Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blueprint For Boat Hull

stay aR

L’Associazione di Promozione Sociale Fusolab, il Laboratorio socio culturale Tana liberi tutti e l’Aiasp- Casa dei diritti dei popoli organizzano, dal 16 al 19 luglio, presso il Parco Pasolini di Viale Venezia Giulia, una festa popolare per tutti!

Quattro giorni di iniziative rivolte a giovani, anziani, bambini e adulti con una programmazione che offrirà concerti, spettacoli teatrali e di danza, animazione per i bimbi, tornei, mercatini artigianali, aperitivi musicali, balera, spazio free Internet, area produzioni artistiche indipendenti, cineforum.

Giovedì 16 luglio
18.00 Tornei Briscola & Tresette, Scacchi, Calcioparco, Biliardino, Play Station Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
19.00 Aperitivo musicale a cura di Fusoradio
20.30 Cena sociale-bio 21:30
Projection film "Persepolis"
22:45 Performance sound art curated by Lino Strangis
23:00 Projection film "Trastevere"

17:00 Friday, July 17th Entertainment for children and picnic at the park by the Association ISLANGBATA
17:30 Teatro children in care Delirium Factory
17:30 Briscola & Tresette Tournaments, Chess, Calcioparco, Foosball, Play Station Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 18:00
workshop for children in care Informadarte 19:00
Bars and dance hall music
19:30 Auction of bicycles by Ciclofficina Don Quixote
20.30 Dinner bio-social
21:00 Belly Dance of the Witches heretical
21:30 Concert: Bus stop 93 Yugo in incognito, IDP
00:30 Projection independent short films

Saturday, July 18 17:00
Entertainment for children and picnic at the park by 17:30 Fusolab
Tournaments & Briscola Tresette, Chess, Calcioparco, Foosball, Play Station Pro Evolution Soccer Bars
2009 19:00 Music and dance hall
20:30 Social dinner-bio
21:30 Concert: Evi Evan + Opa Opa (with the collaboration of Mandile), except the dog, Red Sound, Projection Witnesses

independent short films Sunday, July 19
13:00 Fraschetta social eat together at the park 15:00
Stornelli outdoor
16:30 Children's theater "One hand jack" with Joan Berardinelli and Andrea Bilotti
17:00 19:00 Finals tournaments and prizes
Bars and dance hall music
20.30 Dinner Theatre 21:30
bio-social "get away with denying the evidence" and starring Daniel Fabbri
22:30 Screening documentary "Aldo Tozzetti and struggles for home of Simon and Roberto Bucci Pietrucci
23:30 Screening documentary about dead white

Every day, from 19 to 2:
market vintage and craftsmanship,
free internet, web radio
booth with live broadcasts,
stand Ciclofficina,
volley ball available, Artists Self-Governing
Gathering area, food stands

The party sarà l’occasione per far vivere un quartiere troppo poco considerato dalle politiche culturali istituzionali, un quartiere periferico in cui gli spazi sociali e i luoghi di cultura scarseggiano e in cui difficilmente si hanno occasioni per creare momenti di socialità e di incontro tra persone di età e culture diverse.
rEstate aR PARCO si propone di far uscire i cittadini dalle proprie case, scendere in strada per trovarsi, conoscersi, divertirsi insieme.

Dal 16 al 19 luglio l’area verde del Parco Pasolini sarà allestita con un palco per gli spettacoli, un palco dedicato alla balera, uno spazio cineforum, tavoli per i tornei di scacchi e carte, campo per i tornei di calcioparco, campo di pallavolo, una zona “bimbi”, one for the playstation and football tournaments, the stands of vintage flea market and craft and a recreational space for young artists from all arts.
For all four days in the park you can surf the Internet free of charge and will be active in an area with bar, kitchen bio, Scratchy, watermelon.

All initiatives will be free admission.
The festival is made possible thanks to the free participation of all the artists and the support of CSOA Spartacus, AAA AdunanzAutogestitArtisti, Informadarte, The Sottosuono Centre, Godzilla aggregation, Intersos, Asst Zavala, Senior Citizens Center Gordiani Villa, Villa Gordiani CDQ, Taxidrivers, MeedleTv

Friday, July 3, 2009

Va Funding Fee Chart 2009


SerpeInSeno is essentially an urban area not susceptible to gusts of balsa but secreting essenzis bifidus and alcohol in the proportion of seven to one. Does not stain, odor, and carefully bagged skeptical in its essential features. Handle with caution.
[bio for Crack! Comics disruptive 2005, the cartoon shows Prenestino Forte, Rome]

Three young girls 30's (Sagittarius, Leo, Sagittarius), good looking, educated and healthy, looking for dating with wealthy entrepreneurs and / or professionals working in the field of bathing and the like, in principle, if only for exchange of ideas, possible marriage. Also willing to relocate to the north.
[bio for Ladies Party 2005, Metaverse, Rome]

Does Rachael Ray Have Copyright For Evoo

PARK PROGRAM WORKSHOPS FROM 6 to 10 July 2009 hours from 11 to 12.30 for children ages 4 to 10 years

Library for children
the BrucaLibro
Nemorense Street, 39 / B - Rome
Tel 068543931 e-mail info @

Reservations required

11 to 12.30 hours for children aged 4 to 10 years

by Association Informadarte

The program includes a series of workshops on artistic experience that will play-as starting point for imagination and creativity of children, interspersed with readings of books and works of art relevant to the topics chosen.

of payment (if booked):
- for each individual laboratory
€ 10 - € 34 for 4 meetings
- € 60 for 8 meetings

Monday, July 6 MUSIC ARTIST
What can I do with an empty jar of yogurt? And with a roll of Scotch tape used to throw or old keys? You can build a series of small musical instruments with recycled materials, make them play together, thanks to them and learn what are the four families of instruments! The workshop aims to introduce children to the themes of recycling education materials and creativity, making rejection of a work of musical art.

Starting from reading the book thread and Fabio De Poli Andrea Rauch, developed a workshop on creating an unreadable book, made with scraps of cardboard, wire, and pieces of cloth, from a variety of shapes and sizes from which to derive a new story to tell. You can play it on two levels: from abstraction forms to create a story made sense, starting from the suggestion that they raise the child.
all become writers, because a story can Starting from just a picture ...

Wednesday, July 8 track 2
time leaves its trace left on the ground, on trees and plants. Think of concentric circles in the trunks of trees that are proof of their age, or a drop of water or a stone thrown into the sea, as it sinks, leaving traces of himself in a series of concentric circles. In nature, therefore, many tracks are in the shape of the circle, and this form is becoming an important form for us. So we started to play it in many things, but not all. You about some of the magic circle, and its perfection, thanks to the works of Land Art.

Si costruirà con i bambini un’opera che contenga alcune tematiche della Pop Art e precisamente l’utilizzazione nell’arte contemporanea di oggetti della vita reale: assemblando un personaggio bidimensionale “costruito” con materiali quali stoffe, moquette ecc. secondo l’esempio dell’artista Enrico Baj. Attraverso l’utilizzo di materiali messi a disposizione e precedentemente osservati insieme, quali stoffe, moquette, tappi di sughero, ecc., si identifica il personaggio da rappresentare.

venerdì 10 luglio LA COLLOGRAFIA
Avete mai usato la tecnica della stampa? Con questo laboratorio si stamperà in un modo molto particolare working on a strange image reproduction technique, to refine the manual skills of children and develop their creativity. Before you create a composition of different materials: fabric, foil, sandpaper, etc.., Cut and pasted on a cardboard wrapping, then go to print a sheet, from this to that of a small book, the step is easy !