Informadarte, consisting of art historians, archaeologists and graduate students at the Academy of Fine Arts, founded in 1996 with the aim to promote knowledge and appreciation of the historical - artistic Italian and international levels, through various initiatives such as guided tours, workshops, exhibitions, conferences and publications.
To this end, working with public and private institutions in planning and organizing cultural events, including a special area is allocated to art education in schools, museums and libraries.
Informadarte offers a course for raising awareness of the languages \u200b\u200bof visual arts, through a selection of materials chosen primarily in the repertoire of the present, analyzing the works of contemporary artists.
The underlying methodology is aimed at direct participation of the person who becomes an active agent in the construction of his own experience, to activate cognitive processes and experiment with different techniques and artistic expression. These proposals
stimulate learning and enjoyment of contemporary art through the development of manual skills and individual creativity. The method is therefore based on the close interdependence of the creative moment, as implemented in the production of objects, and the collective analysis and reflection on the results.
After an introduction to art education will outline the reasons for the choice of methods and specifying the essential elements of reading a work of art.
meetings workshops focus on the syntax of the language of contemporary art focusing on the themes of the sign, materials and color, and then analyze the systems of representation and use of the space object in contemporary art. The course concludes with a visit to the National Gallery of Modern Art and a small workshop in the nearby Villa Borghese (weather permitting).
RECIPIENTS OF THE COURSE The course is aimed at teachers, students of colleges and universities and educational professionals, but is also open to anyone wishing to approach contemporary art in a stimulating and creative.
TIMES OF THE COURSE The course is divided into 3 sessions lasting 4 hours, to play on Saturday pomeriggio dalle 15 alle 19, più un quarto incontro da svolgere all’interno di uno spazio museale. Le date scelte per il suo svolgimento sono: 2 ottobre - 9 ottobre - 16 ottobre - 23 ottobre.
Il corso si svolgerà nei locali dell’Associazione di promozione sociale ONLUS “COME UN ALBERO”, via Alessandria (all’altezza del civico 153, nel vicolo privato, accanto alla scritta “garage”) - 00198 – Roma.
Come raggiungerci: con l’autobus 86 da Termini fino a piazza Fiume e a piedi per via Alessandria; oppure dalla metro Policlinico (viale Regina Elena) autobus 3 per tre fermate o tram 19 fino alla fermata viale Regina Margherita / Nice, or 38, 80 and 88 and 90 and on via Nizza 60 Nomentana. NUMBER OF TRAINEES
Minimum number of participants for the activation of the course is 10 for the entire cycle of 4 meetings.
Course Material Included in the price of the Cultural Informadarte your card, of course handouts, a CD Rom of the projected works and the photographic material produced during the course, the works produced in the laboratory, a bibliography on the teaching art, a list of the top teaching departments of Italian and foreign museums, guide children in The paintings in the Borghese Gallery and the guidance ATELIER artists and children at the Colonna Castle of Genazzano, both by Informadarte.
The cost of the whole course is 200 €, and each meeting has a cost of 60 €. For students the cost will be 150 € for the entire cycle or 50 € per contest, while the interns will be free for university which has already signed a contract internship.
To register should send an email to indicating the name and phone number. To access the course requires a pre-registration of non-refundable fee of 20 €, which will then be deducted from costo complessivo.
Qualora si sia superato il numero minimo degli iscritti si riceverà una mail di conferma dell’inizio del corso e in quel momento si potrà regolarizzare l’iscrizione pagando la cifra rimanente. In caso di mancanza di numero minimo riceverete una mail di posticipo del corso in data da definirsi.
Il pagamento completo dovrà comunque avvenire improrogabilmente entro 15 giorni dall’inizio del corso e mediante bonifico bancario intestato a:
Associazione Culturale Informadarte
Banca Popolare Etica s.c.a.
iban IT46 F050 1803 2000 0000 0118 076
Causale: corso in didattica dell’arte 2010+ nome del corsista
Il referente per l’Associazione Culturale Informadarte is Francesco Pacini cell. 3289587150 - tel 064181777 - fax 0645448648. - web -