Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cool Socks Los Angeles


A tribute to Nino Cordio"

educational workshop for CHILDREN
Koob at the library (opposite the museum MAXXI)
By Ass. Cult. Informadarte

" is a sign that makes the design " (B. Munari)

Objectives: To pay homage to the artist
Nino Cordio, ten animals after his death. Informadarte proposes a small laboratory that will encompass the work of rope with particular attention to the technique of engraving and printing.
All games offered are intended to gain a greater awareness of existing instruments to leave marks and designs; to highlight the clear signs of any subordination representative, to consider testing a method of working to build a language of codes and symbols can be shared and understandable, while maintaining and enhancing an individual and subjective vocabulary ; to learn to give more value to the creative process than to the result, it is important to understand not only the faithful representation of reality, but our ability to express the essence of the subject chosen, because the reality is not one for all its representations are endless and subjective.
We start by then to get to the sign design as a way to fix thoughts, curious of the things that surround us, approach to tools and materials. To free ourselves from the stereotype must
playful approach to intuition and then develop a project. In contrast to the color, the pattern has always enjoyed a privileged status: the substance and foundation of the arts, the creation of the human intellect, not phenomenal as the first accident. But the line itself, therefore, had a power beyond its size, which lay in its simplicity to be together at once, a description of course, a representation of movement, the materialization of something that did not exist.

Description of the laboratory

1) The work of Nino Cordio
First, we will present the work of Nino Cordio through the vision of some works with the projector selected from those presented in the Museum Nino Cordio in Santa Ninfa;

2) The sign, instrument, stand and gesture from the gesture should be unleashed
practice so that the trace left by the movement as much as possible free from conventions and stereotypes. Every move, every emotion that produces it, generates a different sign, but the first approach to the knowledge of the sign comes from testing tools, analyzing heat, coldness, softness. Thus, each child is invited to reach the operator who has previously placed on a table, various tools (such as charcoal, chalk, graphite, spindle-tree, various types of ink pen or ball, the blood, tempera, a fork, a knife, a toothbrush, to wring their hands, etc..) likely to leave a mark. Each is free to choose the tool and prefer to leave their mark on a large sheet of brown paper, placed above the wall, giving way to a feeling and emotion. Important
will then go back to the posture of the body and the mind-arm that determine the process of expression, and the perception of each.
After all the exercise, are discussed together with the marks left, trying to describe them with adjectives (straight, zigzag, curved, soft, deep, light, circular, broken, violent, often clear, nuanced, mentioned, interrupted, continuous, precise, geometric, etc.). and then asking the performer the feeling I felt when I traced it to verify the expressiveness of the sign. Each can also choose your favorite sign explaining why.

3) Construction of a monotype
What is a print? As you can easily play a print? He inked the center of a slab of wood with aqueous ink black (or other color), and there rests on a cardboard mask that leaves a space in the center, almost the size of an A4 sheet. Each will rest there gently their sheet of paper and decide whether to intervene with finger pressure or by drawing with a pen is no longer working (or both ways). While holding firmly one end of the sheet, you can sometimes raise their work to see the effect and change the design. It will be recalled that, as in the copper plate engraving, printing, they will get will be mirrored with respect to its design and, therefore, should reflect well on the drawing to do, that the finger pressure is useful for shading, but you have to be extremely careful not to accidentally get your fingers inside the package pigiandovi. Based on the design obtained, the children will available pieces of cut paper, collage of forms, card stock, whites and blacks, and various tools to continue with improved design details. Only if
advance time, you can try another game of experimentation on color, to create effects as close as possible to those representations with the aquatint landscape of string, using sheets of clear acetate as a matrix for the imprint, on which you have the temperature which is then printed on colored cardboard, with operations at the back of the brush.

Koob at the library, via Poletti, 2 in front of the museum MAXXI
from 11.00 to 12.30

welcome free entry prentoazione at the Tel 06.45425109 - Fax 06.45554487
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Friday, April 2, 2010

Cramps Spotting Yasmin

Un dramma ignorato 1917

Emilio Ghione, Diana D'Amore Ida Carloni Talli in a scene from the film

few years ago, Emilio Ghione has been a true "revival" among the experts (an exhibition and two books in less than two years ), but nobody thought that maybe, at the same time, it was time to make available his films for the general public. We are the usual ...

For all fans of the invisible Emilio Ghione, I propose a drama ignored, production Tiber Film 1917, preserved in the frozen mummy of the National Film Archive in Rome.

In this, as on many other occasions, Don Emilio is the author of the subject, the film adaptation, the director and the interpreter. With him: Diana D'Amore, Ignazio Lupi, Ida Carloni Talli, operator Cesare Cavagna.

Here's the story:

Diana and the engineer Emilio Alonso, director of the mines Pasos Perdidos, are engaged for some time. Emilio devotes free time to study a formula for improving the technique of modern explosives and finally, after many sleepless nights can find it. Informed the Society, invited him to reach the center of Boston. Emilio accepts the invitation, and before leaving Diana and reaches his mother on his return from the profits of his formula, he can marry Diana.
arrived in Boston, Emilio is received with much enthusiasm by the directors of the Company who pray to him di restare qualche giorno nella capitale per assistere ai festeggiamenti in suo onore.
Il banchiere Enriquez, concorrente della Compagnia per la quale lavora Emilio, vede nel successo della formula l'inizio della propria rovina.
Una notte Emilio trova una giovane svenuta per terra e credendola vittima di un incidente, si offre ad accompagnarla a casa senza sospettare che si tratta della ballerina Tonkita, una complice del banchiere Enriquez. Dopo questo primo incontro, Emilio ritorna diverse volte a casa di Tonkita. In una di queste visite, un complice del banchiere riesce a sottrarre e fotografare la formula per gli esplosivi che Emilio porta in tasca.
Qualche giorno dopo, il presidente della Compagnia di Emilio legge sui giornali che il banchiere Enriquez è in possesso della formula. Emilio, che nel frattempo è ritornato nelle miniere Pasos Perdidos, riceve la visita dello sceriffo: è stato denunciato dalla sua stessa Compagnia per vendere la formula al banchiere Enriquez....

Secondo Vittorio Martinelli (Il Cinema Muto Italiano 1917), Diana riesce a scagionare Emilio “sacrificando la sua purezza”, poi, ritenendosi non più degna del fidanzato, si suicida. Ma questo finale alla censura non piacque:

Eliminare l'episodio immorale e disgustoso svolto nella parte 4ª in cui la protagonista, posta nel bivio, o di lasciare condannare il fidanzato innocente, o di ottenere le prove per salvarlo col solo mezzo di cedere alle turpi requests of those who have such evidence, they choose the latter path, and then took his own life dramatically. (Index 1916-1921)

In the final English version is this:

Definitely do that to save her boyfriend, the young Enriquez visit and this leads to facilitate the exchange of evidence of innocence in her honor, but Diana Enriquez kills and takes the evidence to the lawyer: Enriquez had paid two thousand U.S. dollars to the dancer Tonkita to steal the formula for Emilio.
few days later, Emilio comes out of jail free from suspicion. Diana, riding his favorite horse, waiting for him outside.

copy of the National Film And how it ends?