The control system of the municipality is divided into the following activities:
a) strategic control;
b) control;
c) regular monitoring of administrative and accounting
d) evaluation of the holders organizational position, and the high professionalism of the staff.
strategic control.
1. The control strategy is designed to support the activities of strategic planning and policy of the governing bodies of the administration and to ensure the function of assessing the adequacy of the choices made in the implementation of plans, programs and other tools determination of the political in terms of consistency between the results achieved and the set objectives.
2. The strategic control is carried out by the independent evaluation in the assessment of organizational performance.
Control management.
1. Management control is the system of activities and procedures aimed at verifying the status of implementation of planned objectives, and resources acquired through the analysis and comparison between the costs and the quantity and quality of services, the functionality of the organization of the institution, the 'effectiveness, efficiency and level of cost-effectiveness of administrative action in order to optimize, including timely corrective actions, the relationship between costs and outcomes.
2. Management control is carried out by the Secretary or, if appointed, the Director General, including through specific professional resources.
3. The mission of management control is provide relevant, timely and quality in support of management, including through the use of modern network technologies. The body responsible for management control works with managers and recipients of the information produced by the board of auditors.
4. The body responsible for management control, prepare periodic reports on the implementation of the objectives and overall operating performance and, by the end of April of each year, the final report of the audit.
5. To carry out its activities, in particular for measuring organizational performance of the entire institution and the individual areas and individual performance, independent body to assess the uses of information and reports prepared by the management control and to that end it directs and coordinates the activities.
Control of administrative and accounting regularity.
1. The control of administration and accountancy regularity must comply, as applicable to public authorities, the general principles of auditing sworn by the orders and business colleges in the sector. It is exercised for shares of its expertise in following figures:
a) by the Secretary, with respect to the control of regular administrative activities and technical consultancy legal;
b) the Head of Finance and by the auditors in relation to the regular accounting and funding;
c) by individual area managers for the specific powers conferred on them.
2. Under the supervision of administrative regularity, the Secretary shall verify the regularity of the administrative acts adopted by the directors. This activity is designed to verify and ensure transparency, accountability and regular administrative procedures and actions of those responsible. The checks are carried out on the steps of injection of a consultant and professional on the transfer of charges related to public works and purchases and on a sample extract determinations by random draw of a fixed amount in all determinations. The Secretary announced the results of its activities to the Mayor, six months or a shorter basis, highlighting in particular the deviations of the procedures and the decisions taken with respect to law and regulation, the provisions and the internal memoranda. These results are considered in the assessment of the individual manager.
3. The verification of administrative regularity is extended, as a precautionary measure, the proposed resolutions to the jurisdiction of the Board and Council, to be exercised on the basis of cooperation, consultation and technical support in respect of the departments responsible for the proceedings.