Here is the note that all expected and we all expected. The President of the Republic has exercised a power that gives the Constitution (as long as there is) asking the Chamber, in accordance with art. 74, submit a new resolution in order to read: "Powers to the Government on the strenuous work, reorganization of entities, leave, expectations and permits, social security measures, the employment services, job incentives an apprenticeship, women's employment nonché misure contro il lavoro sommerso e disposizioni in tema di lavoro pubblico e di controversie di lavoro". Nella nota diffusa dal Quirinale si legge “Il Capo dello Stato è stato indotto a tale decisione dalla estrema eterogeneità della legge e, in particolare, dalla complessità e problematicità di alcune disposizioni - con specifico riguardo agli articoli 31 e 20 - che disciplinano temi, attinenti alla tutela del lavoro, di indubbia delicatezza sul piano sociale. Ha perciò ritenuto opportuno un ulteriore approfondimento da parte delle Camere, affinché gli apprezzabili intenti riformatori che traspaiono dal provvedimento possano realizzarsi nel quadro di precise garanzie e di un più chiaro e definito equilibrio tra legislazione, collective bargaining and individual contracts. ". 1167b The bill approved by the Senate March 3 3010 government initiative and, more specifically, the Minister Tremonti, has arrived as steps on the desk of the President for signature and subsequent promulgation. In this phase, the head of state has the right to request an additional vote to both Houses, giving, giving reasons, what themes are incompatible with the Constitution.
articles under review, therefore, are on 31 and 20, we see what to expect.
Article. 20 played in an "authentic" the first two articles of Law No 51/1955 excluded from the delegation to the executive
to lay down general rules and special rules for Injury Prevention and
hygienic measures, as well as aircraft, ships also state
specifying the scope and effects of regulatory intervention.
This rule of interpretation have also had a harmful effect of blocking the investigation of the prosecutors in Turin on 142 Navy men killed by exposure to asbestos and a lawsuit pending in the Court of Padua for the deaths of two other soldiers.
Article. 31 contains the arbitration provision that introduces the so-called "mandatory" for removing labor disputes to the Court jurisdiction in that matter. We tried
questi giorni di dimostrare come in realtà la norma in questione non introduca una possibilità ma, in considerazione della evidente sproporzione tra le diverse forze contrattuali, un diktat per il lavoratore che si troverebbe di fronte ad una scelta obbligata: sottoscrivere il contratto individuale che contiene la clausola che impone il ricordo ad arbitri e, conseguentemente, vieta il ricorso al tribunale in caso di controversia e quindi accedere al mondo del lavoro oppure non firmare e rimanere senza lavoro e senza retribuzione.
Al contempo si rende per la prima volta oneroso l'accesso alla tutela dei diritti dei lavoratori essendo previsto, logicamente, un compenso per i componenti del collegio di conciliazione.
Insomma, una norma "Disaster" that did not need a new reading or a new examination, but it needs to be forgotten and never repeated.
Beyond 'considerations of merit that everyone these days have been able to read and discuss, should be highlighted the scope of the rule by reference to the tumultuous events of the same, as proposed, would have resulted in our system. The mediation attempt, which was previously required, it would become optional, and in that case, the same could be transformed into the pipeline and in arbitration. The Labour Court would be obliged to make, as well as its conciliation, compromise, and a proposal before the unjustified refusal thereof by, for example, the worker would have had to take account of the purposes of the proceedings. The individual contracts would be renewed with all of the anticipation of the arbitration clause under which any disputes that might arise between employer and employee would have been entrusted to private arbitrators rather than judges. The arbitrators then would have to decide according to equity and not in full and strict compliance with the rule so as it is obliged to make the judge and that further litigation would open a second order on the appeal of the transactions set forth by the various awards.
short, total chaos.
But a cause more than a doubt not only are these two articles. The focus, in fact, should be also placed on Article. 32 of the bill under consideration because, in addition, Article. 31 would have been declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court almost surely.
Article. 32, however, introduces new provisions relating to the arrangements and time limits for appeals of
individual dismissals and the criteria for determining the size of
damages in cases where you plan to convert the employment contract
fixed-term contract for an indefinite period.
This rule, in practice, changes the art. 6 first and second paragraphs of L. 604/1966 establishing that the dismissal should be appealed, subject to revocation by the
within 60 days of notification or communication from the
reasons for it, whichever is later. So far so good. The same rule goes on to provide that to appeals court must follow
, on pain of invalidity thereof, within the period of 180 days, the
application was lodged at the Registry of the labor courts, as well as providing the other party's request
conciliation or arbitration.
If agreement is not reached during conciliation must be made to the filing of the appeal within 60 days
refusal or failure to agree.
Il comma 3 estende poi l'applicabilità questa norma anche “ai
licenziamenti che presuppongono la risoluzione di questioni relative alla
qualificazione del rapporto di lavoro ovvero alla legittimità del termine
apposto al contratto”. Non solo. E' previsto che questi termini di decadenza (60 stragiudiziale e 180 giudiziale) si applichino altresì: al recesso del committente nei rapporti di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa e nei contratti a progetto; all’azione di nullità del termine apposto al contratto a tempo determinato, con termine che decorre dalla scadenza del medesimo; al trasferimento ai sensi dell’articolo 2103 del Civil Code and in this case, the period from the date of receipt of notice of transfer, in cases of transfer or lease of company or business unit referred to in Article 2112 of the Civil Code
ending after the date of transfer ;
in any other case where you ask the establishment of an employment relationship ol'accertamento
against a person other than the holder of the contract (irregular administration of labor contracts, secondment).
Paragraph 5, then, provides for the sanction to
court declaration of conversion to a fixed term contract in a contract
identifying it in an indefinite amount of compensation in the extent
from 2.5 to 12 months. This rule, however, seems to add to compensation as specified above, the remuneration accrued by the worker having offered
its performance for the period from the formal notice at the time
of the award.
But the most egregious apparent is contained in paragraph 2 of art. 32 literally reads: "The provisions of Article 6 of Law
July 15, 1966, No 604, as amended by paragraph 1 of this Article,
also apply to all cases of invalidità e di inefficacia del licenziamento.”. Da un lato, quindi, il comma secondo rende del tutto pleonastico il comma terzo che prevede specificamente a quali altri casi di invalidità si applica “inoltre” il comma 1 che modifica l’articolo 6
della legge 15 luglio 1966, n. 604, dall'altro nasconde uno sconvolgente paradosso. Tra le causa di inefficacia e invalidità del licenziamento può rientrare anche il licenziamento in forma orale. In quel caso il lavoratore dovrebbe provare, e potrebbe essere impossibile, che il recesso illegittimo si è verificato nei sessanta giorni precedenti la data di ricezione dell'impugnazione da parte del datore di lavoro. Non solo. Quest'ultimo sarebbe senz'altro agevolato in providing evidence to the contrary by other workers, so to speak "spontaneously collaborative."
not only Articles 20 and 31, which also are ill-designed and so incomprehensible that they can lead to devastating consequences for our system, but also art. 32, Mr President, I would draw your attention in several respects.
That said, Sacconi has already anticipated that some adjustments will be made and that there will be a new vote. It seems to me obvious that the adjustments are insufficient and this time, unlike before, it would be appropriate CGIL, which already has fought against this law-PD, IDV, and all those who care system giuridico coerente e armonico, cominciassero da subito a individuare soluzioni alternative a quelle proposte da Tremonti, facendo capire in tutti i modi che questa legge non deve passare, pena la perdita definitiva dei diritti dei lavoratori così come li abbiamo conosciuti sino ad ora.
Da parte nostra continueremo a dar battaglia con questo tipo di informazione, con convegni, conferenze, dibattiti, incontri e non ci stancheremo di tentare di coinvolgere tutta la società civile in questa vicenda così enorme e così poco conosciuta. La complessità della materia non deve essere una giustificazione: in gioco c'è il futuro di tutti e, quindi, è assolutamente fondamentale attrezzarsi per combattere queste istanze controriformiste at each location.
Attorney Mark Guercio - National Coordinator of