save for the future of his father, lie and confesses she loves Paul. Since this is so, will marry him. And Miranda accepts the dreadful sacrifice, renunciation of his true love, bears the curse of Robert, you have to tighten a knot of blood with his stepmother's lover, by being hated that has destroyed her happiness.
At this point, the suffering of poor girl is so harrowing that the heart of his stepmother has a heartbeat. It will force Paul, in the name of their old love, to break the promise of marriage.

Paul, in a desperate moment of generosity, kills himself.
E Miranda, shewn good sister and compassionate friend of his stepmother, a sprinkle of flowers accompanies the body of one who atoned for his foul with death, saved the honor of a house and secured, perhaps, the happiness of the girl.

The film, a feature of the Gold Series was released in Italy in September 1912.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Stores Hiring In Brampton


Article. 208 of the Highway Code (Legislative Decree April 30, 1992, No. 285, as amended and supplemented by subsequent regulations: art.15 of Legislative Decree no. 9 / 2002, article 1, paragraph 564 of Law 296/2006), in its previous version required the proceeds on penalties road for part of the responsibility of local authorities, were intended for a share of 50% in order to allow local law enforcement agencies making in schools of all levels, educational courses designed road safety education, and other interventions better than specified below:

- improvement of traffic on roads, including seasonal hiring in the project in the form of fixed-term contracts and other flexible working arrangements;

- strengthening and improvement of road signs;

- the preparation of urban plans and traffic Plans for the interurban road traffic in art. 36 of the Code of the road

- provision of technical resources required for police services and road competence;

- the implementation of measures related to mobility chassis;

- finally an amount no less than 10% of that share interventions for road safety in particular the protection of vulnerable road users: children, elderly, disabled pedestrians and cyclists.

The underlying purpose of the standard art. 208 mentioned, since its original version, is twofold: first, the legislature pursues the aim of increasing road safety by requiring local government to use some of the resources under the finding of violations of the provisions contained in the Highway Code, to perform actions for that purpose, both through education of users, and through direct interventions to improve the safe use of public roads and secondly, it sought an end of an accounting nature, aimed at ensuring the balance of the budget of local government, ensuring that they can be allocated to current expenditure, of stable and recurring revenue, however, tend to be random and uncertain in their amount.

In fact, the Highway Code has been amended several times by the law 29/07/10 No 120, which took over the article 208, which is extracted below:

1. The proceeds of administrative fines for violations under this Code shall be vested in the State, when violations are detected by officials, officers and agents of the State, as well as by officials or agents of the State Railways or railways and tramways in the concession. The proceeds are donated to the same regions, provinces and municipalities, when violations are detected by officials, officers and agents, respectively, regions, provinces and municipalities.

4. A share of 50 percent of the proceeds payable to the institutions mentioned in the second sentence of paragraph 1 and 'intended:

a) by not less than one quarter of the share of replacement surgery, modernization, enhancement of retrofitting and maintenance of signs on the streets of ownership of an entity;

b) by not less than quarter of the quota, the strengthening of monitoring and investigation of violations of road traffic, including through the purchase of vehicles, vessels and equipment of the Corps and the police provincial and municipal police under d -bis) and e) of paragraph 1 of Article 12;

c) other purposes related to the improvement of road safety, road maintenance on the property entity, installation, modernization, strengthening, the retrofitting and maintenance of barriers and the accommodation of the road surface of the same roads, the preparation of the plans referred to in Article 36, to safety interventions protection of vulnerable road users such as children, elderly, disabled, pedestrians and cyclists, the performance by local law enforcement agencies, schools of all levels, courses aimed at teaching road safety education, assistance measures and security for the personnel referred to in points a-d) and e) of paragraph 1 of Article 12, to the measures referred to in paragraph 5-a of this article and on measures to promote mobility chassis.

5. Gli enti di cui al secondo periodo del comma 1 determinano annualmente, con delibera della giunta, le quote da destinare alle finalità di cui al comma 4. Resta facoltà dell'ente destinare in tutto o in parte la restante quota del 50 per cento dei proventi alle finalità di cui al citato comma 4.

5-bis. La quota dei proventi di cui alla lettera c) del comma 4 può anche essere destinata ad assunzioni stagionali a progetto nelle forme di contratti a tempo determinato e a forme flessibili di lavoro, ovvero al finanziamento di progetti di potenziamento dei servizi di controllo finalizzati alla sicurezza urbana e alla sicurezza stradale, nonché a progetti di potenziamento dei servizi notturni e di prevenzione delle violazioni di cui agli articoli 186, 186-bis and 187 and the purchase of vehicles, vessels and equipment of the Corps and the police provincial and municipal police under d-bis) and e) of paragraph 1 of Article 12, intended to strengthening of audit services aimed at urban safety and road safety.

The new legislation concerning, first, the introduction of the analytical aims of the proceeds in question, and share an essential 50% of the proceeds payable to local authorities to be allocated to the purposes of the letters a), b) and c) paragraph 4, of the same resulting in a minimum of one quarter (50%) for each of the first two letters; emphasizes the requirement for local authorities to approve annually, with a special resolution of the Board, using the proceeds to the purposes of Article. 208, leaving the right institution to allocate the remaining 50%, even in full, the same purposes and requires accountability at the end of the year to allow the competent ministries to carry out the required evidence.

is added, the chance to make assumptions to project seasonal and flexible contractual arrangements, including the right to proceed with the financing of projects to upgrade the monitoring bodies to improve safety and highways, as well as strengthening night services and the prevention of violations of articles on driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The interpretation results in additional work or referring to services that involve a greater commitment and presence in the workplace (shifts, overtime, flexible hourly) expressly aimed at the strengthening of monitoring and investigation of violations. On the contrary, it would solve the question in the case of new recruits because the legislature expressly provides for the only case allowed the recruitment of a seasonal project.

On the same assumption would be allowed the opportunity to finance, with income in questione, il prolungamento dell’orario di lavoro di unità di personale già inserite nella struttura organizzativa dell’ente e che prestano la propria attività lavorativa a tempo parziale presso il servizio di Polizia municipale o provinciale.

Si può sostenere che, con questa disposizione, il legislatore abbia voluto riconoscere valore alla maggiore efficienza e al maggior risparmio realizzabile utilizzando il medesimo personale, dotato di divise e mezzi tecnici già nella disponibilità dell’ente, superando la lettura interpretativa precedente che non ravvisava la connessione tra tale spesa e il “miglioramento della circolazione stradale”.

In riferimento agli oneri previdenziali or tax positions related to the work of members of the body of the municipal police and the supplementary pension, already the Constitutional Court No 426, 17.10.2000 had ruled on the constitutionality of Article. 208, paragraph 2, letters. a) and 4 cds in that allows you to allocate additional security staff of the municipal police part of the proceeds of administrative fines under the Highway Code, clarifying that "the rules drawn shows that the legislature intended fund special, powered by the proceeds of fines resulting from violations of the Highway Code, available to local authorities to provide, at the discretion conferred on them by paragraph 4 of the contested provision, at the specific purpose of promotion of the proper functioning of the road and considering the conditions, which may be particularly disadvantaged in terms of safety and health of persons in charge to verify compliance with the rules of the road itself. The legislature has not funded at all instead to the personnel of the Municipal Police Force.

In other words, the contested provision (paragraph 4 of art. 208) concerning the powers of local authorities and their provision of resources. The decisions of local authorities themselves are conditioned by the existence of such resources, and then from the activities of officials responsible for the violation of the rules of the road, but by the availability of the same, there is no link between them and their intended purposes in favor of welfare and social security agents local police or other purposes provided by law. "