Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ideas On Decorating The Top Of A Mantle

Law "disaster" on the work process does not pass ... for now.

Here is the note that all expected and we all expected. The President of the Republic has exercised a power that gives the Constitution (as long as there is) asking the Chamber, in accordance with art. 74, submit a new resolution in order to read: "Powers to the Government on the strenuous work, reorganization of entities, leave, expectations and permits, social security measures, the employment services, job incentives an apprenticeship, women's employment nonché misure contro il lavoro sommerso e disposizioni in tema di lavoro pubblico e di controversie di lavoro". Nella nota diffusa dal Quirinale si legge “Il Capo dello Stato è stato indotto a tale decisione dalla estrema eterogeneità della legge e, in particolare, dalla complessità e problematicità di alcune disposizioni - con specifico riguardo agli articoli 31 e 20 - che disciplinano temi, attinenti alla tutela del lavoro, di indubbia delicatezza sul piano sociale. Ha perciò ritenuto opportuno un ulteriore approfondimento da parte delle Camere, affinché gli apprezzabili intenti riformatori che traspaiono dal provvedimento possano realizzarsi nel quadro di precise garanzie e di un più chiaro e definito equilibrio tra legislazione, collective bargaining and individual contracts. ". 1167b The bill approved by the Senate March 3 3010 government initiative and, more specifically, the Minister Tremonti, has arrived as steps on the desk of the President for signature and subsequent promulgation. In this phase, the head of state has the right to request an additional vote to both Houses, giving, giving reasons, what themes are incompatible with the Constitution.
articles under review, therefore, are on 31 and 20, we see what to expect.
Article. 20 played in an "authentic" the first two articles of Law No 51/1955 excluded from the delegation to the executive
to lay down general rules and special rules for Injury Prevention and
hygienic measures, as well as aircraft, ships also state
specifying the scope and effects of regulatory intervention.
This rule of interpretation have also had a harmful effect of blocking the investigation of the prosecutors in Turin on 142 Navy men killed by exposure to asbestos and a lawsuit pending in the Court of Padua for the deaths of two other soldiers.
Article. 31 contains the arbitration provision that introduces the so-called "mandatory" for removing labor disputes to the Court jurisdiction in that matter. We tried
questi giorni di dimostrare come in realtà la norma in questione non introduca una possibilità ma, in considerazione della evidente sproporzione tra le diverse forze contrattuali, un diktat per il lavoratore che si troverebbe di fronte ad una scelta obbligata: sottoscrivere il contratto individuale che contiene la clausola che impone il ricordo ad arbitri e, conseguentemente, vieta il ricorso al tribunale in caso di controversia e quindi accedere al mondo del lavoro oppure non firmare e rimanere senza lavoro e senza retribuzione.
Al contempo si rende per la prima volta oneroso l'accesso alla tutela dei diritti dei lavoratori essendo previsto, logicamente, un compenso per i componenti del collegio di conciliazione.
Insomma, una norma "Disaster" that did not need a new reading or a new examination, but it needs to be forgotten and never repeated.
Beyond 'considerations of merit that everyone these days have been able to read and discuss, should be highlighted the scope of the rule by reference to the tumultuous events of the same, as proposed, would have resulted in our system. The mediation attempt, which was previously required, it would become optional, and in that case, the same could be transformed into the pipeline and in arbitration. The Labour Court would be obliged to make, as well as its conciliation, compromise, and a proposal before the unjustified refusal thereof by, for example, the worker would have had to take account of the purposes of the proceedings. The individual contracts would be renewed with all of the anticipation of the arbitration clause under which any disputes that might arise between employer and employee would have been entrusted to private arbitrators rather than judges. The arbitrators then would have to decide according to equity and not in full and strict compliance with the rule so as it is obliged to make the judge and that further litigation would open a second order on the appeal of the transactions set forth by the various awards.
short, total chaos.
But a cause more than a doubt not only are these two articles. The focus, in fact, should be also placed on Article. 32 of the bill under consideration because, in addition, Article. 31 would have been declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court almost surely.
Article. 32, however, introduces new provisions relating to the arrangements and time limits for appeals of
individual dismissals and the criteria for determining the size of
damages in cases where you plan to convert the employment contract
fixed-term contract for an indefinite period.
This rule, in practice, changes the art. 6 first and second paragraphs of L. 604/1966 establishing that the dismissal should be appealed, subject to revocation by the
within 60 days of notification or communication from the
reasons for it, whichever is later. So far so good. The same rule goes on to provide that to appeals court must follow
, on pain of invalidity thereof, within the period of 180 days, the
application was lodged at the Registry of the labor courts, as well as providing the other party's request
conciliation or arbitration.
If agreement is not reached during conciliation must be made to the filing of the appeal within 60 days
refusal or failure to agree.

Il comma 3 estende poi l'applicabilità questa norma anche “ai
licenziamenti che presuppongono la risoluzione di questioni relative alla
qualificazione del rapporto di lavoro ovvero alla legittimità del termine
apposto al contratto”. Non solo. E' previsto che questi termini di decadenza (60 stragiudiziale e 180 giudiziale) si applichino altresì: al recesso del committente nei rapporti di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa e nei contratti a progetto; all’azione di nullità del termine apposto al contratto a tempo determinato, con termine che decorre dalla scadenza del medesimo; al trasferimento ai sensi dell’articolo 2103 del Civil Code and in this case, the period from the date of receipt of notice of transfer, in cases of transfer or lease of company or business unit referred to in Article 2112 of the Civil Code
ending after the date of transfer ;
in any other case where you ask the establishment of an employment relationship ol'accertamento
against a person other than the holder of the contract (irregular administration of labor contracts, secondment).

Paragraph 5, then, provides for the sanction to
court declaration of conversion to a fixed term contract in a contract
identifying it in an indefinite amount of compensation in the extent
from 2.5 to 12 months. This rule, however, seems to add to compensation as specified above, the remuneration accrued by the worker having offered
its performance for the period from the formal notice at the time
of the award.

But the most egregious apparent is contained in paragraph 2 of art. 32 literally reads: "The provisions of Article 6 of Law
July 15, 1966, No 604, as amended by paragraph 1 of this Article,
also apply to all cases of invalidità e di inefficacia del licenziamento.”. Da un lato, quindi, il comma secondo rende del tutto pleonastico il comma terzo che prevede specificamente a quali altri casi di invalidità si applica “inoltre” il comma 1 che modifica l’articolo 6
della legge 15 luglio 1966, n. 604, dall'altro nasconde uno sconvolgente paradosso. Tra le causa di inefficacia e invalidità del licenziamento può rientrare anche il licenziamento in forma orale. In quel caso il lavoratore dovrebbe provare, e potrebbe essere impossibile, che il recesso illegittimo si è verificato nei sessanta giorni precedenti la data di ricezione dell'impugnazione da parte del datore di lavoro. Non solo. Quest'ultimo sarebbe senz'altro agevolato in providing evidence to the contrary by other workers, so to speak "spontaneously collaborative."
not only Articles 20 and 31, which also are ill-designed and so incomprehensible that they can lead to devastating consequences for our system, but also art. 32, Mr President, I would draw your attention in several respects.
That said, Sacconi has already anticipated that some adjustments will be made and that there will be a new vote. It seems to me obvious that the adjustments are insufficient and this time, unlike before, it would be appropriate CGIL, which already has fought against this law-PD, IDV, and all those who care system giuridico coerente e armonico, cominciassero da subito a individuare soluzioni alternative a quelle proposte da Tremonti, facendo capire in tutti i modi che questa legge non deve passare, pena la perdita definitiva dei diritti dei lavoratori così come li abbiamo conosciuti sino ad ora.
Da parte nostra continueremo a dar battaglia con questo tipo di informazione, con convegni, conferenze, dibattiti, incontri e non ci stancheremo di tentare di coinvolgere tutta la società civile in questa vicenda così enorme e così poco conosciuta. La complessità della materia non deve essere una giustificazione: in gioco c'è il futuro di tutti e, quindi, è assolutamente fondamentale attrezzarsi per combattere queste istanze controriformiste at each location.

Attorney Mark Guercio - National Coordinator of

Monday, March 29, 2010

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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Cultural Association presents INFORMADARTE



Informadarte, consisting of art historians, archaeologists and graduate students at the Academy of Fine Arts, founded in 1996 with the aim to promote knowledge and appreciation of the historical heritage - Italian and international artistic, through various initiatives types such as guided tours, workshops, exhibitions, conferences and publications. To this
end collaborates with public and private institutions in planning and organizing cultural events, including a special area is allocated to teaching art in school, primary and secondary educational services to museums and libraries.


Informadarte offers a course for raising awareness of the languages \u200b\u200bof visual arts, through a selection of materials chosen primarily in the repertoire of the present, analyzing the works of contemporary artists.
The underlying methodology is aimed at direct participation of the person who becomes an active agent in the construction of his own experience, to activate cognitive processes and to experiment diverse tecniche espressive ed artistiche.
Tali proposte stimolano l'apprendimento e il godimento dell'arte contemporanea attraverso lo sviluppo della manualità e della creatività individuale. Il metodo si basa perciò sulla stretta interdipendenza tra il momento creativo, attuato nella produzione di oggetti, e quello dell’analisi e riflessione collettiva sui risultati ottenuti.


Dopo un'introduzione alla didattica dell’arte si delineano le ragioni di una scelta metodologica e si precisano gli elementi sostanziali per la lettura di un'opera d'arte.
Gli incontri laboratoriali si concentrano sulla sintassi del linguaggio dell'arte contemporanea soffermandosi, sui temi sign, materials and color, and then analyze the systems of representation and use of the space object in contemporary art. The course concludes with a visit to the National Gallery of Modern Art and a small workshop in the nearby Villa Borghese.

RECIPIENTS OF THE COURSE The course is aimed at teachers of primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities to students and educational professionals, but is also open to anyone wishing to approach contemporary art in a stimulating and creative.

TIMES OF COURSE The course will last 7 meetings for 2 ½ hours each, to play on Saturday morning from 10.30 to 13.00.
The dates chosen for its performance are:
April 10 Introduction to the teaching of art, April 17 The sign, on the April 24, May 8 Color, Space May 15, May 22 The subject, May 29 Visit to GNAM


The course will take place at the premises of the Cultural VILLA VILLA HILL, Via Carlo Botta 51, in the Esquilino. Directions: Metro stop to the Piazza Vittorio and 5 minutes walk. NUMBER OF TRAINEES

Minimum number of participants for the activation of the course is 10, the maximum number of students accepted is 20.


Included in the price of the Cultural Informadarte your card and that the cultural Villa Villa Colle, of course handouts, a CD Rom of the projected works and the photographic material produced during the course, the works produced in the laboratory, a bibliography on the teaching of art, a list of the top teaching departments of Italian and foreign museums, guide children in The paintings in the Borghese Gallery and the guidance ATELIER artists and children's Column Genazzano Castle, both by Informadarte.


The cost of the entire course is € 350.00 excluding VAT, and 300.00 € vat for college students, and will be free for college interns with whom he signed a contract internship.
To register should send an email to indicating the name and phone number. Will be considered pre-entered the top 20 people who send their mail to request, will be the date of receipt of the mail itself. In case of cancellation of a pre-written emails received will be considered later, and you will be contacted immediately.
If you have successfully passed the minimum number of members you will receive an email confirmation of the course and at that moment you can stabilize enrollment.
In the event of a minimum number of mail you will receive a postponement of the course date to be determined.
The payment must still be possible until a week before the course, under penalty of loss of priority registration, and by bank transfer. DATA FOR THE BANK WILL BE PROVIDED TO PRE-ENTERED.
The contact person for the Cultural Association is Informadarte Francesco Pacini cell.3289587150 - tel 064181777 - fax 0645448648. - web -

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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Cancel the order for payment to a lady of Lucca. Will also have a compensation of 400 €.

Article taken from "Il Nuovo Corriere di Lucca" of March 10, 2010

LUCCA - More trouble for the complainants by phone contracts Federconsumatori of Lucca, which tells the story well.
"The consumer (this is a lady of 65 years living in Lucca) - based on information provided by telephone operators at the Call Center - has accepted the proposal for the activation of a service provider. Immediately after the activation service, the user has found it impossible to use the same and also the failure of the alarm installed at their homes and connected directly with the telephone line. Therefore, the user has denied all such poor service - always through the Call Center service provider - but received no response to the complaint.
However, the telephone bills issued regularly for a service that the user has never received, and then entrusted the practice for the recovery of the alleged loan to a law firm, which sent the request for payment € 726.45 for overdue invoices, interest charges and recovery credito.L 'user then turned to our association. How Federconsumatori, we have challenged the claim for payment of € 726.45 and sent a new complaint to the manager, alleging the breach of contract and for termination of the relationship, in addition to payment of compensation for all the inconvenience and disruption caused by our assistance.
The operator has provided feedback to our complaint, accepting part of our bodies. We therefore decided to commence an action for mandatory settlement, insisting in our initial requests. At the audience of the reconciliation manager has accepted our request to cancel the invoices issued to date and has pledged to withdraw, at its own expense, the practice of credit recovery companies, has also been recognized compensation € 400.00 for all outages suffered by the user.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

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illegality decree 5/3/10 electoral

Saturday, March 6, 2010

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BULLY OF THE BUBBLE: The decree-law - illegal - unless the candidate of the PDL. The

Who is the bully? The bully is a bully, one who does not respect the rules of civil coexistence in order to impose their point of view, in order to achieve their goals. Here, I believe that the decree approved last night by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers is a political act of bullying, a test of strength, an institutional arrogance.
This decree, in my opinion is totally illegal and I am going to briefly explain why. There una legge che si chiama legge n. 400/88 ed è rubricata "Disciplina dell'attività di Governo e ordinamento della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri". E' la legge, cioè che regola il funzionamento del governo. L'art. 15 di questa legge dice:
ART. 15.
1. I provvedimenti provvisori con forza di legge ordinaria adottati ai sensi dell'articolo 77 della Costituzione sono presentati per l'emanazione al Presidente della Repubblica con la denominazione di "decreto-legge" e con l'indicazione, nel preambolo, delle circostanze straordinarie di necessita' e di urgenza che ne giustificano l'adozione, nonché dell'avvenuta deliberazione del Consiglio of Ministers.
2. The Government can not ' by decree-law:
a) to confer legislative powers under Article 76 of the Constitution;
b) provide for the matters specified in Article 72, paragraph four, of Constitution;
... omission ... "
So the government can not enact by-laws which concern the matters referred to in Article 72 fourth paragraph of the Constitution. We see that the fourth paragraph of Article 72: "The normal procedure of direct examination and approval by the House is always followed for bills on constitutional and electoral and those enabling legislation, the ratification of international treaties of approval of budgets and accounts .
The conjunction of this rule is clear: the government can not issue decrees on electoral law. So the decree issued March 5, 2010 is unlawful. And in fact, my first concern is why the President signed it? Then I read the statement from the Prime Minister and I understood. It reads "reiterated and emphasized the need to ensure the full exercise of the rights to vote and stand for the Council concurred with the need to ensure the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof social cohesion, the assumption of an orderly conduct of elections. To this end, therefore, the decree-law sets out certain criteria for interpretation of rules on compliance with deadlines for submission of lists of signatures and authentication of appeals against decisions of the Central Region. . It 'clear that the government knows that the rules meet the deadlines for submission of lists, authentication of signatures etc. election materials and materials are then removed from his legislative power, and then said "that some criteria for interpretation." It is a rule of interpretation. Under the rules of interpretation are used to explain a rule on the meaning of which turns a fierce dispute hermeneutics to the sound of judgments that contradict other judgments, and representatives of the doctrine that face each other in quarrels to the death. This rule, therefore, must be very clear in its wording.
In this case, however, we are talking of a rule that says that the sheets which contained the signatures must be filed within a certain time to the electoral office of a certain date. I explained what is there to understand? You tell me when ever in the history of the Republic has sparked a debate about the meaning of this rule that makes it essential to use a rule of interpretation? And in fact the reality is that the rule was clear and the Government has not amended and interpreted to the point that what was previously not possible, or participation in the electoral race by Formigoni and Polverini, today it is quite possible despite the opinion expressed by the Court of Appeals that, having applied the rule as drafted earlier than Decree-law, had rejected the memories submitted by the lack of candidates.
The rules only apply to us. For the powerful are all adjustable and makes up with the strength and boldness. We do not complain if this attitude of the policy is poured into our lives, is absorbed from the very young, is dominant in our society. Try to think what would have happened if he had filed a civil list in late lists or signatures. Nothing. Simply would have been rightly prevented from participating. Democracy is in compliance with the rules and everyone must be a democratic state governed by law. If this mechanism fails, then everything is fair game at all levels and company incorporates this instant message with all that implies.
And instead has happened again. I wonder how many more will have to endure harassment before realizing that these things in a democratic state can not be tolerated? How many abuses, many acts of bullying, how much bullying we still have to swallow? And the organs of security, as the President of the Republic, how can they let this happen?
I leave you with one last quick thought. I have a real feeling that the current leaders of political parties who oppose this government, Berlusconi, Berlusconi, everyone should reflect on their failure and resign immediately. It is possible that there is this happening and a responsibility can not be sought nell'inettitudine fearful of those who should fight these phenomena. Think about it. At least think about it.
Marco Guercio. Lawyer.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

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INFORMADARTE is pleased to invite
Sunday, March 7, 2010
ALLE ORE 11.00

cap 00187 ROMA

della guida per bambini
la prima edizione della collana
"I Luoghi dell'arte, percorsi didattici per i più piccoli"


tel / fax 0669941045, email:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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Frate Francesco 1927

Establishments for Brother Francis ...

The ICSA has its plant a few kilometers from Florence at the foot of the picturesque hills of Fiesole. The factory covers an area of \u200b\u200bapprox. 30,000, fully fenced.
The new studios covers the surface of more than sqm. 1800, the second Theatre, currently under construction, will cover 3,200 square meters. Four sets of motors furnished by more than 1,500 amperes of electricity, provided that this will soon be doubled soon become operational for another four power units which, like the first, the General Electricity Company of Milan is proceeding with the installation.
Over a hundred arc lamps and mercury, the most famous factories specialized U.S., Germany and France provide the ability to perform the most magnificent scenes in artificial light.
In a special room, not far from the projection room and editing room movies, work print shops and dry the development of films. A tailoring department shall exclusively used for making all the costumes of any era they are, as well as other local oversee the work of wrought iron, the manufacture of artistic furniture, decoration in plaster or stucco, and everything should be equally for the scenes.
even mention the machine shop, a sawmill, a flirtatious restaurant etc. etc.
In the remaining large parcels of land are the reconstruction of much of the old Assisi, among which, under the watchful and intelligent direction of Count Giulio Antamoro, are taking the action of the film which we give below a brief mention.

Turns ...

A day at the ICSA, while in the soundstage - the great drama that can worthily compete with the largest in Italy and abroad - including the reconstruction wise Brother Francis is made with love like no other. Here
Count Antamoro. Alto, ladies in the carriage and gesture, and a few short words, all taken by the charm that emanates from the work he produces huge. Here, at his side, Alfredo De Antoni, his faithful companion, her loyal support. And I laughed, I laughed a good, all masterpiece of light and Gengarelli, the unforgettable of photographic of Christus entrusted with the responsibility of all the virtuosity of this film for the most universal success.
'Turns. " The strictest discipline is one of the filmmakers. In the poor habit of the Poor Man of God, Alberto Pasquali, as they say, "right." In the face gaunt as macerated by an inner flame in her eyes soft and submissive, this actor is really the ideal interpreter of the difficult part of his charge. Worthy of the crown are the handsome Gascon and figure Joubé Romuald (Sassorosso) and the Cav. Alfredo Robert (Bernardone) and Princess Druzskoy (Madonna Pica).
We see the grace and smile at the spring with clear faces juvenile Romanella (of Clare Scifi) and Enna De Rasi (Agnes of Scifi): two girls now, for the first time, compete in cinematography.
"Gens nova ', in other words. And then
Ruggero Barni, Cav: Biondi, Gino Borsi, Ugo Manni, Umberto Salvini, and all full of desire: all aware of the responsibility that each of them above: all ready, always, in a discipline like.
Count Antamoro guides them, encourages them, encourages them: its high teaching art for all is a guarantee of success.
follow him faithfully, the top performers and the latest extras.
Then stroll through the streets of Assisi, built in here, in the circle of the boundary walls of this establishment that really honors us. The sun is
eddies of golden light squares; spark fountains, lies, with a voluptuous softness in the high battlements of the city walls to the sky that launched the work of many workers' arms. In every corner, every detail is the most fleeting impression of good taste, competence art scenic Otha. And with how much passion he speaks of this work, born in the silence of her hidden closet, now finally made with a grandeur that was miraculous.
How many people are here? Many
. It is, however, a silent work that the cinema has always been unknown. There
passes Donatella Gemma also new to the film. It gives life to the figure of Miriam, the courtesan that Francis will redeem us from sin: as Christ redeemed the Magdalene.
is the hour of his work and walked hurriedly to the theater.
'Turns. " Each painting is like a new building went stone that is born. Everyone, big and small, brings the work that is born of the most auspicious on their contribution, work, faith, discipline. Artisans without any fatigue and without sleep.
So the first evening shadows fall. The sun goes red velvet silhouette of everything. The last fire. And then a soft blue dissolves on the walls of the reconstructions, flood the alleys, envelops the large theater. But inside the theater
a fervent life goes on without interruption.
Maybe it will work until late at night.

titanic effort ... For the reconstructions

ICSA took about 500 workers and 20,000 cubic meters from timber, bricks etc. Have been used for a length of wire mesh that could cover a road of 2,500 km
The various materials are estimated at 150 trucks. 50 tools have worked for the furniture on stage, 25 artists for decoration stage, 80 workers for the construction of wrought iron, wood etc..
The ICSA has also used 60 tailors for making costumes and make-up has two divisions: one for artists and one for the masses. The town of Assisi rebuilt
covers an area of \u200b\u200b5000 square meters: three large squares and two long streets full of shops, workshops, warehouse etc..
The city walls are 30 meters long and reconstructions highest reach 35 meters.
7000 costumes were made, of which 1000 are fully equipped for the Crusaders.
The plant also has sufficient supplies 600 horses to harness.
The costumes were made in tailoring their designs on the prof. John Costantini, Institute of Fine Arts in Rome, member of the S. Luca. Joseph
League (Special Issue Franciscan, L'Eco del Cinema October 1926)

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Federconsumatori complaint violations by Enel Energia SpA for the mode of contract proposals made by the call center.

Article taken from "Il Nuovo Corriere di Lucca" on February 24, 2010

LUCCA - The Federconsumatori time addressing the issue of the free market in electricity tariffs that have recently caused problems for users. "The case concerns contracts concluded at a distance - according to a statement signed by Fabio Coppolella - and service of electricity supply to the free market. Users have been offered by the telephone charge of Enel Energia SpA (a company operating in the free market), to activate the offer referred to as "pure energy home." Clear, however - specifies the provincial president of Federconsumatori - that users, as they reportedly have not authorized the activation of the service, nor signed any contract with Enel Energia Spa In other cases, the same people exercised their right of withdrawal for distance contracts. Therefore, through our association - Coppolella continues - the complaint was brought to Enel Energia Spa, challenging the activation of the report and asking for the cancellation of invoices issued and subsequently return to the captive market or enhanced protection, through the reactivation relationship with Enel Spa Electric Service. "Coppolella quseto a point also explains what has been the response of Enel Energia Spa" accepting our requests for cancellation of the contract, in response to our complaints - reported that "after the liberalization of the electricity market, our company has specialized staff to disseminate information about the proposed trade deals in various municipalities around the country. We confirm, however, has taken action to put in place what is necessary to cancel the contract, to the user in question. " At this point the president of the consumer protection says that, "despite having received confirmation from Enel Energia Spa cancellation of contracts, we have the case also concerned the Authority for Electricity and Gas, as we felt that they were violet the rights of consumers, the ways in which the employees at the Call Center Enel Energia made a proposal under contract for the transition from captive to the free market. "" In the cases submitted to our association - continues Coppolella - users that have been addressed to the business proposal was not properly explained the difference between the contractual conditions and the regulatory environment for the captive market or enhanced protection and free energy market. Finally, we point out that the Authority itself per l'Energia Elettrica ed il Gas, con una nota del 15 febbraio scorso, indirizzata alla nostra associazione, in riferimento alla fattispecie in esame, ha comunicato che l'Autorità Antitrust, con due distinti provvedimenti, ha accertato le responsabilità di Enel Energia S.p.a. per pratiche commerciali scorrette nei confronti dei consumatori, con conseguente irrogazione delle sanzioni pecuniarie di 500 mila euro e di 50 mila euro a carico della stessa società".

Monday, March 1, 2010

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INJUSTICE ON THE JOB - The bill to the Senate that removes the jurisdiction of the courts in terms of work.

Injustice LABOUR
The Senate has approved the draft Law 1167-B. Once approved, having already passed the House, the design will become law once promulgated by the President of the Republic. It is the most shocking of all time in terms of reform of the Law Work. Worst of the Biagi reform, intervention in favor of the precariousness of the abolition of the escalator. The worst of all time. This Government has never made any secret of not tolerate the intrusion of the judiciary in its work and has always seen as a hindrance to his business judges. And this corporate mentality that has drawn the political trajectory since the beginning of the majority today reaches its climax with this aberrant and uncivil reform.
work without justice. What is it? The bill introduces a "possibility" which is for the parties to enter into individual contracts of employment an agreement "arbitration" under which, in the case of labor disputes, you can not apply to a judge for the resolution of the dispute but to an arbitration. E 'precluded, ie, the possibility of appeal to the Court for all workers who accept this clause. We know that even those few who realize the existence of this clause and, among these, those few who understand the significance, will be forced to accept it because the signature on that paper is equivalent to a salary and thus an income. So we're talking about a reform that will cover all of them being expected for the current contracts will give rise to a campaign to join the new model contract at all levels.
What are the repercussions on the already fragile system of our legal system is easy to understand employment law. What has always been the weakest part of the employment relationship and that the employee will be placed in a position to accept any harassment always simply because even though theoretically a remedy provided by law, the Civil Code, the Collective Labour Contract, this not be operated within the terms that we have known until now that is using a full-blown legal proceedings. To act must be applied to the arbitrators. Who are these arbitrators?
Paragraph 1 of art. 31 of the bill makes the attempt at conciliation at the local Labour no longer mandatory but optional. The second paragraph of Article 9. 31 of the reform (the text of the Senate) says "the parties may agree contractual arbitration clause in Article 808 of the Code of Civil Procedure that refer to how to proceed by arbitration under Articles 412 and 412-quater of the Code of Procedure civil, if only so provides interconfederal agreements or collective bargaining agreements concluded by the organizations of employers and workers comparatively representative at national level. The arbitration clause, on pain of nullity, must be certified in accordance with the provisions of Title VIII of Legislative Decree 10 September 2003, No 276, by the certification bodies di cui all’articolo 76 del medesimo decreto legislativo, e successive modificazioni. Le commissioni di certificazione accertano la effettiva volontà delle parti di devolvere ad arbitri le controversie che dovessero insorgere in relazione al rapporto di lavoro. In assenza dei predetti accordi interconfederali o contratti collettivi, trascorsi dodici mesi dalla data di entrata in vigore della presente legge, il Ministro del lavoro e delle politiche sociali definisce con proprio decreto, sentite le parti sociali, le modalità di attuazione e di piena operatività delle disposizioni di cui al presente comma.”. Quindi, come abbiamo detto, le parti contrattuali in teoria “possono” ma in pratica pattuiranno “sicuramente” le compomissorie clauses that will be valid only if it is provided (and will always be foreseen) by agreements or interconfederal Negotiable. The fees for certification, then, always make sure and still the parties' intention to donate the dispute to arbitration. And then the worker is no longer a judge to be approached, to which a court to decide his fate. His fate is in the hands of the arbitrators. But who the hell are these arbitrators? Soon we arrive. Here
paragraph of Article 10. 31 "The certification bodies referred to in Article 76 of Legislative Decree 10 September 2003, No 276, as amended, may establish clearing houses for the definition under Article 808-ter of the Code of Civil Procedure, disputes on matters referred to in Article 409 of the Code and Article 63, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 30 March 2001, No 165. The commission referred to in that Article 76 of Legislative Decree No 276 of 2003, as amended, may enter into agreements with the constitution which provide for arbitration chamber unit. Shall apply, mutatis mutandis, Article 412, third and fourth paragraphs of the Code of Civil Procedure.. "
So Let's see this art. 76 of the Biagi reform entitled "certification bodies"
"1. The bodies authorized to certify the employment contracts of the Boards of Certification established at:
a) bilateral bodies formed within the territorial reference to the level where the national certification committee is constituted under a bilateral organizations nationally;
b) the Provincial Directorates of Labour and the provinces , as determined by special decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy within sixty days from the entry into force of this decree;
c) the public and private universities, including university foundations, registered in the 'referred to in paragraph 2 exclusively in collaboration and consultation with teachers enabled the role of labor law under Article 66 Decree of the President July 11, 1980, No 382.
2. In order to qualify for certification under subsection 1, the universities are required to register with the appropriate register maintained by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy by special decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy in consultation with the Minister for Education of universities and research. To obtain registration, the universities are required to submit, at registration and every six months, studies and case law developed with indicators and criteria for qualification of labor contracts with respect to types of work specified by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy .
3. The committees established under the preceding paragraphs may enter into agreements with stipulating the establishment of a unified certification committee. "
Well, so we know who will end up in the clutches of the workers, who will ask" justice " disputes with employers. You, I imagine, at this point you're wondering: it fits the local Labour Office, the University is fine but what are the "BILATERAL BODIES? Presto said authorities are derived from a contract, as established and incorporated, by agreement between the social partners (trade unions of employers and trade unions of workers), in collective agreements Nazionali di Lavoro. Sono CGIL, CISL, UIL, CONFINDUSTRIA, CONFARTIGIANATO, etc. etc... Sono i sindacati dei lavoratori comparativamente più rappresentativi e le associazioni di categoria dei datori di lavoro. Ecco cosa sono. Ecco chi giudicherà. Ecco chi si sostituirà ai Giudici.
L'arbitrato funziona quasi come un giudizio vero e proprio perché dinanzi agli arbitri, che a differenza dei Giudici vanno pagati (e anche prima di iniziare l'arbitrato), si svolge l'istruttoria e, alla fine, i medesimi pronunciano una decisione che si chiama “lodo”. Il famoso “lodo arbitrale”.  Ma perché questa novità, perché questo incredibile cambiamento? E a chi giova? Chi ci guadagna and who loses?
I can begin to answer these challenging questions by saying that if the reform passes (and the fact that the trust will be given passes for sure) we can safely give up fight for rights because those rights no longer have the legs. Have you noticed that you are no longer established art. 18 of the Statute of workers, you are no longer intervene in the labor market with rules that favor further (even worse because of it ...) the flexibility and precariousness, not rights that are threatened with residues from the struggles of the years 60 and 70. No. He dug around until you conceive this evil reform, sly as silent. Yes is taken away from workers the right to act in the protection of those rights which is even worse. This certainly will weaken even more the bargaining power of workers by increasing pressure from employers who can squeeze even more provisions to the workforce without fear of consequences. Yes, because in that case the owner does not speak with an independent and impartial judge, but with a mixed union members and friends of associates of the category with which it has learned in recent years to deal with the language of modulation, harmonization, consultation and the results are perfectly familiar with the workers. Here's who benefits the reform: the bosses and the unions representing more they get what they wanted: the complete management of employees, from recruitment to dismissal. This means that more will sign agreements and contracts containing arbitration clauses downward and then assist them in litigation against employers and, finally, to judge together with the latter under the joint and concerted cerchiobottista discretion.
If not, and then I will have absolutely apologize to all, the problem does not arise simply because the most representative trade unions at national level are refusing to enter the arbitration clause in collective agreements to make it inoperative and void this reform. But if this does not happen I guess I'm right.
Not to mention, then, that assist them will not necessarily be a lawyer because it will be just a union to represent them in arbitration. Someone has raised the question whether this will be a further reduction of the guarantees of the worker? I think not.
Finally I want to emphasize, before making a brief reference to the other reforms contained in the DDL, it is wholly inconceivable that no one outrage at this tragic scenario, in which very few talk about it and that there is no mobilization in this regard. This also answers the question: who benefits?
We come, finally, art. 1167-B 34 of the bill to the Senate that, in paragraph 5 states "5. Nei casi di conversione del contratto a tempo determinato, il giudice condanna il datore di lavoro al risarcimento del lavoratore stabilendo un’indennità onnicomprensiva nella misura compresa tra un minimo di 2,5 ed un massimo di 12 mensilità dell’ultima retribuzione globale di fatto, avuto riguardo ai criteri indicati nell’articolo 8 della legge 15 luglio 1966, n. 604.”. In breve, significa che se il contratto a termine è nullo e cioè deve essere convertito in contratto a tempo indeterminato, il Giudice non potrà condannare il datore di lavoro ad un risarcimento superiore a 12 mensilità anche nel caso in cui, ad esempio, la causa finisca due anni dopo l'estinzione dichiarata conseguentemente inefficace del rapporti work. Needless to remind everyone that this as a noma, previously proposed, was declared unconstitutional and is now being re-inserted in a legislative text.
What is clear, and that DDL is full of references to such limitations, it is the intention of the Government to remove the judge any power in regard to staff management by companies and then subtract the right to justice work then, with the consent of the unions, simply disappears. There is no more. We return to fascism with the rooms of the corporations that decide on workers. At least completed the work and introducing the rest of Saturday fascist, at least, workers would gain something.
What is most worrying is the director of this line policy: everything which hinders the increase of profits must be eliminated. In this case, the justice with its ruling in favor of employees makes us lose time and money.
Let me just have one question for now and then I end up here, but if this reform does not take to the streets terrifying everyone, workers, students, pensioners, how absurd we are finding the country to live? I, frankly, a country so incredibly unfair and yet so absurdly quiet start to not take it anymore.
Marco Guercio (ex, it seems) labor lawyers.

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"To Serve and Protect" .. so to speak

Sometimes I perform in the profession I was able to assist customers, as formal suspects and / or prosecuted for acts committed in detriment of members of the police, were later acquitted following a finding of arbitrary its pipelines suffered by those "servants of the state" that initially hold the position of the alleged victim. To be fair
circumstances such as those I mentioned above are certainly far fewer than those in which I have found the allegations leveled at my representatives, but because I believe that the esteem and the respect due to members of the Forces' Order directly proportional to their spirit of devotion and respect that they show themselves to the citizens, I am convinced that every single case of abuse must be reported and stigmatized for two reasons: first, to demonstrate beyond doubt that certain episodes unfortunately occur and, secondly, to ensure that, once disclosed certain facts, no one can reiterate them feel above the law.
In this regard, since I have been able to examine a ruling by the Supreme Court that she was involved in an episode of real perpretato abuse by a police sergeant, I want to share the principles espoused by the Supreme Court and institutions Legal related also because, since it was a search of premises completely illegitimate, may be useful for understanding how, when and why the Police can enter homes without there being behind a judge's ruling.
Here, then, carry the sentence handed down by No. 48552 Sec. Sixth Court of Cassation of 18 December 2009, Articles 13 and 14 of the Constitution and art.
41 of Royal Decree No 6 May 1940 635 (cd Consolidated Laws of Public Safety)

Supreme Court Sec. Sixth - Sent. of 18.12.2009, No 48552

Conduct of case 1. The Court of Appeal of Milan upheld the sentence, 18.10.2005, by which the Court had sentenced the Como P. the sentence of eight months imprisonment for the crime of resisting a public officer and for the (aggravated art. cp 61, n. 2, and, therefore, brought ex officio) for personal injury against a police sergeant and of two DC police Station. Pognana Lario.

2. It is clear from the contested decision that the bailiff SA, who went to the address of PG to notify a citation for validation of eviction, had, via intercom, press the aim of the visit and received a refusal to open the front door el ' invitation to go away, even with vulgar expressions.

which followed the call of the Holy, the marshal of the CC. GGB (in civilian clothes, accompanied by two other policemen in uniform) went up to the house of the plan P., knocking, qualify and invited to open the door, getting the people who were in the house rejection and a statement that the door would be was opened up to the order of a magistrate.

"In the end, G. Marshal, who had meanwhile asked for reinforcements, had given notice in accordance with RD June 18, 1931, No 773, art. 41 (TULPS), opening the door within a certain time, otherwise he would have smashed the search for weapons. The door had remained closed, but after a few shoulder, and had given the Police had found front of a man with his arms up, shouting like a madman: Go away, you can do this, who are you, how dare you access to my apartment, she does not know who I am, I can transfer, the I Lieutenancy of losing control, "or something, then close to another policeman, who was in uniform, she starts at attention, I sincerely, for I am his superior."

hearing to seek payment pursuant to Art. 210 cpp (there is some criminal action on the complaint given by Fr), Marshall G. - Write as appellate judges - had indicated that he had "alleged the commission of a crime and had assumed responsibility to see that there was in the house, even breaking through the front door, had announced that they intend to search for weapons research and had alerted the P. the option to be assisted by someone you trust, but he was pressed between us and the rest of the apartment and as soon as someone had tried to get in touch with him, he began to launch elbows and even kicked on us. "

The witness added that "the confusion was such that a hard man was handcuffed."

3. Recourse against the ruling counsel for the defendant, claiming, art. Cpp 606, paragraph 1, lett. b), c) and e), lack of reasoning and non-compliance or incorrect enforcement of criminal law in relation to D.Lgs.Lgt. No 288, 1944, Art. 4, the lower courts have ruled out the existence of the cause of non-punishment of the reaction of the public official to act arbitrarily. Reasons for Decision

4. The appeal is based and be accepted.

5. The Royal Decree 773 of 1931, Art. 41, mentioned by art. 225 of the coordination rules cpp, attaches to the officers and agents of the police power to search "any building or any public or private housing" only when "they report, although evidence for the existence of weapons, ammunition or explosive materials, not reported o non consegnate o comunque abusivamente detenute”.

Osserva il Collegio che tale norma, al di là delle intenzioni del legislatore che l’introdusse nell’ordinamento giuridico, non ha mai conferito alla polizia giudiziaria un potere senza limiti e, tanto meno, un potere ad libitum dell’agente che procede, bensì il dovere di immediata attivazione in presenza di un determinato presupposto: la notizia, anche se per indizio, dell’esistenza di armi.

Tale avvertenza va sottolineata, a maggior ragione nello Stato costituzionale di diritto, introdotto dalla Costituzione repubblicana, in cui l’inviolabilità del domicilio privato è presidiata da garanzia costituzionale come diritto individual's basic, is expressly forbidden to perform searches of premises "except in the cases and manner prescribed by law in accordance with the guarantees prescribed for safeguarding personal liberty" (Article 14 of the Constitution, Section 2).

Even considering that the protection afforded to freedom of residence is not absolute, but finds the limits established by law for the protection of constitutionally protected paramount interest, as shown by the actual provisions of Article. 14 of the Constitution, and taking into account the undeniable need to put the judicial police are able to provide promptly and effectively in order to situations (such as abusive or otherwise illegal detention of weapons, ammunition or materials explosive) appropriate, by their very nature, expose to danger the social safety and order, it should be noted that the constitutional provision, in introducing the subject of law depart from the rule of inviolability of the home, in close liaison with the personal freedom, imposes a strict interpretation of Article interpreter. 41 RD cit., Which is devoid of all initiative and discretion of the judicial police and denied the possibility that the search can be made on the basis of mere suspicion (which may also have originated from a simple personal belief), being always required the existence of a given objects that make up "news, even to hint," which, by its nature must be based on a certain objective facts or made more certain and consistent with each other (see Constitutional Court, in particular the judgments nos. 173/1974 and 261/83 ordinance No 332/2001).

Outside of that condition, the search of premises is not only illegitimate, but also an arbitrary encroaching nell'indebita engraving of freedom at home, protected by the Constitution against any party, also appears to be against the public authority.

6. In this case, not only lacked any objective evidence of news that, in the house of the Father, there were improper weapons, as clearly emerges from the narrative of the story contained in the contested decision, which reports on "suspicious" of the public official, but the invocation of Article. 41, is quoted TULPS appalesa, the evidence, as a mere pretext used by Marshal G., to break the door without that there were grounds of law to exercise, to more violent ways, the power to search, given by 'order to protect public safety, and certainly not in order to reassert the primacy of power in the face of legitimate, as obstinate and stubborn refusal by P. not only to the bailiff, but also to the marshal of the Carabinieri.

It is worth also be pointed out that even before the overshooting of the goal the action of the bailiff and police intervened in its use was excessive and disproportionate to the conduct of the P.

The repeated insistence of the bailiff in requiring physical delivery of the summons for validation of their eviction in the hands of the recipient, despite the refusal by his opposite, has no legal basis (and not in any way justified the police action court), it is expressly provided, in terms of service of documents, that "if the recipient refuses to accept the copy, I note from the bailiff in the report, and shall be deemed made in person "(Article 138 CPC, Section 2).

7. Therefore considers that the conduct of the College P., challenged as resisting a public official (art. 337 cp), was caused by the arbitrary conduct of the officer taking police, exceeding the limits of institutional powers, because it is characterized by a gross misuse of public interest in relation to the purpose for which and the ordinance provides for the exercise of authoritative powers, so that should not be applied because of the punishment provided by Law June 15, 2009, No 94, Art. 1, paragraph 9, which ha reintrodotto, sotto l’art. 393 bis c.p., la causa di non punibilità già prevista dal D.Lgs.Lgt. 14 settembre 1944, n. 288, art. 4.

In linea con quanto questa Corte ha avuto modo di affermare, infatti, una perquisizione, che incide sull’inviolabilità del domicilio, presidiata da garanzia costituzionale, ove sia eseguita pretestuosamente, e quindi consapevolmente, effettuata ai sensi dell’art. 41 T.U.L.P.S., in mancanza di oggettivo indizio di esistenza di armi, costituisce, oggettivamente per offensività e soggettivamente per vessatorietà, atto arbitrario del pubblico ufficiale (v. Cass. n. 5564/1996, Perrone).

8. Per il delitto di lesioni personali le parti offese non have submitted a complaint office and proceeded under the provisions of art. Cpp 582, paragraph 2, Art. Cpp 585, paragraph 1, and Art, 576 Code of Criminal Procedure, paragraph 1, no 1, having been challenged aggravated teleological connection (art. 61 cp, 2). This is aggravating

subjective in nature, which is based on the most dangerous of those who, despite his criminal intent to implement, does not hesitate to commit a crime means to execute another. That fact should be known by the agent and must fall in the representation of the event. For its existence is necessary proof that the will of the agent at the time of the offense-half (in this case injury) was finally directed to commit the crime-end (resisting the police), an objective which must already exist in the mind of the agent to allow a clear identification of its legal aspect (see Cass. No 4751 / 1989, Costa).

detect the Board that in case such evidence is completely lacking, instead of appearing in P. lacked both the will and the representation dell'aggravante, aiming his intent and conduct only react to what, subjectively, he considered an intolerable abuse of power and, objectively, was an arbitrary act.

excluded, because the challenged aggravating circumstance, it found the admissibility action for lack of prosecution.


The Court sets aside the sentence without referring contested, with reference to the crime of resisting a public officer, since the person is not punishable under Article. 393 bis, and, with regard to the crime of bodily injury, excluding the disputed aggravating for lack of prosecution.
deposited at the Registry December 18, 2009

Constitution Article 13 Personal freedom is inviolable.
is not allowed any form of detention, inspection or personal search or any other restriction of personal liberty, except by a warrant from the court [cf. art. 111 c. 1, 2] and only in cases and manner provided by law [cf. art. 25 c. 3].
In exceptional cases of necessity and urgency, strictly defined by law the police authorities may take provisional measures, which must be reported within forty-eight hours to the court and, if it does not convalid.a in the next forty-eight hours, are revoked and become null and void. It is punished
any physical violence or moral persons, however, subject to restrictions of freedom [cf. art. C. 27 3].
The law establishes the maximum period of preventive detention.

Constitution Article 14 The domicile is inviolable. There can be
perform inspections, searches or seizures, except in the cases and manner prescribed by law in accordance with the guarantees prescribed for safeguarding personal freedom.
Verifications and inspections for reasons of health and safety or for economic and taxation are governed by special laws.

Royal Decree of 6 May 1940 No 635

Article 41: Officers and employees of the judicial police, who have news, although evidence of the existence, at any private or public place or in any house, arms, ammunition or explosive materials, or not reported not delivered or otherwise illegally detained, shall immediately search and seizure.